Top 1200 Nuclear Power Quotes & Sayings - Page 18

Explore popular Nuclear Power quotes.
Last updated on December 18, 2024.
If the Iranians were to have a nuclear weapon they could proliferate.
I say that the power of vision extends through the visual rays to the surface of non-transparent bodies, while the power possessed by these bodies extends to the power of vision.
Most power is power to coerce somebody. We don't have the power to coerce anybody. — © Charles Koch
Most power is power to coerce somebody. We don't have the power to coerce anybody.
Nobody wants any country to have nuclear weapons.
I judge property myself by its net earning power; that is the only rule I have been able to get.... This whole island [Manhattan] was once bought for a few strings of beads. But now you will find this property valued by its earning power, by its rent power, and that is the way to value a railroad or telegraph.
Politicians - power itself - are abject because they merely embody the profound contempt people have for their own lives. One should be grateful to the politicians for accepting the abstractness of power, and ridding others of its burden. This inevitably kills them but they get their revenge by passing onto others the corpse of power.
The truth is, as long as nuclear weapons exist, we are not safe.
All devices should just sip power and be charged like a calculator is, with a small solar cell. No power adaptors. It's easy to put a solar cell into a device, but it's not powerful enough to drive today's cell phones or laptops. They need too much power to run.
Nuclear terrorism is possible - it may be probable - but is survivable.
No Israeli leader will accept a nuclear Iran.
Human race cannot coexist with nuclear weapons
An adolescent does not rebel against her parents. She rebels against their power. If parents would rely less on power and more on nonpower methods to influence their children from infancy on, there would be little for children to rebel against when they become adolescents. The use of power to change the behavior of children, then, has this severe limitation: parents inevitably run out of power, and sooner than they think.
Goodness, I know nothing about nuclear energy. — © James Dyson
Goodness, I know nothing about nuclear energy.
The greatest threat that the world faces is a nuclear Iran...
Humans are made from nuclear ash of dead stars
A social group can, indeed must, already exercise 'leadership' before winning governmental power (this is indeed one of the principal conditions for the winning of such power); it subsequently becomes dominant when it exercises power, but even if it holds it firmly in its grasp, it must continue to 'lead' as well.
I was supposed to go into nuclear medicine and become a doctor.
The survivors (of a nuclear war) would envy the dead.
The nuclear bomb took all the fun out of war.
Not the power to conquer others but the power to become one with others is the ultimate power.
Nuclear missiles don't discriminate on party lines when they land.
What are the relationships between power and knowledge? There are two bad, short answers: 1. Knowledge provides an instrument that those in power can wield for their own ends. 2. A new body of knowledge brings into being a new class of people or institutions that can exercise a new kind of power.
I looked at my right hand, the hand with which I painted. There was power in that hand. Power to create and destroy. Power to bring pleasure and pain. Power to amuse and horrify. There was in that hand the demonic and the divine at one and the same time. The demonic and the divine were two aspects of the same force. Creation was demonic and divine. Creativity was demonic and divine. I was demonic and divine.
Economic progress means the discovery and application of better ways of doing things to satisfy our wants. The piping of water to a household that previously dragged it from a well, the growing of two blades of grass where one grew before, the development of a power loom that enables one man to weave ten times as much as he could before, the use of steam power and electric power instead of horse or human power - all these things clearly represent economic progress.
I can't quite say that I was raised Muslim, but I remember up until 5 or so I would pray, you know, with my dad. And it's actually a beautiful practice. It's giving of yourself to a higher power - no matter what you call that higher power. Living your life as close to what you think that higher power wants you to be is a really powerful thing.
I've been saying for the last nine years, our power comes as much from - our respect in the world comes as much from the exercise of our power as it does from the power of our principles.
Iran has every intention to build a nuclear weapon.
My personal philosophy is, talk about whatever you want on a show, but it better be good. And especially if it's something that challenges folks. You don't want to be on the side of power to demean a group that is at risk. Because that's propaganda. Whenever you're on the side of power, you're not making art. Art upends power.
Do not call for black power or green power. Call for brain power.
Nuclear accidents anywhere can affect people everywhere.
Capitalism is not about free competitive choices among people who are reasonably equal in their buying and selling of economic power, it is about concentrating capital, concentrating economic power in very few hands using that power to trash everyone who gets in their way.
Strawweight, they have one power. In flyweight, they have totally different power. You can be the best one in the strawweight, but here, it's a totally different field. This is not someone who has less power than you. This is someone who has more power than you. This is where I feel this is my field; this is my territory.
Nuclear energy is the scientific achievement of the Iranian nation.
Nuclear physics is interesting but it is unlikely to help society.
As I have often written, power is the fundamental ingredient of the human experience. Every action in life, every thought, every choice we make-even down to what we wear and whether we are seating in first class or coach-represents a negotiation of power somewhere on the scale of power that constitutes life.
Nuclear Weapons merit unequivocal and unhesitating condemnation
Iran is isolated on its nuclear program and support for terrorism.
Your easel is the nuclear sun of an uncommon universe. — © Robert Genn
Your easel is the nuclear sun of an uncommon universe.
Countries are making nuclear weapons like there is no tomorrow.
A musical blast! Fun for the whole nuclear family!
It's like going into a nuclear war with bows and arrows.
The corporate woman has been defined as the 'liberated woman' and I see that as the exact opposite. I think she now is more enslaved, maybe even more than the housewife was; because she's so out of her power, and imitating male power is not female power.
I`m determined that Iran will not get a nuclear weapon.
A certain type of person strives to become a master over all, and to extend his force, his will to power, and to subdue all that resists it. But he encounters the power of others, and comes to an arrangement, a union, with those that are like him: thus they work together to serve the will to power. And the process goes on.
Ethics and power are separate. Ethics and morality. I think life would be miserable if there weren't some kind of code that people operated by, but history is full of many, many people who have gotten power by very unethical means, and people who were very ethical, who get no power, people who have the most brilliant, lovely, wonderful, nice intentions and bring about horrible things in the world because they don't know how to play the power game.
A constitution is not the act of a government, but of a people constituting a government; and government without a constitution is power without a right. All power exercised over a nation, must have some beginning. It must be either delegated, or assumed. There are not other sources. All delegated power is trust, and all assumed power is usurpation. Time does not alter the nature and quality of either.
Iran's nuclear program . . . there was going to be a time limit . . .
I'm worried about the world because of nuclear proliferation. — © Michael Bloomberg
I'm worried about the world because of nuclear proliferation.
Russia is new in terms of nuclear. America is old.
Knowledge is NOT power. Knowledge is only POTENTIAL power. Action is power.
By God, war is not an option for two nuclear countries.
Most people no longer live in nuclear families at all.
But the nuclear powers still cling tenaciously to their weapons.
Judas is neither a master of evil nor the figure of a demoniacal power of darkness but rather a sycophant who bows before the anonymous power of changing moods and current fashions. But it is precisely this anonymous power that crucified Jesus, for it was anonymous voices that cried 'away with him! Crucify him!'
The Nuclear Industry is conducting a war against humanity.
In fact, the Outer Space Treaty of 1967 bans militarization. Potential adversaries of the US, and even its allies, are so far behind that these countries are very interested in maintaining the treaty. Europe and the rest of the world want a strong reaffirmation of the Treaty and the US is unilaterally trying to derail it. Termination of the treaty would mean that the US could develop satellite weapons, put offensive weapons in space. It would probably mean using nuclear power in space. All of this leads to some very dangerous scenarios, including destruction of the species.
Power is lonely. Power stands apart. I have power. Therefore, I'm lonely.
Every nuclear bomb is an Auschwitz waiting to happen.
Happiness is a great power of holiness. Thus, kind words, by their power of producing happiness, have also a power of producing holiness, and so of winning men to God.
Nuclear war can ruin your whole compile.
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