Top 1200 Nuclear Proliferation Quotes & Sayings - Page 16
Explore popular Nuclear Proliferation quotes.
Last updated on December 19, 2024.
The no-first-use policy for nuclear weapons was a well thought out stand... We don't intend to reverse it.
Our mission was to make sure that the bad guys, basically, did not get nuclear weapons.
I believe that nuclear needs to be a part of the solution if the U.S. really wants to be aggressive about reducing carbon.
Chemical and biological attacks are scary and will kill a lot of people but don't rise to the level of nuclear.
In the late 1950s a major topic under discussion was whether Canada should acquire nuclear weapons.
The key thing in Northeast Asia is North Korea. They are unpredictable; they are developing their nuclear capabilities and their missiles.
Nuclear arms and atomic power represent a technology in which coexistence with man is extremely difficult.
There are no coal plants on the drawing board for Duke, which leaves us with gas, renewables, and nuclear.
One point I like to stress is that we should think of coal, oil, natural gas, and nuclear, as clean energy.
When we look up at night and view the stars, everything we see is shinning because of distant nuclear fusion.
Concrete steps are needed to reduce the role of nuclear weapons in military plans, doctrines, and policies.
For me, one of the big things I really worried about a lot was nuclear war growing up.
The gravest threat faced by the world is of an extremist group getting hold of nuclear weapons or materials.
[Should] Iraq acquire fissile material, it would be able to build a nuclear weapon within a year.
I don't wanna die in a nuclear war, I want to sail away to a distant shore, and make like an apeman.
There is no direct evidence that nuclear weapons prevented a world war. Conversely, it is known that they nearly caused one.
I think we should stop using nuclear power plants because it's an old system that we can't control.
There is evidence that some of al Qaeda's nuclear efforts over the years met with swindles and false leads.
We are safer if there are not nuclear arsenals around the planet that can be utilized, stolen, sold to terrorists and others who would do harm.
Two-thirds of the American people realize just how bad the nuclear deal is with Iran.
I do not believe the efforts of the international community to stop Iran's nuclear program will bear fruit.
Nixon did have a secret plan, and I knew that it involved making threats of nuclear war to North Vietnam.
For an American president to be aiding America's enemy in developing nuclear weapons technology is unprecedented, absolutely.
All mankind is now learning that these nuclear weapons can only serve to destroy, never become beneficial.
There are many people inside Iran who say, "We don't have enough to eat. Why do we need a nuclear bomb?"
By unleashing an active diplomacy on its nuclear activities, Iran has effectively neutralized the European and US policies,.
If the nuclear program is indeed meant only for civil purposes, then it is wrong to impose sanctions.
Before I even came into office, I said that preventing Iran from getting a nuclear weapon was a priority.
Look: I don't want to live with a nuclear Iran. I would like to make it uncomfortable for them to seek it.
Chemical and biological attacks are scary and will kill a lot of people but dont rise to the level of nuclear.
Folks, Russia is perhaps the second most powerful nuclear country in the world. If you don't have dialogue, you have to be fools.
Because normal human activity is worse for nature than the greatest nuclear accident in history.
Iran sees India, China, Pakistan and, allegedly, Israel around them with nuclear weapons.
If nuclear warfare is believed to be somewhat controlled, then climate change is now the greatest threat.
In the Navy, I slept mere feet from a nuclear reactor, so I have no knee-jerk opposition to traditional reactors.
For the sake of future generations, we must continue to work together to realise a world without nuclear weapons.
It is the earnest hope of our people that the world may see the day when all nuclear weapons are abolished.
There are three things in this world that will survive a nuclear explosion: Twinkies, cockroaches and Dean Ambroses.
Having served in both Pakistan and India, I'm familiar with how their nuclear armament influenced regional stability.
Anyone who says that Iran will commit suicide with its nuclear power is a moron and has no business in discussion.
Nuclear war is such an emotional subject that many people see the weapons themselves as the common enemy of humanity.
Nothing erodes [a mother's love]. It is not sand on a beach. It is the nuclear heart of things-hard as the rock of this earth.
Hillary Clinton's policies unleashed ISIS, spread terrorism and put Iran on a path to nuclear weapons.
I hope that none of the countries in the Middle East are planning anything but the peaceful utilization of nuclear energy.
A likely source for terrorists seeking to buy or steal nuclear materials is the former Soviet Union.
My feeling is that nuclear is a distraction. It stops us doing what we all know we need to do invest urgently in renewables.
Iran is five to 10 years away from having a nuclear weapon. We have time to try diplomacy.
Nuclear apocalypse - who do you need? Actors are probably not top of the list. What can I do for you? I can pretend to be somebody who can grow you some nice crops.
The producers of 'Chernobyl' should tell the truth: the accident demonstrates the relative safety, not danger, of nuclear power.
It is in the U.S. interest to engage Iran in serious negotiations - on both regional security and the nuclear challenge it poses.
The sun is the only safe nuclear reactor, situated as it is some ninety-three million miles away.
It has always been clear that any use of nuclear weapons would have catastrophic humanitarian consequences.
Reducing the nuclear danger will require a universal, consistent opposition to all forms of weapons development
To defeat ISIS and let Iran get nuclear weapons would be to win the battle and lose the war.
The Arabs are ready to accept a strong Israel with nuclear arms - all it has to do is open the gates of its fortress and make peace.
Mistakes are made in every other human endeavor. Why should nuclear weapons be exempt?
If world is suspicious that Israel may detonate nuclear bomb and if the suspicion is a deterrent - that's good enough.
We should learn to tolerate nuclear weapons of North Korea just like we did the Soviet Union.
The greatest threat facing humanity is a radical Islamist regime meeting up with nuclear weapons.
Getting ready for a global pandemic is every bit as important as nuclear deterrence and avoiding a climate catastrophe.
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