Top 181 Obsessions Quotes & Sayings

Explore popular Obsessions quotes.
Last updated on September 18, 2024.
A people represents not so much an aggregate of ideas and theories as of obsessions.
People see everything through the lens of their obsessions.
If you don't have obsessions, don't write. my characters are obsessed. — © Marguerite Young
If you don't have obsessions, don't write. my characters are obsessed.
It's a silly thing, but I like to understand people through their obsessions.
It is surely a great calamity for a human being to have no obsessions.
I'm interested in how memory and power come together in evil. These are obsessions of mine that appear throughout, like the theme of music. I know at some point or another one of my obsessions will emerge. You don't know how much I save in psychiatrist bills with this writing!
All women who kill or have sexual obsessions or who are prostitutes have trouble with their fathers.
Obsessions turn people off.
With a cheery delicacy she divided my obsessions into three categories: acceptable, unacceptable, and hilarious.
I'm not a computer guy. I'm like an anthropologist. I'm fascinated with people's obsessions. I've learned to wear them.
duty, the most indecent of all obsessions, was only another name for love.
I have a few obsessions in life, and one is shoes!
I think obsessions happen because you're trying to understand something or some urge. — © Jim Carrey
I think obsessions happen because you're trying to understand something or some urge.
Conan the Barbarian,' 'Star Wars,' 'Mary Poppins' and 'The Wizard of Oz' were my earliest VHS obsessions.
I'm very interested in language because it reflects our obsessions and ways of conceptualising the world.
An artist is nothing without his or her obsessions.
I'm gradually working through my obsessions, and maybe, when they're all free and clear, I'll write a comedy. But I'm not there yet.
There are so many things that interest me more than standing on the stage of my own obsessions.
I'm a big fan of revenge, I think [Sweeney Todd] it's a story of a man who clearly has obsessions to avenge the horror that happened to him.
Writing is putting one's obsessions in order.
My obsessions used to be my protectors, but now they have taken me prisoner.
Girls have all the same parts, basically, and so much of how they look depends on the attitude, expectations, and obsessions of those who are looking at them.
I don't like Paradise, as they probably don't have obsessions there.
I try to tell student writers to read as much as possible, not only literature but philosophy, theory, and to form obsessions. There's a big taboo in fiction creative writing workshops against using the self at all, and I think I try to encourage students to write the self, but to connect the self to something larger, which is to be this thinking, seeing, searching, eternally curious person, and that writing can come out of investigating and trying to understand confusion, and doubts, and obsessions.
... obsessions are always dangerous.
Obsessions of the Orient, of the desert, of its ardor and its emptiness, of the shadows of palm gardens, of the garments white and wide - obsessions where the senses go berserk, where nerves are exasperated, and which made me, at the onset of each night, believe sleep impossible.
Simple ideas become obsessions, almost like a meditation.
In my work, I explore my own Catholic obsessions.
To submit to chance is to reveal the self and its obsessions.
My interests and obsessions have always been so wide-ranging that I keep popping my head out of different boxes as much as possible.
My three obsessions are mental illness, horror and religion.
Follow your most intense obsessions mercilessly.
Science fiction has these obsessions with certain sciences - large scale engineering, neuroscience.
An artist is nothing without his or her obsessions, and I have mine.
It's extraordinary these obsessions. You conquer one but then you move onto another.
I'm more inclined to linger in the science pages of 'The Week' magazine. But my principle obsessions are still watching sitcoms and football.
The fears and anxieties and obsessions wrapped up in being a parent.
My personal obsessions are much more interesting to me than other people's. — © Peter Greenaway
My personal obsessions are much more interesting to me than other people's.
The mind has a complex life that can seem quite autonomous - dreams, obsessions, unwilled memory are all instances of this.
I think it's obsessions that a lot of people share, but they don't dare to talk about openly.
Thought changes structure... I saw people rewire their brains with their thoughts, to cure previously incurable obsessions and trauma.
Writing a book is a very lonely business. You are totally cut off from the rest of the world, submerged in your obsessions and memories.
Many of the poets I most admire have a way of embodying their peculiar obsessions via landscape that can sometimes seem magical.
We sometimes drive ourselves crazy with how our books will be "seen," when in fact we already know what they're about, and where our obsessions are. If we can spin those obsessions into fiction, then there's a decent chance they will be "fiction-worthy," as you call it. The idea of the "sweep of ideas" is a complicated one.
Meditation is one of the rare occasions when we're not doing anything. Otherwise, we're always doing something, we're always thinking something, we're always occupied. We get lost in millions of obsessions and fixations. But by meditating-by not doing anything- all these fixations are revealed and our obsessions will naturally undo themselves like a snake uncoiling itself.
I don't understand people's obsessions.
And people with obsessions, reflected Bond, were blind to danger.
Writers interest me for their style, their obsessions, the ways in which they approach the world. — © Amitava Kumar
Writers interest me for their style, their obsessions, the ways in which they approach the world.
I love flat shoes, more so than heels. One of my obsessions is men's co-respondent lace-ups.
I've always loved 'Wicked.' It's one of my little obsessions.
I'm a great believer in gathering together all your obsessions and seeing if you can make a novel out of them.
You can't predict what people are going to like. You have to stay true to your enthusiasm and obsessions.
You repeat things because they're like your personal obsessions
Love is an obsession. It has that quality to it. But there are healthy obsessions, and mine is one of them.
If there is a single theme that dominates all my writings, all my obsessions, it is that of memory-because I fear forgetfulness as much as hatred and death.
Presumably all obsessions are extreme metaphors waiting to be born. That whole private mythology, in which I believe totally, is a collaboration between one's conscious mind and those obsessions that, one by one, present themselves as stepping-stones.
One of my pet peeves, one of my obsessions, is litter.
The obsessions we have are pretty much the same our whole lives. Mine are people, the human condition, life.
In polite society, we call our obsessions hobbies.
Irrational crushes, infatuations, or obsessions. Whatever you want to label it, it's important to reach out to others.
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