Top 918 Occurs Quotes & Sayings

Explore popular Occurs quotes.
Last updated on September 18, 2024.
Insight occurs when, and to the degree that, one knows oneself.
What occurs after revelation and paralysis?
Imperialism is a system of exploitation that occurs not only in the brutal form of those who come with guns to conquer territory. Imperialism often occurs in more subtle forms, a loan, food aid, blackmail . We are fighting this system that allows a handful of men on earth to rule all of humanity.
I think Martin Luther correctly distinguished between what he called the magisterial and ministerial uses of reason. The magisterial use of reason occurs when reason stands over and above the gospel like a magistrate and judges it on the basis of argument and evidence. The ministerial use of reason occurs when reason submits to and serves the gospel…. Should a conflict arise between the witness of the Holy Spirit to the fundamental truth of the Christian faith and beliefs based on argument and evidence, then it is the former which must take precedence over the latter.
Liberty is to be subserved, whatever occurs. — © Walt Whitman
Liberty is to be subserved, whatever occurs.
Nothing occurs contrary to nature except the impossible, and that never occurs.
Success occurs when opportunity meets preparation
It is true that when there's a drone attack, those - that the - the terrorists are killed, it's true. But 500 and 5,000 more people rises against it, and more terrorism occurs, and more - more bomb blasts occurs.
My painting occurs when I think of two disparate elements.
There should be a name for the syndrome that occurs when you're in Paris and you already miss it.
No one is ever as shocked and surprised as when the inevitable occurs.
Gender is something that occurs in the mind, and sex is something that occurs, you know, everywhere else on the body. And whether or not those two things happen to align - well, if they do, great. If they don't, also great.
Wherever injustice occurs, we all need to be concerned.
Each suicidal drama occurs in the mind of a unique individual.
To me, discipline in football occurs on the field, not off it. — © John Madden
To me, discipline in football occurs on the field, not off it.
Feeling one "has"; love occurs.
Strategic thinking rarely occurs spontaneously
Creation occurs when ideas and individuals collide and collude.
A breakthrough occurs when you recognize, you are more energy than matter
No effect occurs without cause, and no cause occurs without effect. No unjust action goes without penalty, and no action or thought flows unnoticed throughout the universe.
Belief is easier when it occurs within a community.
It occurs to me that cricket is not the true sport in London - gossip is.
But here’s the thing: Appropriation occurs when a style leads to racist generalizations or stereotypes where it originated, but is deemed as high fashion, cool, or funny when the privileged take it for themselves. Appropriation occurs when the appropriator is not aware of the deep significance of the culture that they are partaking in.
In the simplest terms, inflation occurs when there's too much money in the system. On the flip side, deflation occurs when there are too few dollars in circulation.
As you begin to feel this enormous shift of consciousness, called multisensory perception, emerging in your awareness, you begin to reorient yourself. It's a reorientation that occurs toward yourself as more than a mind and a body; it's a reorientation that occurs toward others; toward your life as meaningful, rather than predetermined. It's a reorientation that occurs toward the universe as alive, wise and compassionate, instead of inert (which means dead) and random.
All I claimed was that when a drastic change occurs, it occurs in a relatively small and isolated population.
The revolution occurs when the victims cease to cooperate.
Misfortune occurs or can occur to anyone, of any sort of character. The eudaimonic has more resources to avoid it (being in autonomous control of his appetites and assumptions) and more resources to deal with it if it occurs (being better able to put it in perspective and maintain his own evenness of self-mastery). Tragedy as a dramatic form is meant to foster the ethos of sophrosyne or moderation, "nothing to excess"; it nurtures a sense of distance from the dominant illusions and delusions that may infect even aristoi.
This element of surprise or mystery — the detective element as it is sometimes rather emptily called — is of great importance in a plot. It occurs through a suspension of the time-sequence; a mystery is a pocket in time, and it occurs crudely, as in "Why did the queen die?" and more subtly in half-explained gestures and words, the true meaning of which only dawns pages ahead. Mystery is essential to a plot, and cannot be appreciated without intelligence.
A speculator is a man who observes the future, and acts before it occurs.
It is always the unreadable that occurs.
It never occurs to me that there are things I can't do.
Insight occurs just because it is high time.
Depression occurs when you are not being yourself.
It is when judgment ceases that healing occurs.
How many things have to happen to you before something occurs to you?
Has it ever occurred to you that nothing occurs to God?
Nothing that actually occurs is of the smallest importance
God never occurs to you in person but always in action.
Analysis paralysis occurs when you overthink and underwork. — © Orrin Woodward
Analysis paralysis occurs when you overthink and underwork.
Depression occurs when you are not being yourself. You're probably doing things you don't want to do.
One of the signs of relying on deeds is loss of hope when a misstep occurs.
What we anticipate seldom occurs: but what we least expect generally happens.
For some unknown reason, success usually occurs in private, while failure occurs in full view.
Metro shows no signs of being able to make its trains run on time. This occurs during single-tracking and it occurs during normal rush hour service.
There is a level of disrespect for the office that occurs. And that occurs in some cases and maybe even many cases because he is African American. There’s no question about that and it’s the kind of thing nobody ever says but everybody’s thinking it.
Fragmentation occurs when a civilization is in decline.
Enough is so vast a sweetness I suppose it never occurs.
All that occurs within the walls of the temple is uplifting and enobling.
I don't think we can afford to wait when it comes to cybersecurity. I think that every day we wait, if an attack occurs - and we're getting hit every day - but if a greater attack occurs, it's going to be on the head of Congress for not acting.
Suffering occurs when something is taken for what it's not , rather than for what it is. — © Suzanne Segal
Suffering occurs when something is taken for what it's not , rather than for what it is.
The greatest danger occurs at the moment of victory
The transfiguration of matter occurs through wonder.
When we have complements or oppositions, change occurs.
What we anticipate seldom occurs; what we least expect generally happens.
Real change occurs from the bottom up; it occurs person to person, and it almost always occurs in small groups and locales and then bubbles up and aggregates to larger vectors of change.
It occurs to me as I write that this "white light," usually presented dippily (evidence of afterlife, higher power), is in fact precisely consistent with the oxygen deficit that occurs as blood flow to the brain decreases. "Everything went white," those whose blood pressure has dropped say of the instant before they faint.
A sudden intimacy occurs when someone does your hair.
Progress occurs one apology at a time.
Reality is an illusion that occurs due to the lack of alcohol.
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