Top 1200 Ohio State Quotes & Sayings - Page 8

Explore popular Ohio State quotes.
Last updated on December 13, 2024.
I think that the more we, as a state, yield and cede decisions to the federal government, the lesser we'll be for it as a state.
Iran can and should be a responsible state, not the leading state sponsor of terror.
It is obvious that taking the country from a state of war to being a lawful state won't be easy. — © Ahmed Ben Bella
It is obvious that taking the country from a state of war to being a lawful state won't be easy.
South Carolina is more of a conservative state than a Republican state.
A state of affairs which leads to daily vexation is not the right state.
Government, even in its best state, is but a necessary evil; in its worst state, an intolerable one.
It is convenient for Hillary Clinton and Tony Blair to say the rise of the Islamic State has nothing to do with the Iraq War because that takes the culpability off their shoulders. The Islamic State is a product of the Iraq War. It took about a 100 years to build the Iraqi state, and the Americans and the British destroyed it in an afternoon.
While praying I passed into a state of entrancement, and in that state I saw the angel and the plates.
I think that peace will require two states, a Palestinian state that recognizes the Jewish state.
Some things the legislator must find ready to his hand in a state, others he must provide. And therefore we can only say: May our state be constituted in such a manner as to be blessed with the goods of which fortune disposes (for we acknowledge her power): whereas virtue and goodness in the state are not a matter of chance but the result of knowledge and purpose. A city can be virtuous only when the citizens who have a share in the government are virtuous, and in our state all the citizens share in the government.
In Egypt, a civil state means a modern nationalist state that is compatible with Islamist provisions.
In art, vitality is the chaotic initial state; beauty is the cosmic final state.
I was not only the first woman to become secretary of state, I was the first [U.S.] secretary of state of the 21st century. I was the first secretary of state to own a Web site, to visit Internet cafes, and to make Internet access a part of policy.
I like living in California. I think it's the best state, although we're supposedly the most hated state of all. — © Madeline Zima
I like living in California. I think it's the best state, although we're supposedly the most hated state of all.
So I promise you that this State of the State, like a good pizza, will be delivered in 25 minutes or less.
Residents expect their state leaders to deliver solutions for the people of their state.
The expansionary operations of the Second Bank of the United States, coupled with its laxity toward insisting on specie payment by the state banks, impelled a further inflationary expansion of state banks on top of the spectacular enlargement of the central bank. Thus, the number of incorporated state banks rose from 232 in 1816 to 338 in 1818.
My high school was nothing like West Beverly High, let me tell you. I grew up in Fredericktown, Ohio.
The state of the industry is much like the state of politics. It's too middle-aged, white, and male.
Once a citizen receives a direct payment from the state, the state has purchased their complicity
Undocumented immigrants produced $1.58 billion in state revenues, which exceeded the $1.16 billion in state services they received. However, local governments bore the burden of $1.44 billion in uncompensated health care costs and local law enforcement costs not paid for by the state.
There certainly are those who worship the state much as divinities are worshipped. Not just the state but even leaders.
As reporters in State College, there was a joke. We used to call Penn State, the Kremlin.
I want the world to understand that a Palestinian state means no Israeli state. That's the equation.
People without plants are in a state of perpetual neurosis, a state of existential wanting.
We are the only state that does not have a State Film Corporation there to support the commercial industry.
Eligible citizens from any State in the Union can serve in the Border Protection Corps of that State
The difference between a welfare state and a totalitarian state is a matter of time.
Healthcare is the cornerstone of the socialist state. It is the crown jewel of the welfare state.
Marriage is the most natural state of man, and... the state in which you will find solid happiness.
If classical music is the state of the art, then the arts are in a sad state.
The best performance improvement is the transition from the nonworking state to the working state.
It is no surprise that neither Hillary Clinton nor the Obama State Department agrees with our request to depose Mrs. Clinton concerning her exclusive use of her email account to house and send tens of thousands of official emails throughout her entire tenure as secretary of state.
When we say "the state," the state is We, it is we, it is the proletariat, it is the advanced guard of the working class.
The state of presence is the only state in which creative energy is available to you.
My staff in Washington and in the state will be dedicated to constituent services and the best representation for our state.
I don't really care how people see me in my natural state, in a comfortable state.
The police represent the authority of the state, the willingness of the state to use violence to assert their will. — © Vermin Supreme
The police represent the authority of the state, the willingness of the state to use violence to assert their will.
There is no democrats or republicans, right or left, red state or blue state. We are all one. And we are all unified against Mexicans.
The state of sleep is a state of freedom in which man is not occupied with the manipulation of the outside world.
The individual cannot bargain with the State. The State recognizes no coinage but power: and it issues the coins itself.
I come from a state in India that is a matrilineal state, Kerala. And so women really are seen as very powerful.
Cats sleep in a state of total abandon, and I find that state very interesting in people as well.
This history of a secular state doesn't exist, no. The state is Christian, and those who are against it can leave.
The church must be reminded that it is not the master, or the servant of the state, but rather the conscience of the state.
The suppression of the bourgeois state by the proletarian state is impossible without violent revolution.
Screw State! State's always on the side of the blacks. The hell with them!
Being the best was as equal to being in the middle, which was equal to being the worst. All were merely a state of being. It was how a person felt in that state and why they were in that state that was the important thing.
It is the church's job, as Dr. [Martin Luther] King says, to be the conscience of the state, not the chaplain of the state. — © Shane Claiborne
It is the church's job, as Dr. [Martin Luther] King says, to be the conscience of the state, not the chaplain of the state.
There is no question that Taiwan is a state in any political science definition of a state.
The secrets of alchemy exist to transform mortals from a state of suffering and ignorance to a state of enlightenment and bliss.
It is my considered opinion that the State of Israel is a racist state in the full meaning of this term: In this state people are discriminated against, in the most permanent and legal way and in the most important areas of life, only because of their origin. This racist discrimination began in Zionism and is carried out today mainly in co-operation with the institutions of the Zionist movement.
We cannot keep the Jewish state without being a democratic state.
Real poverty is less a state of income than a state of mind.
When you are in touch with the Inner Being then irrespective of the outer state, you remain in a perpetual state of happiness!
The state operates in a legal vacuum. There exists no contract between the state and its citizens.
God is more concerned with the state of people's hearts than He is with the state of their feelings.
In all my years in state government, it has been an honor to witness the devoted, loyal service of state employees.
Nudity is a state of fact; lewdity, to coin a phrase, is a state of mind
The Free State men, myself among them, took it for granted that Missouri was a slave state.
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