Top 1200 Older Generation Quotes & Sayings - Page 20

Explore popular Older Generation quotes.
Last updated on September 19, 2024.
This wired generation is kind of cool.
Every generation needs regeneration
So we dream on. Thus we invent our lives. We give ourselves a sainted mother, we make our father a hero; and someone’s older brother and someone’s older sister – they become our heroes too. We invent what we love and what we fear. There is always a brave lost brother – and a little lost sister, too. We dream on and on: the best hotel, the perfect family, the resort life. And our dreams escape us almost as vividly as we can imagine them.
I was the female Marlon Brando of my generation. — © Bette Davis
I was the female Marlon Brando of my generation.
When the Walkman was the craze in my generation, I was one of the first to have it.
Millennials are the experiences generation.
I really do not understand the members of my generation.
I'm a third generation superstar.
The heterodoxy of one generation is the orthodoxy of the next.
Love is the weapon for this wounded generation.
I believe that I am one of the greats of this generation.
My generation were all careerists.
Men from my generation are chauvinist pigs!
He doesn't translate well into our generation. — © Donald Sutherland
He doesn't translate well into our generation.
My generation, we're so diverse in so many ways.
The minority of one generation is usually the majority of the next.
I'm a first-generation Japanese immigrant.
I want to say I hate my generation, but I don't.
I love working with the younger generation.
Before the moon I am, what a woman is, a woman of power, a woman's power, deeper than the roots of trees, deeper than the roots of islands, older than the Making, older than the moon.
There is not that much of a generation gap these days.
Life is a continuous flux. Our nonhuman ancestors bred, generation after generation, and incrementally begat what we now deem to be the species homo sapiens - ourselves. There is nothing about our ancestral line or about our current biology that dictates how we will evolve in the future. Nothing in the natural order demands that our descendants resemble us in any particular way. Very likely, they will not resemble us. We will almost certainly transform ourselves, likely beyond recognition, in the generations to come.
I'm not from the generation that took chances.
Gluten is this Generation's Tobacco
I'm a first generation immigrant.
Every generation has to have its heroes.
The beat generation (coined in Playboy)
It was an idealistic vision that generation had.
I come from a different generation from my Dad.
I'm speaking for all of us. I'm the spokesman for a generation.
Each generation has to reinvent spirituality.
Every generation is equidistant from God.
I'm first-generation money in my family.
We're kind of a guinea pig generation.
I want to be the bridge to the next generation.
He plants to benefit another generation.
I was such a 'Star Wars' fan. That was my generation.
My generation has the opportunity to change the world.
The knowledge of one generation is the ignorance of the next. — © Frances Wright
The knowledge of one generation is the ignorance of the next.
My generation has left the globe in a mess.
It is time for a new generation of leadership.
I always keep some form of cartoon or comic book with me, especially Batman - he's my favorite. The reason I keep them around is that it keeps the kid in me alive. Some older folks, they like to drink - can't wait to get old. Me? I like to stay young. I know I'm going to be get older, but I can at least be young at heart so I read these comic books so I keep myself right on that level of kid to keep me having fun on stage.
It is not obligatory for a generation to have great men.
I'm from the Vietnam generation. I didn't serve.
We are in a gender-fluid generation.
I'm a first-generation Canadian.
We may be the generation that sees Armageddon.
The millennial generation is very vocal.
It takes a society to raise a generation. — © David Berman
It takes a society to raise a generation.
That happened when I was a freshman in high school. The guy reading it [the Bible] was dating my older sister. I thought he was the cutest thing that had ever happened in Nashville. He was nine years older than me and I thought, 'Mimi, I hate to do this to you, but I'm going to steal this guy away.' So I went to this Bible study thinking I was going to make this guy fall in love with me. I was fourteen. Hey, you know. But I was so overwhelmed by what they were talking about at this Bible study. I became a very serious, committed Christian.
What essence is to generation, that truth is to belief.
A generation of children has been betrayed.
This generation of Americans has a rendezvous with destiny.
One generation cannot bind another.
This is a very fickle and faithless generation.
What we need is a generation of peace.
A strong defense is the surest way to peace. Strength makes detente attainable. Weakness invites war, as my generation - my generation - knows from four very bitter experiences. Just as America's will for peace is second to none, so will America's strength be second to none. We cannot rely on the forbearance of others to protect this Nation. The power and diversity of the Armed Forces, active Guard and Reserve, the resolve of our fellow citizens, the flexibility in our command to navigate international waters that remain troubled are all essential to our security.
My dad's generation was stony-faced.
We all stand on the shoulders of the past generation.
Every generation wants to be the last.
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