Top 1200 Older Women Quotes & Sayings - Page 2

Explore popular Older Women quotes.
Last updated on October 7, 2024.
I have two children myself. I always laugh; they have you playing mothers pretty early, us women. You look at the television, the mothers get younger and younger, and the children get older and older, and you start to wonder when these people had these children. Were they breeding when they were 12?
You get the older version of women that you've played before.
My agent didn't want me on Disney because I'm older. But honestly, I'm not ready for older roles yet, or even the things older girls do. I am still young. — © Ashley Tisdale
My agent didn't want me on Disney because I'm older. But honestly, I'm not ready for older roles yet, or even the things older girls do. I am still young.
Hollywood is the dream factory, and no one dreams about older women.
I think older women still have a full life.
Don't wear excessive make-up as you grow older. Young women can wear whatever make-up they want, but if you are older, you will regret it.
In literature, older women are not often given center stage.
Take hints from other women in the office. We are very fortunate to be in a generation where there are a lot of older women in the office. Take a look at what they're wearing.
A lot of women, when they're young, feel they have very good friends, and find later on that friendship is complicated. It's easy to be friends when everyone's 18. It gets harder the older you get, as you make different life choices, as people say in America. A lot of women's friendships begin to founder.
Women, as they grow older, rely more and more on cosmetics. Men, as they grow older, rely more and more on a sense of humor.
I'm really interested in older women, to be honest, because they have lived a life that I've not yet lived. So I really want to learn from them, and I think culturally we tend to dispose of women once they get to a certain age and they don't look a certain way.
It's difficult for me to meet women because my crowd is much older. I know that for some of the young women I do meet, a relationship with me can be envisioned as a benefit to their career.
The vast majority of my fan mail comes from older women and gay men.
Younger women tend to be busier, wearing more layers and more make-up. I don't know if it's because older women are more confident, or just that we don't care any more. But that pared-down approach is the same with the sentences I write; I take out adjectives and adverbs and keep the description to a minimum.
Women were free in older times when the Islamic nation was strong. There are so many examples in history, not more than a thousand years ago, when Muslim women were leaders, scientists, professionals, and so on. It is all about justice, and justice can be attained through having the rulers accountable to their people.
What's surprising to me now is that now that I'm talking to a lot of women about this, so many women are doing this. Straight women, lesbian women, bisexual women, poor women, White women, immigrant women. This does not affect one group.
What we've done, it seems to me, is allow women to get older, but not to age. — © Caryl Rivers
What we've done, it seems to me, is allow women to get older, but not to age.
I'm absolutely certain that audiences want to see older women on their TVs.
Older women are best because they always think they may be doing it for the last time.
I have nothing against younger women and older men on screen. What is sad is that so many women over 40 who have so much to give aren't being considered to play opposite men their own age or younger.
I have women friends who are significantly younger and older than me.
Older women are best, because they always think they may be doing it for the last time.
I grew up in a family with two very strong women, my mother and my older sister, and they were big influences on my life. I've spent a life loving women, and studying them as much as I can, or am allowed to.
I'm not interested in dating. I like being with my own best friend, me. Certain women, particularly older women, cannot believe I like going to a social event by myself. But I do.
I've always been attracted to women who are assertive and have confidence - qualities older women possess. They've been on the Earth a little longer. They're more seasoned. They don't play games. They know what they want, and they're not afraid to tell you.
It's such a challenging time, and in my small way, I will make it so that other younger women, and maybe older women, will be able to do the things they want to do, and accept themselves and their experience.
I grew up in Long Island City. When I was growing up, my parents owned a women's clothing store in Queens. It was for older women. I got my bras there, until I realized I didn't want those huge, taupe bras. Everything was beige, with massive amounts of hooks.
I've always been drawn to older women.
Men are allowed to get older and women are not.
The older I get, the more impressed I am with women. I have yet to meet a woman who is not strong. They don't exist.
It's true, I've become one of those grumpy older women.
It's taking a while for older women to be the norm on TV.
It's Faster horses, Younger women, Older whiskey and More money.
In Europe you can be Sophia, you can be these older women who are considered very sexy.
Society is notoriously stupid in its failure to harness the wisdom of older women in everything from television to politics, family life to boardrooms, and here is one reminiscing with honesty and realism about women's particular challenge: to create our professional and financial structures in the same period as our peak fertility.
What I am finding now is that my audience is getting younger as I get older, which is a very good thing as you know - you don't want them to get older as you get older.
It's cool because, as you get older, you get offered older parts. You're older, so you can't play 10 anymore. That was always very exciting for me.
There have been women who stumbled across Feministing randomly, through a bizarre Google search or something, and had no idea what feminism was. They thought it was something older women do, or bought into the hairy bra-burning man-hating stereotype 100 percent. Anything that deviates from that is very exciting for them.
The characters that I want to play are interesting women. I don't care if they're good women or bad women or vulnerable women or women with a lot of faults or women that we dislike intensely who are malicious.
Women are age-shamed. Women should they be put out to pasture. And it's not about people trying to look like me at 60. I'm not suggesting that, but look your best, feel your best, but most of all, be your best. And it's not only for women of 60. It's about women of all age, when you're 20 till you die. Whatever era you're in, whatever decade, whatever age you are, learn how to embrace it. Don't be ashamed of it. Be proud of it, because there's no negotiation. Either you get older, or you're dead. It's that simple.
When I was a kid, I was surrounded by girls: older sisters, older girl cousins just down the street... except for an older boy named Vito who threw rocks. Each year I would wish for a baby brother. It never happened.
Women were quite terrifying until I was older. I think that's partly down to confidence. — © Jimmy Carr
Women were quite terrifying until I was older. I think that's partly down to confidence.
Benaras is older than history, older than tradition, older even than legend, and looks twice as old as all of them put together!
The important thing about women today is, as they get older, they still keep house. It's one reason why they don't die, but men die when they retire. Women just polish the teacups.
I used to have a wild night with three women until 5am., but I am getting older. In the Olympic village here, I will live it up with five women, but only until 3am.
I wanted pretty pictures of older women - women who are trying too hard but succeeding - pulling off an extreme look. What I didn't know would creep into the portraits was a vulnerability behind the strong facade that most of them wear.
We older women in Europe are lucky not to be shoved away in a drawer.
As I grow older, I think friendship between women is a thing to cherish.
I so believe that older women have tremendous value to their families, their community, their country, the world.
As I've gotten older, the parts have diminished. I liked it when I was younger, I could always play the lead in the movie and I could do all the romantic scenes with the women, and it was fun and I liked to play that. Now, I'm older and I'm reduced to playing the backstage doorman or the uncle or something. I don't really love that so occasionally, when a part comes up, I'll play it.
Many older women are inhibited and afraid to act. It is such a waste of human potential.
I guess there are some women who like older men, but it's a smaller group. — © Michael Douglas
I guess there are some women who like older men, but it's a smaller group.
So many people put older women out to pasture.
I come from a huge family and out of all 34 of my immediate family members, my heavier influences were women. Between my grandmothers, aunts, older female cousins, and of course my mother, I was pretty much predominantly raised by women, as they make up most of my family anyway.
I really think it would be useful if society stopped vilifying older women.
Thank God we're not like America. Everyone wants to look like they're 20. In Europe we admire grown-up women; I think men revere older women.
I was very close with my mother growing up. I have four older sisters who were an important part of my life. And I've been very close to all the women I've dated. I feel most comfortable around women.
I love being an advocate for women as we get older so that we can feel comfortable with ourselves.
Older women have always been attracted to me.
There were a lot of different things [in The Women's Room ]. I don't really want to summarize it in this way. It's about a woman's awakening, a woman who came of age in the '50s and is a teenager - actually, she's a little bit older - in the '60s and part of the women's movement and how she ends up there.
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