Top 834 Operations Quotes & Sayings - Page 3

Explore popular Operations quotes.
Last updated on September 19, 2024.
Tokens should not be listed before the start of the operations on the network, platform, or application. This is where many ICO's seem to have lost their ways, and that's risky.
For too long Hezbollah has been able to conduct its illegal operations unhindered by the threat of a direct response from the United States.
If the guidebook used to be critical, today it seems largely a celebratory adjunct to the publicity operations of hotels, resorts, and even countries. — © Paul Fussell
If the guidebook used to be critical, today it seems largely a celebratory adjunct to the publicity operations of hotels, resorts, and even countries.
In the future, we will probably see cyber operations that change or manipulate electronic information to compromise its integrity instead of simply deleting the access to it.
In the normal process of evaluating the end of the season, I meet with key executives for thorough discussions and evaluations of all aspects of football operations.
Mountaintop removal coal operations enrich only a handful of elites while impoverishing everyone else in their proximity.
By 'intelligence' we mean every sort of information about the enemy and his country - the basis, in short, of our own plans and operations.
The only reason I create something is because I'm chasing a feeling. You can use a bunch of musical or psychological operations to achieve that result.
The supreme crime of the church to-day is that everywhere and in all its operations and influences it is on the side of sloth of mind; that it banishes brains, it sanctifies stupidity, it canonizes incompetence.
The soundest strategy in war is to postpone operations until the moral disintegration of the enemy renders the delivery of the mortal blow both possible and easy.
Experience hath shewn, that even under the best forms of government those entrusted with power have, in time, and by slow operations, perverted it into tyranny.
The nature of encounter operations required of the commanders limitless initiative and constant readiness to take the responsibility for military actions.
If the government is injecting public money, it should also take the right to oversee board appointments, executive pay, and future business operations.
As we are all aware, Special Operations Forces, SOF, are playing an increasingly essential role as we continue to fight and, more importantly, win the war on terror. — © Robin Hayes
As we are all aware, Special Operations Forces, SOF, are playing an increasingly essential role as we continue to fight and, more importantly, win the war on terror.
Thus, though I have heard of successful military operations that were clumsy but swift, cleverness has never been seen associated with long delays.
Nothing can be so quick and sudden as the operations of the mind, especially when hope, or fear, or jealousy, to which the other two are but journeymen, set it to work.
It has been said by a certain general, that the first object in the establishment of an army ought to be making provision for the belly, that being the basis and foundation of all operations.
Within minutes of the attack, your Department of Public Safety mobilized its Operations Center, headed by a national expert on weapons of mass destruction.
How many examples do we have of these bodies [of the state] set up to eliminate a problem, actually eliminating it, shutting down their operations and going home?
The recent extraordinary discovery in Photography, as applied in the operations of the mind, has reduced the art of novel-writing to the merest mechanical labour.
We are the first company anywhere in the hospitality sector to introduce technology-based solutions to the suppliers side to help them manage operations.
BlackBerry required tethering for some routine operations, and for many, the only way to integrate corporate mail was to keep a PC running all the time.
I might be the most injured athlete in the history of sports. I've had 31 operations. An endless string of stress fractures.
It is like a disease to think that an invincible status has been achieved after being satisfied with the past successful operations.
Strange as it may sound, the power of mathematics rests on its evasion of all unnecessary thought and on its wonderful saving of mental operations.
NSW is always guided by the experts. It's not for politicians to decide how we manage hazard reduction or back burning operations.
I consider it essential that the photographer should do his own printing and enlarging. The final effect of the finished print depends so much on these operations.
As I found while leading special operations forces in Iraq and Afghanistan, if the problem is interconnected, your organization must be, as well.
An organization has integrity—is healthy—when it is whole, consistent, and complete, that is, when its management, operations, strategy, and culture fit together and make sense.
Nevertheless, I do know that we are part of a danger zone, we have military operations in Afghanistan and we're training the Iraqi police force. The terrorists also have us in their sights.
The process of rebuilding state operations - including the important work of fueling job growth - began the day I took office.
Our activity should consist in placing ourselves in a state of susceptibility to Divine impressions, and pliability to all the operations of the Eternal Word.
The key to Operations at Wal-Mart is their ability to maintain the highest standards while at the same time getting things done with lockstep execution.
Senior members of the security establishment have not been entirely cooperative - let's put it that way - with the operations and still maintain contacts with FDLR leadership.
All the ranchers I know have had back surgery, operations on their rotator cuffs. They all have new knees. I'd like to think I belong to that breed, but I don't.
Altogether, Cavalry operations are exceedingly difficult, knowledge of the country is absolutely necessary, and ability to comprehend the situation at a glance, and an audacious spirit, are everything.
If every American for one week refused to eat at a fast-food joint, it would bring concentrated animal feeding operations to their knees.
The intellectually sophisticated person is indifferent to all genuine individuality, because relationships and reactions result from it which cannot be exhausted with logical operations.
There was a military police brigade with over 3,400 soldiers getting ready to go home because their mission - prisoner-of-war operations - was finished. — © Janis Karpinski
There was a military police brigade with over 3,400 soldiers getting ready to go home because their mission - prisoner-of-war operations - was finished.
Salinger is a master of the memorable detail, the seemingly random gesture, the debris of mundane daily operations, the stuff that is left out of any analysis.
Modern warfare is by no means merely a matter of military operations. Economic affairs stand together with them in the first rank of the factors of importance.
When were we the most egalitarian country in the world? When we had the Glass/Steagal Act, which prevented the banks from becoming the criminal operations that they've become.
At the most basic level, a central bank must be clear and open about its actions and operations, particularly when they involve the deployment of public funds.
The two operations of our understanding, intuition and deduction, on which alone we have said we must rely in the acquisition of knowledge.
I remember Googling operations to make my calves slimmer, and I ate only ham for a week to try and become skinny.
Although the organizing logic of our nation's surveillance apparatus is invisibility and secrecy, its operations occupy the physical world.
The need for mission-critical, high-performance network continues to grow as companies and public sector organizations everywhere digitize their operations.
Seattle was hardly a tech magnet before Amazon, Microsoft, and then a host of once-fledgling technology firms set up operations there.
Military operations cannot be tidy or free of friction - particularly in a coalition whose contributing nations see the campaign through national prisms. — © Mike Jackson
Military operations cannot be tidy or free of friction - particularly in a coalition whose contributing nations see the campaign through national prisms.
They've been fairly positive, as firm as they could be in regards to the derivatives operations in Montreal. We didn't sense that there was a hesitation about it. But things change.
I've had nine major operations in ten years. A lot of it is to do with something called retroperitoneal fibrosis, where the internal tissues attack each other.
Infosys demonstrated to the world that an Indian company could implement standards of quality, operations, finance that compare with the best. That is a legacy I am happy with.
All the great and beneficent operations of Nature are produced by slow and often imperceptible degrees. The work of destruction and devastation only is violent and rapid.
Have no power, by taxation or otherwise, to retard, impede, burden or in any manner control the operations of the constitutional laws enacted by Congress.
The administration has a disturbing pattern of behavior when it comes to budgeting not only for the ongoing operations in Iraq and Afghanistan but also for military requirements not directly related to these conflicts.
As for the extraordinary operations of the Holy Ghost, such as working of miracles, or speaking with divers kinds of tongues, they are long since ceased.
Certainly many of us never anticipated that states would become addicted to the tobacco money as a way to finance their operations.
It's hardly a news flash that a secret, clandestine intelligence agency might resist giving out information about its operations when not not legally required to do so.
We don't comment on special forces operations. And if you run an operation for a long time as we have here, and in Libya, eventually newspapers like the Times report it.
War like any other racket, pays high dividends to the very few. The cost of operations is always transferred to the people who do not profit.
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