Top 706 Oppose Quotes & Sayings

Explore popular Oppose quotes.
Last updated on September 16, 2024.
To oppose something is to maintain it.
The European organisation contemplated could not oppose any ethnic group, on other continents or in Europe itself, outside of the League of Nations, any more than it could oppose the League of Nations.
The people who support Mr. Curbelo's campaign are people who oppose Medicare and Social Security, want to reform it to take it away from our seniors, and oppose a minimum wage.
In truth, one cannot, it seems, oppose mechanism and finalism, one cannot oppose mechanism and anthropomorphism, for if the functioning of a machine is explained by relations of pure causality, the construction of a machine can be understood neither without purpose nor without man. A machine is made by man and for man, with a view toward certain ends to be obtained, in the form of effects to be produced.
I do not oppose violence simply because it is counterproductive. I oppose it because it betrays animal rights philosophy. Those who resort to such tactics really have not understood that animal rights is about the extension of moral concern to all sentient beings--humans obviously included.
I'm politically on the left, no question about it. I oppose sweatshops, I oppose exploitation of labour in the third world. — © Norman Finkelstein
I'm politically on the left, no question about it. I oppose sweatshops, I oppose exploitation of labour in the third world.
We're all complicit in the things we may be trying to oppose. I'm complicit in the things that I'm trying to oppose.
Let others mock at you, oppose you, when you are under the influence of any passion; do not be in the least offended with those who mock at or oppose you, for they do you good; crucify your self-love and acknowledge the wrong, the error of your heart. But have the deepest pity for those who mock at words and works of faith and piety, of righteousness; for those who oppose the good which you are doing... God preserve you - getting exasperated at them.
I oppose a constitutional amendment against gay marriage.
Because he (the Sage) opposes no one, no one in the world can oppose him.
Oppression breeds the power to oppose it.
An environmentalist can oppose factory farming because it's reckless stewardship. A conservative can oppose factory farming because it is destructive to small farmers and to the decent ethic of husbandry those farmers live by. A religious person can oppose factory farming because it is degrading to both man and animal - an offense to God.
Traitors! I shall oppose you in the name of the Han!
To oppose corruption in government is the highest obligation of patriotism.
Who are enemies? Those who oppose each others will.
I am a Catholic. I can't say that without pointing out that I oppose abortion with all my heart and soul. Bill Clinton wanted them safe and rare. Barack Obama is heartsick that so many people he knows have had abortions. But we're all pro-choice and believe in reproductive freedom and oppose the Republicans' War on Women.
He who does not oppose evil......commands it to be done. — © Leonardo da Vinci
He who does not oppose evil......commands it to be done.
It is easy to be just when our own inclinations do not oppose it.
I oppose discrimination against homosexuals, but I do not support them, either.
It would be just as pointless to oppose the international use of English today as it would have been to oppose the worldwide use of French in the 18th century.
The skeptic says that the believer has lost his own mind under God. On the contrary, it is the people who follow God who are most like his children, who willingly and consciously walk in his will; but those who oppose him oppose him vainly and at their own expense, and, figuratively, seem to be more like his tools. They don't diminish his glory, but instead he still manages to use them in ways of unconsciously carrying out his will.
I want to be completely clear that I strongly oppose 'Audit the Fed.'
The Moral Majority supports legislators who oppose abortions but also oppose child nutrition and day care. From their perspective, life begins at conception and ends at birth.
We oppose the reactionary policies of the U.S. government but we do not oppose the American people. We want to have many good friends in the United States.
I oppose the spending of trillions in Iraq and Afghanistan, I strongly oppose Islamic extremism but don't believe that sending troops to die in two unwinnable wars makes sense.
There are more scriptural reasons to oppose homophobia than to oppose homosexuality.
The duty of an Opposition is to oppose.
When everyone is part of the people's congress, what need is there for an opposition? Opposition to what? You oppose a government! If there is no government, and the people govern themselves on their own, what are they going to oppose? Something that isn't there?
It is one thing to oppose a bill and say, 'Well, I'm smarter than the other side and have more wisdom than they do,' but it is another thing to oppose a law because it violates the very principles upon which this country was founded.
Neither despise nor oppose what thou dost not understand.
These folks are telling Donald Trump that if he tries to move out on his plan to have a deportation squad, to harm Americans, and if he does - and if he has - he tries to do that, we're going to be there to stand and say no. We don't - we oppose his misogyny. We oppose his picking on people of different ethnic and religious groups.
If men want to oppose war, it is statism that they must oppose. So long as they hold the tribal notion that the individual is sacrificial fodder for the collective, that some men have the right to rule others by force, and that some (any) alleged “good” can justify it-there can be no peace within a nation and no peace among nations.
It is not true that I oppose government funding of the arts.
London is one of the world's centres of Arab journalism and political activism. The failure of left and right, the establishment and its opposition, to mount principled arguments against clerical reaction has had global ramifications. Ideas minted in Britain – the notion that it is bigoted to oppose bigotry; 'Islamophobic' to oppose clerics whose first desire is to oppress Muslims – swirl out through the press and the net to lands where they can do real harm.
Why would the Obama campaign officials oppose any effort to ensure the legitimacy of a campaign contribution? It's the same reason they oppose voter ID laws. The Obama campaign evidently believes that election fraud and campaign finance fraud are permissible tools for the purpose of retaining power.
The most contrarian thing of all is not to oppose the crowd but to think for yourself.
If you see bigotry, oppose it.
I'm against TPP and I'm going to oppose it.
It is the BJP's duty to criticise and oppose me. I have no problem with that.
It is hard to oppose an ideology with a tradition.
I oppose the president's plan to privatize Social Security. — © Brian Higgins
I oppose the president's plan to privatize Social Security.
People who oppose Obama are said to be racists - so I guess I'm a racist.
One might oppose the CIA program, but Abu Ghraib it ain't.
We who oppose abortion do not oppose those who have had abortions; rather, we embrace them with forgiveness and peace.
If men want to oppose war, it is statism that they must oppose.
For the Negro, Andrew Johnson did less than nothing when once he realized that the chief beneficiary of labor and economic reform in the South would be freedmen. His inability to picture Negroes as men made him oppose efforts to give them land; oppose national efforts to educate them; and above all things, oppose their rights to vote.
Donald Trump has assembled a group of people who know how to, quote, get it done, whatever it is. Now, the left is not gonna be happy with the things they want to get done. And they're gonna continue to oppose it even when they benefit from it, they are going to continue to oppose it, unless Trump comes in with massive tax increases when of course the Democrats will sign on for that.
Conservatives define themselves in terms of what they oppose.
O Lord, help me not to despise or oppose what I do not understand.
When we oppose God's delegated authority, we oppose God Himself.
Work on what you support rather than fighting what you oppose.
I tried to oppose the academic to the marketplace. — © Ad Reinhardt
I tried to oppose the academic to the marketplace.
Silence is not what democracy needs. Right now we have an election where, even the supporters of Hillary Clinton, the majority don't support Hillary; they just oppose Donald Trump. And the majority of Donald Trump supporters don't support him; they just oppose Hillary.
We must infuse our lives with art. Our national leaders must be informed that we want them to use our taxes to support street theatre in order to oppose street gangs. We should have a well-supported regional theatre in order to oppose regionalism and.
We tend to become like the worst in those we oppose.
I oppose amnesty, I oppose citizenship, I oppose legalization for illegal aliens. I always have and I always will.
We oppose the benefit cap. We oppose social cleansing. We will bring the welfare bill down by controlling rents and boosting wages, not by impoverishing families and socially cleansing our communities.
I oppose indexing gas tax hikes to inflation.
[Antinatalism ] seems to oppose the idea of writing anything at all. To reproduce is to pass on genes. To write is to pass on memes. In that sense, it really is a kind of reproduction, which antinatalism should, theoretically, oppose, or at least which I feel that it opposes emotionally in my own experience.
The power of an air force is terrific when there is nothing to oppose it.
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