Top 121 Orchard Quotes & Sayings

Explore popular Orchard quotes.
Last updated on December 18, 2024.
By raising tall trees for windbreaks, citrus underneath, and a green manure cover down on the surface, I have found a way to take it easy and let the orchard manage itself!
In this sequestered nook how sweet To sit upon my orchard seat And birds and flowers once more to greet. . . .
A man is old when he can pass an apple orchard and not remember the stomachache. — © James Russell Lowell
A man is old when he can pass an apple orchard and not remember the stomachache.
I'm not a gardener. I don't have the consistency for gardening, and I have barely enough for an orchard. I don't embarrass myself. You have to be there tending and weeding. With orchards, you can go through negligent periods and recover.
A book is a garden, an orchard, a storehouse, a party, a company by the way, a counselor, a multitude of counselors.
When I dance, I dance; when I sleep, I sleep; yes, and when I walk alone in a beautiful orchard, if my thoughts drift to far-off matters for some part of the time for some other part I lead them back again to the walk, the orchard, to the sweetness of this solitude, to myself.
Bear figs for a season or two, and the world outside the orchard is very unwilling you should bear thistles.
'The Cherry Orchard' is a masterpiece, and there can never be too many adaptations.
An orchard, good tillage, good grounds, seem a fixture, like a gold mine, or a river, to a citizen; but to a large farmer, not much more fixed than the state of the crop.
He lives out in Orchard Park. I mean, to be able to sit on the bench so patiently, for whatever part, and to be able to get up and do something, with such heroic competencies would be great.
My grandparents owned an apple orchard when I was growing up - a lot of apples, cherries... now, actually, a lot of grapes, too, to be honest.
The first role I played was Madame Ranevsky in 'The Cherry Orchard.'
She had only to stand in the orchard, to put her hand on a little crab tree and look up at the apples, to make you feel the goodness of planting and tending and harvesting at last.
Robin is one of the most native and democratic of our birds; he is one of the family, and seems much nearer to us than those rare, exotic visitants, as the orchard starling or rose-breasted grossbeak, with their distant, high-bred ways.
My troubles are all over, and I am at home; and often before I am quite awake, I fancy I am still in the orchard at Birtwick, standing with my friends under the apple trees.
The Cardinal ... It was as if a pulsing heart of flame passed by when he came winging through the orchard. — © Gene Stratton-Porter
The Cardinal ... It was as if a pulsing heart of flame passed by when he came winging through the orchard.
How dear to my heart are the scenes of my childhood, When fond recollection recalls them to view; The orchard, the meadow, the deep-tangled wildwood, And every loved spot which my infancy knew.
A flock of sheep near the airport or a high voltage generator beside the orchard: these combinations open up my life like a wound, but they also heal it. That's why my feelings always come in twos.
In the corridors under tehre is nothing but sleep. And stiller than ever on orchard boughs they keep Tryst with the moon, and deep is the silence, deep On moon-washed apples of wonder.
Give me juicy autumnal fruit, ripe and red from the orchard.
Some keep the Sabbath going to church, I keep it staying at home, with a bobolink for a chorister, and an orchard for a dome.
Nobody is going to invest a fortune into good orchard land, all the farming equipment necessary, the fertilizer, the seedlings, the nonstop Herculean work effort needed to grow apples, then bring them to the fruit stand for people to take home for free.
Everybody's twelve years old in an apple orchard.
... store of bees, in a dry and warme bee-house, comely made of fir boards, to sing, and sit, and feede upon your flowers and sprouts, make a pleasant noyse and sight. For cleanly and innocent bees, of all other things, love and become, and thrive in your orchard. If they thrive (as they must needs if your gardiner be skilfull, and love them: for they love their friends and hate none but their enemies) they will besides the pleasure, yeeld great profit, to pay him his wages; yea the increase of twenty stock of stools with other bees, will keep your orchard.
a few bad apples is no reason not to visit the orchard.
My earliest memory is dreamlike: in a small orchard or garden I am carried on the arm, I believe, of my father; there was a group of grown-ups, my mother among them, and the group was slowly walking in the orchard, it seems toward the house.
I am not bound for any public place, but for ground of my own where I have planted vines and orchard trees, and in the heat of the day climbed up into the healing shadow of the woods.
I'm really glad I had those years working on the orchard alongside my husband.
Money doesn't grow on trees, and if it did somebody else would own the orchard.
Let but the public mind become once thoroughly corrupt, and all attempts to secure property, liberty or life, by mere force of laws written on parchment, will be as vain as to put up printed notices in an orchard to keep off the canker-worms.
A book is a garden, an orchard, a storehouse, a party, a mentor, a teacher, a guidepost, a counsellor.
Yesterday I staked off the ground on the hill for an orchard. I want to get 1000 apple trees agrowing.
As September rolls into October, I become obsessed with apples. Now obviously this is provoked by the ripening fruit clustering on the trees in our orchard, but it is as though all things pomological ripen in me, too.
Washington is nothing if not an orchard of absurdities, and poking fun at power brokers is neither sex blind nor for the faint of heart.
Yesterday I staked off the ground on the hill for an orchard. I want to get 1,000 apple trees agrowing.
Dull indeed would be the man that did not feel the thrill awakened by the first glimpse of brilliant color in the orchard, and the cheery warbling notes borne to our ears on the first gentle breath of spring!
A real writer learns from earlier writers the way a boy learns from an apple orchard -- by stealing what he has a taste for, and can carry off
I would play just about any role, male or female, in the Anton Chekov play 'The Cherry Orchard,' which I love. — © Keegan-Michael Key
I would play just about any role, male or female, in the Anton Chekov play 'The Cherry Orchard,' which I love.
A book is a garden; A book is an orchard; A book is a storehouse; A book is a party. It is company by the way; it is a counselor; it is a multitude of counselors.
All these poses of classical torture ruined my mind like a snake in the orchard. I did go from wanting to be someone, now I'm drunk and wearing flip-flops on Fifth Avenue.
I planted an orchard when I was 13. The impulse came from wanting to grow my own apples. That and the nursery catalog showed an apple tree with a beautiful girl standing under the fruit. Whether the flavor or the picture that did it, I've been hooked since.
My first job out of college was six weeks of picking fruit alongside a dozen or so men from Mexico. The orchard was in Emmett, Idaho. The men spent almost nothing on themselves. Their paychecks went directly to their families back home.
Snowstorms may yet whiten fields and gardens, high winds may howl about the trees and chimneys, but the little blue heralds persistently proclaim from the orchard and the garden that the spring procession has begun to move.
You'll never be alone in the bone orchard.
Persecution is as necessary to religion as pruning to an orchard.
My pen is my harp and my lyre; my library is my garden and my orchard.
I was ripe ten years ago. Now I’m merely preserved, and before long I’ll be buried back in the orchard with the other pits.” -Amanda to Jack
Snub end of a dismal year, deep in the dwarf orchard, The sky with its undercoat of blackwash and point stars, I stand in the dark and answer to My life, this shirt I want to take off, which is on fire . . .
I work hard in the orchard, not for the money anymore, but for something I can't explain. Something worth more than money.
What is paradise, but, a garden, an orchard of trees and herbs, full of pleasure and nothing there but delights.
In an orchard there should be enough to eat, enough to lay up, enough to be stolen,  and enough to rot on the ground. — © James Boswell
In an orchard there should be enough to eat, enough to lay up, enough to be stolen, and enough to rot on the ground.
Now's the time when children's noses All become as red as roses And the colour of their faces Makes me think of orchard places Where the juicy apples grow, And tomatoes in a row.
The desired Islamic state might be likened to an orchard planted with olive and palm trees that will take a relatively long time to produce fruit.
I grew up on an apple orchard with a lot of surrounding wooded area, and I ran everywhere. I was outside all the time climbing trees.
My parents would always take me to the theatre, and I was bored a lot of the time. Loads of Shakespeare, and I didn't know what the hell was going on. And then, when I was 13, we went to see 'The Cherry Orchard,' and it changed everything for me.
I have my own orchard, and I also work with the Bloomington Community Orchard, which has been one of the best experiences of my life.
There is no secret orchard where ideas grow. Oh my, do I wish there were.
An orchard can grow pastured poultry underneath. A beef cattle or sheep farm can run pastured poultry behind the herbivores, like the egret on the rhino's nose.
Surely man was not created to be an idle fellow; he was not set in this universal orchard to stand still as a tree.
You would not go into an apple orchard and eat the weeds so why would you go into your day and feast on worries?.
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