Top 1200 Over Confident Quotes & Sayings

Explore popular Over Confident quotes.
Last updated on September 18, 2024.
Everything is mental, but if you just remember to stay with your same technique, you will be fine. If you stay confident, make sure you are doing the same thing over and over; the free throws will fall.
I feel it is good to be nervous because you are not fully sure or over-confident.
I certainly direct with confidence even if I'm not confident. I learned early on as an actor that confidence can be faked, and it's not always a terrible thing to do. A lot of times if people feel you're confident, then they're confident.
You don't have to feel confident to act confident. In fact, it's the most important acting job you can learn. — © Gail Sheehy
You don't have to feel confident to act confident. In fact, it's the most important acting job you can learn.
I'm very confident I'll win my championship before my career is over.
I was over-confident while growing up. I think when you look a certain way, you try and compensate by something else. I was always a strong child, was always confident, but looks never mattered to me.
Every woman is confident in her own way, and it's all about finding what makes you confident.
If I'm feeling confident, then I write confident, happy, or assured music. I can hear some early electronic sketches I did where I'm clearly not confident and everything's a bit mid-range, nothing really pushes through.
I'm pretty confident, I'm a confident person - at least I try to be.
You have to be confident, if you're not confident you might as well go home.
Over the years I've become more confident in people's ability to recognize a good thing.
I feel very confident with the way I look. But I felt just as confident the way I looked before. I've always been confident with who I am.
I wish I was 100 percent confident in my own skin. It's always a process, but getting older, I've become more confident.
People have to be confident about their sites. We're confident, number one, because under my administration we're managing our airports better than we've ever done before.
A good attitude for a woman is to be confident, and to be confident is to be natural. — © Emmanuelle Alt
A good attitude for a woman is to be confident, and to be confident is to be natural.
When I made my first film, I was arrogant and over-confident.
I have seen countless people make a choice to be confident. If you don't naturally feel bold and confident, you can choose an attitude of confidence.
I'm confident - confident in my skin, and I'm cool with my flaws and all that stuff.
When you're comfortable, you're more confident - I really believe that. If you're walking around in a dress or a pair of shoes that are uncomfortable, it reads all over you.
Research has shown over and over again that the more you acknowledge your past successes, the more confident you become in taking on and successfully accomplishing new ones.
Remember that the most confident people make others feel confident around them.
Think about how you are going to feel if you eat the healthy food, how you are going to look in a bikini next summer or in skinny jeans. Think about feeling strong, healthy, confident. You'll be more confident in the bedroom, more confident at the office.
I'm confident when I perform but going into a horrible, boring studio and playing the same thing over and over again is really different to being on stage!
I'm confident in my team. I'm confident in my coaches. I'm confident in my ability. I worked really hard to become a better mixed martial artist.
I am confident and I work so hard to be confident. If I wasn't talented, then I wouldn't be as confident.
I am very confident. I look confident. I act confident. I speak in a confident way.
I'm used to playing in the Premier League now. I'm confident, and all my team-mates are confident with me.
My first impression was that this guy [Ndamukong Suh] is very confident. For him to be so young, I was kind of caught off guard by how confident he was. But then my first time seeing him on the field, pretty much solidified why he was so confident. He's obviously a monster.
Confidence has not always been something I had in my whole life. But when I found it? Man you don't have to be confident in every area of your life. Just grab something you're confident about, and if you coast on that it'll spill over to other areas in your life. Confidence is contagious, you know?
Ought a man to be confident that he deserves his good fortune, and think much of himself when he has overcome a nation, or city, or empire; or does fortune give this as an example to the victor also of the uncertainty of human affairs, which never continue in one stay? For what time can there be for us mortals to feel confident, when our victories over others especially compel us to dread fortune, and while we are exulting, the reflection that the fatal day comes now to one, now to another, in regular succession, dashes our joy.
My Dad taught me that the English upper class are sent to school to be taught to be confident, whereas in Glasgow you're born confident. I've always thought that pretty much summed me up. Born confident.
There is always the risk of being over-confident when you are preparing to face a weaker player.
Just be confident. Confidence is the most attractive part of a person. Because if they're not confident enough to show you who they are, you don't even know who they are.
I'm pretty confident about my sobriety, but I don't want to get too confident because that's when I'll crash.
A little fear is good for a fellow, it keeps him from getting over-confident.
You have to be confident to be successful... I am somewhat confident.
Anyone can be confident with a full head of hair. But a confident bald man - there's your diamond in the rough.
Over the years, I've learned that a confident person doesn't concentrate or focus on their weaknesses - they maximize their strengths.
I might literally fall over dead if I meet Oprah Winfrey. I'm kind of joking, but I'm not confident that wouldn't happen. — © Uzo Aduba
I might literally fall over dead if I meet Oprah Winfrey. I'm kind of joking, but I'm not confident that wouldn't happen.
I was confident in my ability. It's why I decided to walk on to a bigger school, in the Big 12: because I was confident in myself.
I'm confident in everything I do. It can be playing checkers, and I'm confident.
Over the last 15 years or so, Manchester has undergone huge transformation - from a city in decline and on its knees to one that is growing, vibrant and confident.
I'm who I am. I'm confident. I think it's weird if you're not confident.
You might think the thinner version of yourself is going to be the most positive or confident, but that's not how it is for me. When I'm over 200 pounds, that's when I'm the most confident version of myself.
When women are starting out in their careers, they tend to be confident and look to aspire to leadership role and really want those positions. But then over time, as they advance, they become less confident and don't think they can attain those roles.
Mistakes occur when a man is over-worked or over-confident.
You begin to take on the mentality of your coach. If he feels so confident, then I feel confident.
You succeed because you've chosen to be confident. It's not really useful to require yourself to be successful before you're able to become confident.
I can't physically put someone over, but I can feel very confident in my ability to tell a story through a promo.
I was really confident when I left WWE. I was confident that I would have a good time, and I was confident that I could wrestle differently than perhaps people saw me in the last few years with WWE, but I definitely wasn't prepared for this level of everything.
What is leadership, after all, but the blind choice of one route over another and the confident pretense that the decision was based on reason — © Robert Harris
What is leadership, after all, but the blind choice of one route over another and the confident pretense that the decision was based on reason
Basically, I think some of the weight helped take some of the walls down in reality, so basically I got a little more confident. I'm definitely not super confident, but I am confident that I don't have to hide behind those layers of fat and that I can actually open up to people a little more.
It doesn't inspire young men and women struggling with their own sexuality to be confident in who they are if I'm not confident in who I am.
I think I've always acted confident, even at times I haven't been confident.
After I became confident in Him it didn't matter what anyone said because I was confident in something and someone way bigger than myself.
I am not confident around people. Maybe, I have become slightly more confident over the years because of my profession.
If I was to direct a movie about a super-confident guy, first of all I would hate that character. I can do a super-confident guy who crashes and burns and has to rebuild himself as somebody humble. But a super-confident guy that just gets more confident and gets the girl and the money and more success? That's not interesting.
I'm confident in my abilities and confident to know what kind of player I am. I've also been educated on the business side of it, getting your value.
The Lord wants us to have a threefold confidence. First, we are to be confident that He loves us in our weakness. Second, we are to be confident that He esteems our weak love for Him as genuine.Third, we are to be confident that He still entrusts us with the calling that He originally gave us.
If you're feeling comfortable and confident in whatever you are sporting, you will pull it off. One can even wear garbage bags if they are confident enough.
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