Top 1200 Paid Off Quotes & Sayings - Page 3

Explore popular Paid Off quotes.
Last updated on September 19, 2024.
You built a factory out there, good for you. But I want to be clear. You moved your goods to market on the roads that the rest of us paid for. You hired workers that the rest of us paid to educate. You were safe in your factory because of police forces and fire forces that the rest of us paid for.
In 1987, when I was 19, I was studying musical theater at Boston's Emerson College. My sister, Tricia Leigh, told me about a summer acting retreat in Italy. Mom paid, so off we went.
I don't even know what the issues are. I haven't paid attention to politics in a long time. It's actually not something that I really even enjoy. It's way off my radar.
I had to play for a soccer team, I had to be an athlete, I had to make straight As. I was very hard on myself, and it paid off now. — © Demi-Leigh Nel-Peters
I had to play for a soccer team, I had to be an athlete, I had to make straight As. I was very hard on myself, and it paid off now.
As I see it, if the production of a factory is expanding, and workers are satisfied, it's OK for there to be a disparity. The best paid should be about three times more than the worst paid.
I'm getting paid to tour and travel and I don't have to work a shitty job. And it's weird because you like start getting pissed off about that.
The teacher's chief difficulty is poverty. He (or she) belongs to a badly paid profession. He cannot dress and live like a workman, but he is sometimes paid as little as an unskilled laborer.
I've kind of walked into a realm where it's paid off for all the hard work that I've put into it, and I get to bless my family. And that's the one thing I love doing. I love giving.
We were living in a tough situation, but my mother managed; she juggled. Sometimes we'd pay the light bill, sometimes we paid the phone, sometimes the gas went off.
My first job was in pantomime; I was a chorus girl in 'Dick Whittington' at 16. I got the part by ringing the director daily to see if anyone had dropped out, and it paid off eventually, when I was cast as a rat!
I've been doing this stuff for so long it's the one aspect of my life that I've paid attention to and really sort of not paid attention to the rest of it.
Other kids would sneak out of the house to go to parties and do untoward things. I was sneaking out to do standup downtown. It paid off.
Under Medicare right now, I get paid to put a pacemaker in you, but I don't get paid to counsel you about end-of-life care.
I am told the settlement of $5 million I am being paid is the largest amount ever paid under the New York right to privacy law — © Woody Allen
I am told the settlement of $5 million I am being paid is the largest amount ever paid under the New York right to privacy law
I don't get paid if my clients don't get better by a certain time period. And sure, I have not been paid before. We all fail sometimes; it's okay.
I went to Manchester, didn't know anyone, got a job as a runner and worked my butt off. I got paid 60 quid a week, and lived above a pub.
Every home that I have is paid for, every car that I have is paid for, and I am a hundred-million-dollar man. I mean, this is the truth; it's not a lie.
I really can't complain about actresses who get paid to be dumb. Most of us can't get paid to be smart.
There's a pretty equitable distribution in the restaurant industry of how money gets paid, except for in the kitchen. The kitchen is the lowest-paid group of people.
All Politicians should be required to wear uniforms like Racing Car Drivers with patches showing the donations received from special interest groups so we know who has paid them off!
The public aren't stupid, they know that celebrities are getting paid to promote. I don't want to influence young women to do or buy something that I don't feel passionate about, just so I get paid for it.
Regarding the Economy & Taxation: America's most successful achievers do pay a higher share of the total tax burden. The top one percent income earners paid 18 percent of the total tax burden in 1981, and paid 25 percent in 1991. The bottom 50 percent of income earners paid only 8 percent of the total tax burden, and paid only 5 percent in 1991. History shows that tax cuts have always resulted in improved economic growth producing more tax revenue in the treasury.
As a cameraman, I was paid to stand within a few feet of Yehudi Menuhin performing. I saw Rudolph Nureyev dancing. I couldn't believe I was being paid for that.
We need a national family leave policy that will allow both men and women to take paid time off from work to care for a newborn or a sick relative.
Across the years, in spite of everything I knew, my passion endured. Newspapers and magazines paid me to cover fights when I'd have paid my own way.
The secret of the creative life is how to feel at ease with your own embarrassment. We're all in the dirty laundry business and we're being paid to take risks and look silly. Race car drivers get paid to risk their lives in a more concrete way; we get paid to risk our lives in an emotional way.
People always ask what kind of restaurant we have, and it's like a five-minute conversation. The short answer is, 'We're creating community through food.' That's the big idea we had, the product we're exporting. And it has paid off.
I thought my first few jobs would just be off, off, off, off, off broadway. And by chance and how the world works, I ended up on a TV show instead.
Women who are paid to look hot get hit on all the time, so don't roll up on a restaurant hostess with your non-iron Trump Collection shirt and expect anything to pop off.
The iPad was my first splurge after I got my first paychecks. I paid off the debt, and I now bring the iPad with me to auditions.
I'm most excited that the hard work has paid off for myself and the team. You put your heart and soul into something and you want to show it to an audience outside of Jersey Boys. It gives a chance to not only show my work, but of Jeffrey Schecter as an actor and co-writer. It gets to show off our cinematographer, my production team. That's what I'm most proud of… everybody gets to have their own moment to enjoy it.
Even professional, paid carers aren't always models of saintly behaviour - and they know they can knock off at the end of their shift to go home, take an uninterrupted shower, and have a normal conversation with someone.
Render more service than you are paid for and eventually you will be paid more for less services rendered.
Where I trained at in Florida, though, they didn't have Jack in the Box. There were a couple of nights where they were all I could think about. But, it worked out for me at the combine. It paid off.
We paid off our debts, we learned some, made friends and returned in 1950 with a larger view of life. I had, however, no home, no income of any kind and no prospects whatsoever.
I do not think that anybody should get paid for lousy performance. I've said that for a long time. If you work hard and you do good, you get paid well.
I never took my SAT's. I never applied to college. I moved right out here and jumped into the thick of things. Whether that was the smart move or not, I'm sitting here talking to you now, so it paid off.
The basic thing is, people want to get paid, so they'll say the things that get them paid, in entertainment or politics.
If people are well paid for reality television and cotton candy and dunking a basketball, why can't they be well paid for changing young minds? — © B. J. Novak
If people are well paid for reality television and cotton candy and dunking a basketball, why can't they be well paid for changing young minds?
The essence of grace, we suppose, is that the account has been paid in advance; and, because it has been paid, everything can be had for nothing.
I know I'm the world's worst fielder, but who gets paid for fielding? There isn't a great fielder in baseball getting the kind of dough I get paid for hitting.
I just thank the people who took part in our graduated drivers task force, who came with their thoughts and ideas as to how we can best keep our roads safe, and it has paid off.
You know, 'Paid in Full' is a classic album, man. It kind of got me to where I am now, so I can never get tired of 'Paid in Full.'
As for my shooting, I really think that what I've done since I was little really paid off. That's become one of my weapons even after I've come to the States.
Coming off of 'Book of Mormon,' I had a lot of opportunities. I didn't want to do TV, actually. I really wanted to get paid nothing and keep doing theater at all costs.
Maitre d's are at the financial spigot of the restaurant, meaning they control who gets in and who doesn't, but aside from that, they don't do anything. And yet they get paid as much as the highest-paid people in the place.
What I love about YouTube is that you don't need brands to pay you, because you get paid off the views. When I put effort into YouTube, I directly see money back.
I don't get paid like a person that everyone knows, but I get paid so much more in so many ways.
At the end of the day, dividends are not being paid with margins; dividends are paid with earnings per share. — © Joe Kaeser
At the end of the day, dividends are not being paid with margins; dividends are paid with earnings per share.
When I was shooting for 'Mahabharat,' in those one or one and a half years, I didn't live my life. I was living as Arjun. Not even one single day I was Shaheer. But that paid off very well, as everyone loved my role.
It's definitely fun when you're able to translate your practice into the game. It's fun, and you know that your hard work paid off.
People say, You paid your dues, but I never paid any dues. It's always been a great trip.
I went to Havana, and I was like, "Wow, there's culture everywhere!" That was one thing that I did notice when I went to Cuba was that artists are paid to be artists, and poets are paid to be poets, and musicians are paid to be musicians by the government. The government - and I'm not saying that the Cuban government's perfect - but the government does place a value on culture.
I've hit a point where my big luxury is getting to work on the things I want to work on. That's my hobby. It's being able to do a movie like 'Chef,' where you don't get paid, where you get paid scale, but you get to do exactly the movie you want to do. To me, that's worth more to me than whatever money I would have gotten paid.
I really want to go to a club that really wants me. Southampton gave me that opportunity, and it paid off, I think.
One very clear impression I had of all the Beautiful People was their prudence. It may be that they paid for their own airline tickets, but they paid for little else.
You may never get to that perfect world that you're waiting for where everything's going to be perfect and you got that much money and your house paid off.
Work - get paid; don't work - don't get paid. Everybody is on commission, .. Try not coming to work for six weeks. Work gets paid; don't work, don't get paid. When they earn those dollars, and when you're 4, and you clean up your room, it really means mom cleaned up the room and you did two toys. When you're 14, it means you cleaned up your room. But still, we got the money caused by work, and then, we have teachable moments on how to handle the money they earn.
When you do more than you're paid for eventually you will get paid for more than you do. This is a basic truth that also applies to Business, Sales or anything you do. Whatever your endeavor always provide more service than you get paid for and you will develop a reputation that will separate you from the rest.
People love to say we get paid a lot of money to play a game, but it stopped being a game when you start getting paid.
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