Top 1200 Painful Life Quotes & Sayings - Page 15

Explore popular Painful Life quotes.
Last updated on September 30, 2024.
It is time to face real world, even if it is harder and painful. I'd rather fly and crash, than just snuggle and sleep.
I recently read in the book My Stroke of Insight by brain scientist Jill Bolte Taylor that the natural life span of an emotion—the average time it takes for it to move through the nervous system and body—is only a minute and a half. After that we need thoughts to keep the emotion rolling. So if we wonder why we lock into painful emotional states like anxiety, depression, or rage, we need look no further than our own endless stream of inner dialogue.
It is so painful to suggest that we go back to think about these days where an African-American could not be a citizen of the United States. — © Tim Kaine
It is so painful to suggest that we go back to think about these days where an African-American could not be a citizen of the United States.
Because I find writing painful, I try to get it over with as fast as possible. But I write every day, or I lose the thread.
It seemed to me the basic definition of mental illness, this persistent, painful inability to simply be with someone else. It might be lifelong, or it might descend like a sudden catastrophe, this blankness between ourselves and the rest of the world. The blankness might not even be obvious to others. But on our side of that severed connection, it was hell, a life lived behind glass. The only difference between mild depression and severe schizophrenia was the amount of sound and air that seeped in.
All our knowledge merely helps us to die a more painful death than animals that know nothing.
Jealousy is a painful passion; yet without some share of it, the agreeable affection of love has difficulty to subsist in its full force and violence.
The sun will shine again. No matter... how painful and hard the rain may beat down on me.
The childhood of the individual and the race is full of fears, and panic-stricken attempts to avert what is feared by placating the gods with painful sacrifices.
The most painful and jealously guarded secrets are perhaps the ones that everyone around us knows. Stupid tragedies. Useless tears.
One of the most painful circumstances of recent advances in science is that each one makes us know less than we thought we did
At its best, American music is the soundtrack of our long - and often painful - march toward a more perfect union.
There was a special challenge in describing the awful childhood of a person who happens to be my own husband. It was very painful at times, for both of us. — © Pamela Stephenson
There was a special challenge in describing the awful childhood of a person who happens to be my own husband. It was very painful at times, for both of us.
Simple questions can be profound, and answering them requires us to make stark and honest - and sometimes painful - self-assessments.
My twenties were painful. You had to go out to nightclubs. I love not having to pretend to enjoy those things anymore.
Have you ever been through a painful season in life and wished for something new, something fresh, or even something healing to come along? Take this journey with Robin Price, a widow and single mother with a big heart and passion for those closest to her as she wades through trying to live, let go, and love again. Wishing on Willows is a story of hope that will find you stepping up to the willow tree and daring to make wishes
There is no irritant as painful as an ace up your sleeve that you can never use; it's the kind of thing that causes oysters to produce pearls.
Sometimes in order for change to be made in a positive fashion, we must force ourselves to look unblinkingly at painful realities and reevaluate.
Sitting on the sidelines is so painful because it's very difficult for me to watch wrestling and not be a participant in the ring, since that's just where I belong.
I was playing baseball, and I tripped over first base - I'm very clumsy - and I fell and broke my wrist. That was pretty painful.
We're constantly waking up to what we're about, what we're really doing in our lives. And the fact is, that's painful. But there's no possibility of freedom without this pain.
Cancer treatment is very expensive, and the process is painful and long. This is something that we have to collectively think about, on how to make it affordable.
The fact is, violence is not only not a beautiful thing, but it's also very painful and not without consequences for the perpetrator as well as the victim.
It's ridiculous and painful to use the Arabic of an Iraqi poet who lived centuries ago to describe what we in Iraq are suffering today.
I wish I could say someone taught me my mental toughness, it would have been a lot less painful.
I don't think pain is a prerequisite for growth, but on the other hand, most of us choose very painful ways to learn.
Compulsory education... It is a painful, continual, and difficult work; to be done by kindness, by watching, by warning, by precept, and by praise, — but above all — by example.
It is true that the U.S. could and should have been more generous as Russia made its painful transition to a market economy in the 1990s.
In spite of warnings, nothing much happens until the status quo becomes more painful than change.
I handle emotional pain by trying to understand that it's going to be painful and to allow for it instead of fighting it. Doesn't make it any easier, though.
Writers are greatly respected. The intelligent public is wonderfully patient with them, continues to read them, and endures disappointment after disappointment, waiting to hear from art what it does not hear from theology, philosophy, social theory, and what it cannot hear from pure science. Out of the struggle at the center has come an immense, painful longing for a broader, more flexible, fuller, more coherent, more comprehensive account of what we human beings are, who we are and what this life is for.
I know, now, without a doubt that the true source of happiness, self-worth, and authentic beauty doesn't come from the outside. Women are constantly being persuaded to want something unachievable, to look younger or thinner and above all to fit in because being different is too painful and embarassing. I have accepted myself in a world that does not accept me, because I have learned [ . . . ] that our hearts matter most... It's a beautiful heart, not a perfect body, that leads to a beautiful life.
It's never easy to adapt a book, especially as the author, because it's as if you're chopping off appendages. It really feels painful to decide what has to go.
Do you think love just goes away? Pops out of existence when it becomes too painful or inconvenient, as if you never felt it?
Our greatest fear is that we will lose the love in our life... that we will be abandoned, left alone, bereaved, misunderstood, deprived, hated and rejected....but we can never be OUT OF LOVE. We are love and if our minds separate ourselves from who we really are it is a painful delusion. Ego personalities, including our own, might separate ourselves from love but love never dies because it is what we are made of.
The work of a psychotherapist involves being empathic and insightful with one's patients without getting too lost in their painful stories to be helpful.
Stuttering is painful. In Sunday school, I'd try to read my lessons, and the children behind me were falling on the floor with laughter.
Things that happen, however painful they are at the time, do not matter very much for long. Only how we behave to them matters. — © Phyllis Bottome
Things that happen, however painful they are at the time, do not matter very much for long. Only how we behave to them matters.
Waiting for your answer is one of the most painful things I have ever been through. At least let me know whether or not I hurt you.
Everywhere revolutions are painful yet a fruitful gestation of people; they shed blood but create light, they eliminate men but elaborate ideas.
Having Reyes so near is painful. I think it has apoplexy." "Do you even know what that means?" "No, but it sounds serious. Like Ebola. Or hives
He died a long painful death. However, you'll be happy to hear that just a few years later he was reincarnated as Shirley MacLaine.
I know I'm not a conventional beauty. You can read a lot of painful things on the Internet, which criticise you aesthetically - but as far as I'm concerned, that's not what an actress is.
The politeness was painful. I wanted to push through it, to return to the glow of the night of the concert, but I was unsure of how to get back there.
I like the idea of a place that is dealing with painful, messy, frightening, and very human events that is also so beautiful and ethereal.
When the Fed decides that inflation is too high, they have the tools, and they've shown historically that they have the will, to bring it down. And, it might be painful.
There can be no summary and dramatic end to a marriage - only a slow and painful unravelling of a tangled skein of threads too stubborn to be broken.
However painful it may be for me to accept this conclusion, I am obliged to state it: for the black man there is only one destiny. And it is white. — © Frantz Fanon
However painful it may be for me to accept this conclusion, I am obliged to state it: for the black man there is only one destiny. And it is white.
It is an agreeable and yet a painful sense of novelty to stand for the first time in the midst of a people whose language and manners are different from one's own.
I don't actually do any exercise, which is really bad. But I wear heels a lot. My theory is that it's painful, so it's gotta do something.
Acting is like racing, you need the same concentration. You have to reach inside you and bring forth a lot of broken glass. That's painful.
It's very painful for me to sit back and watch people get sick and die due to preventable lifestyle choices.
The downsides of globalization are indeed painful, ... But taking the bigger pills against its ills is superior to living inside a sterile bubble.
If a person's basic state of mind is serene and calm, then it is possible for this inner peace to overwhelm a painful physical experience.
As you get older, you can suffer from painful hips, and our joints wear a lot quicker than for people of average height.
Few things are more painful than being a successful writer born in a small country with an impenetrable language.
You don't sign up for a divorce when you get married. It's very painful. But it's taught me a great deal about myself.
If you listen long enough you can hear my skin grow tough love is painful to the touch must be made of stronger stuff.
In a mad moment, my family and I purchased a home in Maine because it's the place in the world that my wife loves better than any other place or any other human, and so I have committed my life and what had once been my economic security that has now returned to insecurity, to a patch of painful, rocky land on the shores of horrible, cold waters to a place where people go in the summer to experience autumn because leaves start falling on August 1.
During rehearsals I am confronted by things very mysterious. I have terrific fights with inner demons, and it's more painful than it ever was.
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