Top 1200 Painful Love Quotes & Sayings

Explore popular Painful Love quotes.
Last updated on September 30, 2024.
Holding on to painful images of the past in order to avoid painful experiences in the future serves only to color the present with pain.
As a child I was taught that to tell the truth was often painful. As an adult I have learned that not to tell the truth is more painful, and that the fear of telling the truth - whatever the truth may be - that fear is the most painful sensation of a moral life. be injured on this tundra would lead to a quick and painful death—or at the very least abject humiliation before the popping flashes of the tourist season's tail end, which was slightly less painful than a painful death, but lasted longer.
When asked, "What do you think love is?" a lot of people speak of things that are painful or lingering. I wanted to talk about various sides to love. Things such as the excitement, happiness, parting, pain, regret regarding love.
I love spicy food, love it. But wasabi is just painful. — © Devon Werkheiser
I love spicy food, love it. But wasabi is just painful.
The history of black people in America, it's so painful. But throughout all that history there has still been the ability of our community to find love and laughter and joy even in these very painful circumstances. That's why I think in particular black love is so powerful, because it's constantly under attack.
Love - true love - is a precious thing. It is painful, uncomfortable, makes fools of us all, but it is what breathes meaning and color and purpose into our lives.
I find playwriting really painful. I love it, or I wouldn't do it, but I don't love the theater as much as I love movies.
Criticism is painful when it's not done with love.
I stopped going to mass, and boy, it was painful for me, and it was certainly painful for my family, but I just couldn't ratify their behavior and their decisions anymore by showing up on Sundays.
Those who love, friends and lovers, know that love is not only a blinding flash, but also a long and painful struggle in the darkness for the realization of definitive recognition and reconciliation.
Personal growth can be painful, because it can make us feel ashamed and humiliated to face our own darkness. But our spiritual goal is the journey out of fear-based, painful mental habit patterns, to those of love and peace.
Sometimes we don't face what's going on in our world, be it a water crisis or an earth crisis, because it's a little too scary and painful. Just like we don't want to face the parts of ourselves that are a little too uncomfortable or painful. We've gotta face both and love both so that we can heal both.
I've been in love. It's painful and pointless and overrated.
Falling in love is painful on the knees. — © Jon Bon Jovi
Falling in love is painful on the knees.
But if you've ever felt love, you'll know how painful it is to suffer for love.
A lot of my stories about the old days, they're delicious and funny. But every time I recall the early days, it's painful. With every anecdote, it's painful because you're summoning up the terribly, terribly difficult life of my parents. And it's painful because I didn't realize at the time how hard it was for them.
I'll never get used to living without Mo, but the painful things that surround what happened to him aren't so painful any more-not so raw or so new.
Those particular thoughts that are painful - love them. I love them to death!
To a hikikomori, winter is painful because everything feels cold, frozen over, and lonely. To a hikikomori, spring is also painful because everyone is in a good mood and therefore enviable. Summer, of course, is especially painful.
If you're performing music that is not who you are or where you're at, it is painful. It's painful for the performer and for the audience.
To walk behind others on a road you are traveling together, to give precedence to others without envy - this is painful for an individual and painful for a nation.
No one can remain married today because they are not married to the one they love, they are married to their sacrifice, and pretending to love is too damned painful. Love and build, love and work, love and fight. Always love first. Anything placed before love will fail.
Unrequited love may be painful, but it is safely painful, because it does not involve inflicting damage on anyone but oneself, a private pain that is as bittersweet as it is self-induced. But as soon as love is reciprocated, one must be prepared to give up the passivity of simply being hurt and take on the responsibility of perpetrating hurt oneself.
Long distance relationships are living proof that love is not just physical. I can feel you next to me even when you're thousands of miles away. Waiting is painful. Forgetting is painful. But not knowing which to do is the worst kind of suffering.
If it's so painful to love and absorb electricity, how much more painful it is to be a woman, to be the electricity, to inspire love.
I have grown up on a staple diet of love stories. But, soon I realised it is not so rosy or divine. It is painful, selfish and ugly. Love is the biggest curse of this generation!
Love is the greatest healing power I know. Love can heal even the deepest and most painful memories because love brings the light of understanding to the darkest corners of our hearts and minds.
When I realised that I had feelings for men as well as women, at first I was worried and frightened, and there was a certain amount of 'Who am I? Am I a criminal?' and so on. It took me a long time to come to terms with myself. Those were painful years - painful then and painful to look back on.
How painful it is to find that my figure can be of no help to my future... how painful to see it rejected on account of a slanderous suspicion!
As you experience love and relationships, you start to realize that love tends to end in a very painful goodbye.
Waiting is painful. Forgetting is painful. But not knowing which to do is the worse kind of suffering.
I'll never get used to living without Mo, but the painful things that surround what happened to him aren't so painful any more - not so raw or so new.
At that time, I had recently finished a book called Amazing Grace, which many people tell me is a very painful book to read. Well, if it was painful to read, it was also painful to write. I had pains in my chest for two years while I was writing that book.
Losing would be painful, but not as painful as knowing there was something else you could've done.
Love tends to end in a very painful goodbye.
Don't crop ears or tails or declaw cats; it's really painful. People think it's necessary, but it's painful for the animal, and it's completely unnecessary.
Foolishness is indeed painful, and verily so is youth, but more painful by far than either is being obliged in another person's house.
I too love everything that flows: rivers, sewers, lava, semen, blood, bile, words, sentences. I love the amniotic fluid when it spills out of the bag. I love the kidney with it's painful gall-stones, it's gravel and what-not; I love the urine that pours out scalding and the clap that runs endlessly; I love the words of hysterics and the sentences that flow on like dysentery and mirror all the sick images of the soul.
Getting slapped in the face with a plastic arm to wake up is not as painful as it might look - probably more humiliating than painful really. — © Simone Giertz
Getting slapped in the face with a plastic arm to wake up is not as painful as it might look - probably more humiliating than painful really.
It is unbearably painful for the soul to love silently.
What happened in the past that was painful has a great deal to do with what we are today, but revisiting this painful past can contribute little or nothing to what we need to do now.
Church of painful love - unfulfilled,unrequited & unattained
I think there's nothing more painful for anyone than unrequited love. If you've ever had that kind of physical access to someone and then, all of a sudden, that is denied, and yet you're still in love with that person, it's very, very, very painful to be around that person in a certain way.
Growth is painful. Change is painful. But, nothing is as painful as staying stuck where you do not belong.
Growth can be painful, change can be painful but nothing is as painful as staying stuck somewhere you don't belong Anxiety does not empty tomorrow of its sorrow it only empties today of it strengths
It was painful, but sometimes you must have these painful moments where you tear yourself away from something that isn't working.
I think a lot of us can relate to not choosing to face a painful memory, and something that's a painful past, and wanting to pretend like it never happened.
Live what you love, and love what you live. Anything less is a painful and frustrating waste of your precious time.
Although there are those who wish to ban my books because I have used language that is painful, I have chosen to use the language that was spoken during the period, for I refuse to whitewash history. The language was painful and life was painful for many African Americans, including my family. I remember the pain.
Love brings up our unresolved feelings . One day we are feeling loved , and the next day we are suddenly afraid to trust love . The painful memories of being rejected begin to surface when we are faced with trusting and accepting our partner's love .
Romantic love is painful. — ©
Romantic love is painful.
It is just as painful to me when I do poorly. If the fault is all mine, that's what's painful. If it's a situation where no one could have succeeded, I don't feel as bad.
Coming out, for me, was slightly painful. It was a relief, but it was also painful.
You know when people smile too much? It's painful. I find it really painful. Happy is not very reliable. I'm trying to live like, um, with a fierce calm.
The most painful love there is, is the love left unshown A love that cannot be expressed, affection left unknown The love that withholds touching,afraid of what it would say And the most painful thing about unexpressed love is.., it never fades away
Love is love, no matter who you fall in love with, love is love, it can be painful, it can be wonderful.
It is painful to doubt the sincerity of those we love.
I used to believe that love and happiness were synonymous. I was a fool. Love intensifies all emotions. Nothing is so painful o so sweet, so thrilling or so desperate... Pleasure is, after all, a luxury. It's love thats essential. You are never so alive as when you love, never so alert, intuitive, attentive, never so smart or so compassionate.
That which is painful sharpens one's love.
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