Top 497 Painters Quotes & Sayings

Explore popular Painters quotes.
Last updated on September 17, 2024.
Painters are noted for being dissipated and wild.
Every time somebody writes a theory about where literature's going, that person is not only contributing thought but nudging things to happen in one way or the other. Just as in painting, there's much more interest in the American scene painters and the early American... like the Ashcan school of painters. Who would have thought, 50 years ago, that Norman Rockwell would again be considered a serious painter? And yet, there are a lot of people who are saying Rockwell was a very accomplished technician. These things are constantly moving.
When you talk about painters and you talk about painters painting masterpieces, there is no painter who painted only one painting and that was a masterpiece. You have to do a whole bunch of paintings to get to the place of mastering your craft.
Painters aren't expected to paint bleak pictures, are they? — © Alexander McCall Smith
Painters aren't expected to paint bleak pictures, are they?
This happened to me last week. We're in the process of remodeling our house; we've been doing it for a while now. And we have the painters in, putting sheets up around the furniture, you know? And we have a piano, just a regular, up against the wall piano. One of the painters said to me, "Is that y'all's piano?" I said, "Nah, that's our coffee table, it just has buckteeth! Here's your Sign!
Painters were also attorneys, happy storytellers of anecdote, psychologists, botanists, zoologists, archaeologists, engineers, but there were no creative painters.
We wouldn't be artists, writers, painters, musicians, if we weren't sensitive.
Painters, especially American painters since the Second World War, have been much more troubled, beset by formal perplexity, than American writers. Theyve been a laboratory for everybody.
Painters understand nature and love it, and teach us to see.
I make movies just as painters paint: I work where I can.
Real painters understand with a brush in their hand.
I am astonished at the high prices paid for works by painters who are dead, prices none of them could expect when they were alive. It is a kind of tulip trade, in which living painters suffer but do not profit.
Painters ought to be mute. Speech is the enemy of expression.
The house was as empty as a beer closet in premises where painters have been at work. — © Mark Twain
The house was as empty as a beer closet in premises where painters have been at work.
I'm not saying I'm the best. There are many painters in the world. But there is only one Picasso.
Modern art to me is nothing more than the expression of contemporary aims of the age we’re living in. All cultures have had means and techniques of expressing their immediate aims – the Chinese, the Renaissance, all cultures. The thing that interests me is that today painters do not have to go to a subject matter outside of themselves. Most modern painters work from a different source, they work from within.
Bologna is celebrated for producing popes, painters, and sausage.
Lawyers and painters can soon change white to black.
Painters can study the masters can't they? Musicians can hear Beethoven. What will filmmakers do?
In some ways painters have been more important in my life than writers. Painters teach you how to see—a faculty that usually isn’t highly developed in poets. Whether you take a walk in the woods with a painter, or go to a museum with one, through them you notice shapes, colors, harmonies, relationships that enhance your own seeing.
Painters 'see' the world; musicians 'hear' it.
Painters of paintings, writers of books, never could tell the half.
I write about art out of gratitude to painters for the joy and spiritual uplift they have given me. Painters interpret for us the visual glories of God and, in this way, bring us closer to Him.
If painters could be compared to filmmakers, Bosch is the Hype Williams of renaissance painters. With Bosch, there's always a narrative that is very nonlinear - and that's the essence of a good music video.
Representational painters: loosen the grip of inflexibility! Abstract painters: tighten your hold on crafting your images! In both types of painting students need to unlearn what one has acquired.
Abstract and conceptual painters face different demons than representational painters, but neither group has a monopoly on either authenticity or originality.
All painters are interested in photography to a certain extent.
How are we going to make painters by lecturing to them? We are going to make questioners, doubters, and talkers. We are going to make painters by painting ourselves, and by showing the paintings of others. By working frankly from our convictions, we are going to make them work frankly from theirs.
My office looks very empty compared with my house. The house is completely crammed full with things that Patrick and I love. It's very eclectic. There are things that have no value but which we like. We have a lot of Belgian painters; we have international painters. We have nice things; we have ugly things. I don't want that things are predictable.
I like all those painters who loved and had a strong feeling for nature.
The new painters do not propose, any more than did their predecessors, to be geometers. But it may be said that geometry is to the plastic arts what grammar is to the art of the writer. Today, scholars no longer limit themselves to the three dimensions of Euclid. The painters have been lead quite naturally, one might say by intuition, to preoccupy themselves with the new possibilities of spatial measurement which, in the language of the modern studios, are designated by the term fourth dimension.
All art is propaganda. ... The only difference is the kind of propaganda. Since art is essential for human life, it can't just belong to the few. Art is the universal language, and it belongs to all mankind. All painters have been propagandists or else they have not been painters. ... Every artist who has been worth anything in art has been such a propagandist. ... Every strong artist has been a propagandist. I want to be a propagandist and I want to be nothing else. ... I want to use my art as a weapon.
We painters use the same license as poets and madmen.
Fashion photographers are the new painters.
Happy are the painters, for they shall not be lonely.
A painter with prestige among painters is bound to be discovered sooner or later.
Painters who are not colorists produce illumination, not painting.
Most painters want recognition, especially by their peers.
[Alexander] Hamilton estimated portrait painters as thieves of time. — © Gertrude Atherton
[Alexander] Hamilton estimated portrait painters as thieves of time.
I'm often asked by younger filmmakers, 'Why do I need to look at old movies?' I've made a number of pictures in the last 20 years and the response I have to give them is that I still consider myself a student. The more pictures I've made in 20 years, the more I realize I really don't know. And I'm always looking for something or someone that I could learn from. I tell the younger filmmakers, and the young students, that do it like painters used to do—that painters do—study the old masters, enrich your palette, expand the canvas. There's always so much more to learn.
I'm the expert when it comes to my paintings. I think all great painters have to have that confidence in what they are seeking and when they're getting there.
It has always been difficult for historians to fully grasp the intelligence of painters.
What a trade! Poor painters! They always wish to be understood, and they are analysed instead.
Today painters do not have to go to a subject matter outside of themselves. Most modern painters work from a different source. They work from within.
I always say Philadelphia, Pennsylvania is my biggest influence. But for painters, I like many, many painters, but I love Francis Bacon the most, and Edward Hopper.
By the time I discovered Chicano painters in the mid-'80s, I recognized that these guys were really world-class painters, but they weren't getting any attention, which was good in one sense in that I could get their work for cheaper!
Painters and poets have liberty to lie.
Painters and poets have equal license in regard to everything.
One learns about painting by looking at and imitating other painters. — © Frank Stella
One learns about painting by looking at and imitating other painters.
The men resent a woman getting any honour in what they consider is essentially their field. Men painters mostly despise women painters. So I have decided to stop squirming, to throw any honour in with Canada and women.
This theme of bigness — all painters and sculptors have dealt with it ever since.
You have no idea what portrait painters suffer from the vanity of their sitters.
Painters used red like spice
Both my parents were painters.
My family is filled with amazingly talented painters, musicians, vocalists.
There are, of course, always painters whom I admire and find fascinating. I've often thought, 'Goodness, if I could paint like the Danish Golden Age painters, the early 19th century painters, the way they could paint a landscape - absolutely beautiful.'
... too many young painters of the day work for the crowd, and not for art. But, then, should not the painters of the day work for the education of the crowd?
And so when studying faces, we do indeed measure them, but as painters, not as surveyors.
Just slap anything on when you see a blank canvas staring you in the face like some imbecile. You don't know how paralyzing that is, that stare of a blank canvas is, which says to the painter, ‘You can't do a thing’. The canvas has an idiotic stare and mesmerizes some painters so much that they turn into idiots themselves. Many painters are afraid in front of the blank canvas, but the blank canvas is afraid of the real, passionate painter who dares and who has broken the spell of `you can't' once and for all.
Painters paint, and history continues to make fools of curators.
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