Top 876 Panic Quotes & Sayings

Explore popular Panic quotes.
Last updated on September 18, 2024.
But courage in fighting is by no means the only form, nor perhaps even the most important. There is courage in facing poverty, courage in facing derision, courage in facing the hostility of one's own herd. In these, the bravest soldiers are often lamentably deficient. And above all there is the courage to think calmly and rationally in the face of danger, and to control the impulse of panic fear or panic rage.
I'm not a panic guy. I don't do that. Can't. When you're a leader, you can never panic, no matter what's happening. The building could be falling down. Fire could be going all places. Somebody has to make a decision on how to get out.
Generals don't panic; then the troops never panic. — © Shaquille O'Neal
Generals don't panic; then the troops never panic.
When we are succeeding - that is, when we have begun to overcome our self-doubt and self-sabotage, when we are advancing in our craft and evolving to a higher level - that's when panic strikes. When we experience panic, it means that we're about to cross a threshold. We're poised on the doorstep of a higher plane.
Social phobia, panic disorder... I've had panic disorder ever since I was young.
The only situation which might justify panic is one in which panic is likely to help. Such a situation never arises. Though pretended panic may sometimes cause a useful diversion, real panic can never be anything other than a waste of energy.
The Panic of 1819 exerted a profound effect on American economic thought. As the first great financial depression, similar to a modern expansion-depression pattern, the panic heightened interest in economic problems, and particularly those problems related to the causes and cures of depressed conditions.
How can you have a reasonable debate with people who are constantly changing the panic? They are moving the panic to a greater wave of hysteria?
Panic is a horrible thing.
Panic, not the task, is the enemy.
Choking is about thinking too much. Panic is about thinking too little. Choking is about loss of instinct. Panic is reversion to instinct. They may look the same, but they are worlds apart.
I spoke to friends that have panic attacks, and I spoke to a doctor who has panic attacks, himself. I also did a bit of research into them. It seemed like everyone's version of a panic attack had slightly different physical things. So, I decided to choose my own physical things.
When they tell you that you have cancer, you panic.
I've had paranoid panic attacks. — © Katherine Heigl
I've had paranoid panic attacks.
Surprise is the mother of panic.
Miles clutched Quinn's elbow. "Don't Panic." "I'm not panicking," Quinn observed, "I'm watching you panic. It's more entertaining .
Faith is the refusal to panic.
I think I'm prone to panic.
There is no panic you can't allay, no problem you can't solve.
There's something on Wall Street called PIG - panic, ignorance, and greed. Those are the big sins. I'm not greedy, I knew I was ignorant, and I didn't panic.
Leaving the game plan is a sign of panic, and panic is not in our game plan.
I used to have panic and anxiety attacks.
If you're tearing around in a panic about something, then it puts everyone else in a panic as well.
When I was immobilized by fear, I might have a panic attack. I've had a couple of panic attacks in my life.
There's no panic like the panic you momentarily feel when your hand or head is stuck in something.
I make a project and I panic. Which is good, it can be a method. First, panic. Second, conquer panic by working. Third, find ways to solve your doubts.
If you happen to catch on fire during the show, do not panic or wave your arms around or scream or we wil give something to panic and wave you arms around and scream about.
A financial panic is a very bad thing, but a government panic can do far greater damage in a far shorter time.
I tend to stay with the panic. I embrace the panic.
If I panic, everyone else panics.
The difference between fear and panic is knowing what to do. If you have a reliable, effective solution then fear is an asset. You know what to do and fear just makes you do it faster. On the other hand, if you don't know what to do - or don't trust what you know - then you will freeze in terror, because you have no clear goal or way to get there. Fear helps, panic hinders. Fear is your savior, panic your nemesis.
Fear can keep you alive. The trick is not to let it overwhelm you. Not to let it rule you. If you’re afraid, that’s the universe trying to tell you something. Get away. Don’t run; don’t panic. Just pick up and walk out, calm as you please. Panic makes you stupid.
I get rational when I panic.
I've known the panic of financial struggle. I didn't grow up with money at all, and my family has certainly known the panic of, 'Oh, gosh, where's the next bit of money coming from?'
Panic: A highly underrated capacity thanks to which individuals are able to indicate clearly that something is wrong. Given their head, most humans panic with great dignity and imagination. This can be called democratic expression or practical common sense.
We don't live our life on panic.
It all made sense - terrible sense. The panic she had experienced in the warehouse district because of not knowing what had happened had been superseded at the newsstand by the even greater panic of partial knowledge. And now the torment of partly knowing had yielded to the infinitely greater terror of knowing precisely
I went to Columbia University because they were doing a study on people who suffered from panic attacks, and because I suffered from panic attacks my whole life, I decided to be a part of it. They had this questionnaire where they asked, How many units of alcohol do you have in a month? The top answer was 40 or more, and I got really scared because I was having on average 60 or 70 drinks a week. And I realized that that was a bad sign.
There is a kind of success that is indistinguishable from panic. — © Edgar Degas
There is a kind of success that is indistinguishable from panic.
If you take a child and you throw the child up there is a point where you see this, they go into this state of complete panic and then when they come back to your arms they are laughing. That is dunya, I guarantee you, that moment, that is your life, you came from God and you are going back to God and there is just a moment when you are in a complete state of panic but just relax, you are in good hands. Just relax.
Panic is our great enemy.
I am gripped by an existential panic.
I think that was a moment of cool panic there.
[I had a sense of interior panic].Always. I didn't really know what to call it for a long time, but I have a friend in Greece who used that word panic a lot, and I found myself resisting it, until I totally accepted that as a precise description of my interior condition. It was mostly panic from one moment to the next. And nothing much else was going on.
I think that I don't panic as much as the folks on the left or the right do. I don't have that sense of panic.
As recently as 1979, neither panic attacks nor panic disorder officially existed.
Look, he isn’t even concerned.” I poured the tea. “He’s concerned, Mother. He just doesn’t panic, because he’s in charge and if he panics, everybody else will panic.” “I can jog around the room pretending to scream if you would like,” Jim offered.
One thing I'll never do is panic.
It's never too early to panic. — © Len Goodman
It's never too early to panic.
I don't hide my feelings, but when it comes to illness, I guess I don't panic. My father was the same way. I'm the provider for the family and the caretaker. If I panic, who is anybody going to run to?
Change can't be made within panic
I never panic.
As I apologized to her a flicker of panic raced through me and then faded away. There wasn't enough life left in me to panic. I'd made a mistake and I was dying. Apparently not even a Speck afterlife was available to me. I'd simply stop being. Apparently I hadn't died correctly. Oops.
Ok. don't panic. Don't panic. It's only a VISA bill. It's a piece of paper; a few numbers. I mean, just how scary can a few numbers be?
I don't panic unless I have to. Wastes energy.
Panic is efficient. Panic is effective. Panic is the way I get things done! Panic attacks are my booster rockets!
Government is afraid that people may think the worst and panic about these creepy horrible invaders. So the idea is: We have to avoid panic by all means.
I'm constantly on the verge of a panic attack.
The Democrats are losing power in every election. And I think that's part of the panic. They want us to believe that the behavior and panic is rooted in an absolute outraged offense over this president that we have, this is just unacceptable and some maniac like Trump is so out of the ordinary, out of the norm, has to be stopped. I don't think that's what it is. I mean, it's part of it. But I think there's a much larger panic that is taking over the Democrat Party. And it's gonna implode on 'em.
There is a difference between caution and panic.
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