Top 765 Parish Priest Quotes & Sayings - Page 5

Explore popular Parish Priest quotes.
Last updated on October 8, 2024.
Once in my childhood I had been eager to learn Irish; I thought to get leave to take lessons from an old Scripture-reader who spent a part of his time in the parish of Killinane, teaching such scholars as he could find to read their own language in the hope that they might turn to the only book then being printed in Irish, the Bible.
It was my first impulse, but I chose to play the priest as a true believer who was an absolute man of faith that absolutely supports the church.
The priest has just baptized you a Christian with water; and I baptize you a Frenchman, daring child, with a dewdrop of champagne on your lips. — © Paul Claudel
The priest has just baptized you a Christian with water; and I baptize you a Frenchman, daring child, with a dewdrop of champagne on your lips.
Times have changed since George Herbert... but the principle and spirit in which he ministered as a priest remains an inspiration and model for all priests.
My priest tells me i should not date a mormon but im just too in love with you that i'm willing to take risks
I knew it was wrong, but I thought gambling was a venial sin. That's why I didn't confess it to a priest until after I was caught.
A priest in New York City was arrested on gun possession. These days, you better be happy that the bulge in his pocket is a .38.
Today the artist has inherited the combined functions of hermit, pilgrim, prophet, priest, shaman, sorcerer, soothsayer, alchemist.
The very best place to be in all the world is St. Mary's parish, Jamaica. And the best spot in St. Mary's is Port Maria, though all of St. Mary's is fine. Old Maker put himself to a lot of trouble to make that part of the island of Jamaica, for everything there is perfect.
You've got to be able to compromise in a band; otherwise, somebody's more important than the next guy, and that's never been the case in Priest.
Dostoyevsky was an influence - what's his name, the saintly priest in 'The Brothers Karamazov,' Father Zossima... 'Kiss the earth,' he'd say. Love everything.
Every man is a priest, even involuntarily; his conduct is an unspoken sermon, which is forever preaching to others.
The old priest Peter Gilligan
Was weary night and day;
For half his flock were in their beds,
Or under green sods lay. — © William Butler Yeats
The old priest Peter Gilligan Was weary night and day; For half his flock were in their beds, Or under green sods lay.
I am loathe to say I have a strategy in the broadcasting work I do, but I do think it is possible to be a priest who has something to contribute to mainstream media as long as you aren't completely mad.
I do not know how to love God except by loving the poor. I do not know how to serve God except by serving the poor.... Here, within this great city of nine million people, we must, in this neighborhood, on this street, in this parish, regain a sense of community which is the basis for peace in the world.
We're not a band that takes any kind of political stance. That's not what we're about as Priest. But we're observers of what's going on around us in the world.
Well, of course I think people can be forgiven. But our justice system is not set up to dispense forgiveness. You can go to the local priest for that.
I grew up with this idea that songwriters had a great job. My family was Irish Catholic, so if you became a priest or a songwriter, you were golden.
I thought of the priest who'd told me that many religions hold that it is easier to be closely connected to people we love after death than before.
Although I am a committed Catholic priest, and nowhere hide that fact, my focus is very much a spiritual journey.
It used to irritate a friend of mine that when he went to confession he never got the chance to tell the priest the good things he had done.
But a priest's life is not supposed to be well-rounded; it is supposed to be one-pointed - a compass, not a weathercock.
In the economy of Heaven, God does not send thunder if a still, small voice is enough, or a prophet if a priest can do the job.
Shortly after that, we got management problems over in England, and Judas Priest asked me to join.
If it be taught that all who are born have a right to support on the land, whatever be their number, and that there is no occasion to exercise any prudence in the affair of marriage so as to check this number, the temptations, according to all the known principles of human nature, will inevitably be yielded to, and more and more will gradually become dependent on parish assistance.
For everyone, whatever his state--single, married, widowed, or priest-chastity is a triumphant affirmation of love.
I was mostly influenced by bands like Black Sabbath and Judas Priest - Metallica's 'Kill 'Em All' was also a hell of an inspiration.
I was really talkative as a child. The priest used to pray for me not to talk so much because I was distracting the other kids.
Never trust girls who let themselves be touched right away. But even less those who need a priest for approval.
By education most have been misled; So they believe, because they were bred. The priest continues where the nurse began, And thus the child imposes on the man.
My husband and I have been married for 15 years. He is a priest in the Church of Sweden. I have a faith, but it's not so formal. We made our peace with that.
Look at the reputation they gave him. [Giordano] Bruno without the pyre is a whiskey priest laying waste to the maids of Umbria.
He who disguises tyranny, protection, or even benefits under the air and name of friendship reminds me of the guilty priest who poisoned the sacramental bread.
From the solemn gloom of the temple children run out to sit in the dust, God watches them play and forgets the priest.
I've had such extremes in my life. From being this kind of wild kid, to one year studying to be a Franciscan priest at the seminary....I was very frustrated.
The vow of celibacy is a matter of keeping one's word to Christ and the Church. a duty and a proof of the priest's inner maturity; it is the expression of his personal dignity.
I guess God has a sense of humor, when he had a man that wanted to start his life as a priest, end up marrying a preacher.
I wanted to be a monk at some time in my life, or a priest, so there was a kind of reflex quite early on not to be attached to anything that might be taken away. — © Stephen Hough
I wanted to be a monk at some time in my life, or a priest, so there was a kind of reflex quite early on not to be attached to anything that might be taken away.
Josiah has a tremendous reputation in the text. He rediscovered the Book of the Law; you remember how Hilkiah the High Priest somehow found it [2 Kings 22:8].
In 1953 there were two ways for an Irish Catholic boy to impress his parents: become a priest or attend Notre Dame.
Without at all invalidating what we have just said, we believe that a perpetual remembrance of the tomb is proper for the living. On this point, the priest and the philosopher agree: We must die.
[My father] had spent his own short time like a priest in charge of a relic, forever expecting the blessed blood to liquefy.
Hey, I was raised in the church. I was an altar boy and a choir member. I almost became a priest - until common sense grabbed hold of me.
Priest is a fisherman and Holy Book is a fishook. We either refuse to be a fish or we burn in the frying pan of irrationality!
I'm not observant, personally, but if I ever see a priest resurrect the dead before my eyes I promise to revisit my atheism.
There exist only three beings worthy of respect: the priest, the soldier, the poet. To know, to kill, to create.
An actor is at his best a kind of unfrocked priest who, for an hour or two, can call on heaven and hell to mesmerize a group of innocents.
Imagine, to become a priest there are eight years of study and preparation, and then if after a while you can't do it, you can ask for a dispensation, you leave, and everything is OK.
So I was very close to ordination. I was delighted to be ordained a deacon, which is the last step between, before becoming a priest. But then it all fell apart. — © Thomas Keneally
So I was very close to ordination. I was delighted to be ordained a deacon, which is the last step between, before becoming a priest. But then it all fell apart.
No man, however strong, can serve ten years as schoolmaster, priest, or Senator, and remain fit for anything else.
Priest organizations around the country, both local and national, should realize that their membership has a serious image problem and undertake programs to improve it.
The best trick I learned was when a priest came to me when I was an altar boy and said, "Always, when you make a mistake, pretend it's ritual." It's beautiful!
Conspiracy! Intrigue! A rapidly thickening plot! Add some bestiality and a lecherous priest and I'd say you have the beginnings of a beautiful novel.
What good is all this free-thinking, modernity, and turncoat flexibility if at some gut level you are still a Christian, a Catholic, and even a priest!
When the Negro musician or dancer swings the blues, he is fulfilling the same fundamental existential requirement that determines the mission of the poet, the priest and the medicine man.
I was fat and ugly and never 'wanted to hook up - for a gay guy that's unheard of. I was like a monk or a priest.
I do a TV show about a priest in London, and he is also slightly beleaguered and is subject to fate and misfortune and daily difficulty.
It's true that my stories seem to deal with the end of the world. I've often been called the high priest of gothic miserablism, which is slightly unfair.
I love what I'm doing. It's my life. When it's time to go, I'll probably be fighting to get out of the casket. I'll be yelling at the priest instead of a referee.
I remember I was so depressed I was going to jump out a window on the tenth floor; they sent a priest up to talk to me and he said, ' On your mark...'
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