Top 1200 Party Hard Quotes & Sayings - Page 14

Explore popular Party Hard quotes.
Last updated on October 17, 2024.
One way I try to manage it is by not having a princess party for my daughter and trying to do things that are not so stereotyped. But if she's invited to a princess party, of course I'm not going to stop her going.
Mitt Romney and Newt Gingrich represent the big government frugal socialist wing of the party. And I represent the true constitutional conservative wing of our party.
Of all kinds of credulity, the most obstinate is that of party-spirit; of men, who, being numbered, they know not why, in any party, resign the use of their own eyes and ears, and resolve to believe nothing that does not favor those whom they profess to follow.
I think Democrats are always challenged to have a unified message, and it's in part because our strength is our diversity as a party, but our weakness is also the fact that because we're so diverse, we have a hard time getting on one page on message.
All the media is anymore is the Democrat Party's agenda, the Democrat Party's political desires and objectives presented as "the news" and also presented as popularly supported by the American people.
The little girls were wearing black party dresses and black party shoes, so strangers would know at once how nice they were.
Loyalty is about the party and the movement... if you want a better and more effective party, we've got to open ourselves up much more to our membership and our supporters.
All Party members, service personnel, and other people should turn out as one with ardent loyalty to the Party and extraordinary patriotic zeal, and demonstrate the spirit and mettle of Korea that is rushing forward towards final victory racing against time.
We're working very closely with the RNC, hand in glove. I talked to Reince Priebus several times a day. Sean Spicer is here today. Katie Walsh is here often, the chief of staff there. We have a great - that is the party, and we have a great relationship with the party.
Was it hard? I hope she didn't die hard.' Sethe shook her head. 'Soft as cream. Being alive was the hard part. — © Toni Morrison
Was it hard? I hope she didn't die hard.' Sethe shook her head. 'Soft as cream. Being alive was the hard part.
Our party is - we don't have the problems that the other party has. We're not divided. We don't have to worry about, you know, what people are saying on the side or about their affection for the president or - we don't have those problems and we don't have the reinvention convention.
Our party for the longest time has relied on the votes of white guys. I think that all of these candidates are going to improve our party, our policies, and our nation.
I think the executives have matured enough so that they recognize that we have a two-party system. In California, we have more than a two-party system.
The most misreported and misunderstood thing about the tea party is its political leanings. The tea party has no political leaning. It stands straight for limited government, low taxes, and liberty for all.
Republican Party is the party that stands for the people who are trying to start a business out of the spare bedroom of their home, who are trying to give their kids a better life. And the only way that's possible is through the America free enterprise system.
Politics is tricky, especially in Jamaica. There are two parties, Jamaica Labour Party and People's National Party, and if I went for one, I would upset supporters of the other. I stay as far from politics as I can.
All too often the Democratic Party has taken the black vote for granted, and all too often the Republican Party has written it off.
We took on things which people might think would take a year or two. They weren't particularly hard. What was hard was believing they weren't hard.
What does it say about our country when people are so desperate for an alternative to our one-party state masquerading as a two-party state that they'll even elect a professional wrestler governor?
I can't go to a party and just smile at people and walk away. There are big actors, directors who come to a party and stay for not more than 20 minutes. They have a knack for making a quick exit but I have not been successful in doing that. So I try to avoid such gatherings.
The biggest problem for the Republican Party has never been its primary calendar, its campaign tactics, or a lack of trainings. The party's biggest problem is what it believes, what it says, and how it governs.
Growing older, I have lost the need to be political, which means ... the need to be left. I am driven to grudging toleration of the Conservative Party because it is the party of non-politics, of resistance to politics.
The American people have got a touchstone: Which party voted for the tools necessary to protect America and which party didn't? And that's what I'm trying to get people to focus on.
Once upon a time in America, people aspired to party like a rock star. Now, rock stars aspire to party like a football owner. — © Steve Rushin
Once upon a time in America, people aspired to party like a rock star. Now, rock stars aspire to party like a football owner.
I think you know what's new about this the Democrat Party not liking the Russians. That's a first. The Democrat Party not liking the idea the Soviet Union back together.
Well, let's see: I started [in music] at nine and quit. Then got back to it when I was twelve. Then I became a party star. In fact, I became a party!
It was one thing to sacrifice your own life for someone else's. It was another thing entirely to bring into the mix a third party - a third party who knew you, who trusted you implicitly.
The rise of the Tea Party, along with the emergence of Christine O'Donnell in Delaware, Sharron Angle in Nevada, Carl Paladino in New York and Ron Paul in Kentucky, is not the first time in American history that voters have responded to hard economic times by supporting angry, unorthodox Senate and gubernatorial candidates.
When I first came to Congress, the party was supposed to help you. Now, when a new member is sworn in, he or she is told what their dues are - how much they are expected to raise for the party for the next election. It's worse in the Senate. It turns the whole place into a money machine.
While one party may possess the levers of power, one party does not possess a monopoly on good ideas. Good lawmaking, after all, is about the ability to craft effective solutions.
I've still got a bit of angst about campaigning for a particular party. I want to write jokes about whoever I want without toeing a party line.
Hip-hop is still cool at a party. But to me, hip-hop has never been strictly a party; it is also there to elevate consciousness.
Singing is like going to a party at someone else's house. Acting is like having the party at your own house. — © Cher
Singing is like going to a party at someone else's house. Acting is like having the party at your own house.
I'm not terribly focused on whether I even could ever become the Leader of the Liberal Party or the Deputy Leader of the Liberal Party in the future.
All political power comes from the barrel of a gun. The communist party must command all the guns, that way, no guns can ever be used to command the party.
Living on a planet of fixed size requires compromise, and while we are the only party capable of negotiating, we are not the only party at the table. We've never claimed more, and we've never had less.
I'm here to say enough is enough, and that folks who look like me should feel that there is an opportunity for them in the Republican Party. I'm proud to be in this party, I'm proud to be endorsed by President Trump.
I do like talking with friends about big concepts, you know, the stuff that will ruin a party. To me, the party hasn't begun until we're talking about the nonexistence of God.
It (Congress) is a funny party. It is the largest political organization in the world but perhaps does not have a single rule or regulation. We create new rules every two minutes and then dump them. Nobody knows the rules in the party
If you really listen to my music my music is more like stories than party records. I never made party records.
We have now an American political party and a European one. Not all Americans who vote for the European party want to become Europeans. But it doesn't matter because that's what they're voting for. They're voting for dependency, for lack of ambition, and for insolvency.
I quit the party as the BJP did not stand by its word and joined TRS for the cause. I quit the TRS later as its leadership suspended me from the party without citing any reason.
Under Donald Trump, you know, we've seen the foundation of the Republican Party move into the Democratic Party, so Donald Trump, I think, will have a lot of trouble moving things through Congress.
I shall work for the Republican party and call on all women to join me, precisely... for what that party has done and promises to do for women, nothing more, nothing less.
However much I have been blamed for not showing more deferences to a great party, and for not acting more steadily on party principles, all I have to regret is that I showed so much.
For better or worse, when Sen. Inhofe speaks, the Republican Party follows. And when the Republican Party follows, it is impossible to get real work done in the Congress. — © Bernie Sanders
For better or worse, when Sen. Inhofe speaks, the Republican Party follows. And when the Republican Party follows, it is impossible to get real work done in the Congress.
I don't think that split government is a good idea. Conventional wisdom in Washington for years has been that divided government is good because of a check and a balance. What I believe happens all too often, regardless of which party is there's gridlock. And I think the better argument is give one party a chance, give them a chance with a House and a Senate and a president. Give them a few years to see what they can do. And if you don't like it, put another party in.
Partying at a club is very different than when I'm throwing a party at my house. My party's a rage. People rage when they come to my house.
For hardly any man dances when sober, unless he is insane. Nor does he dance while alone, nor at a respectable and moderate party. Dancing is the final phase of a wild party with fancy decorations and a multitude of delights.
Ignoring party leaders in order to sway public opinion may work in countries where elected representatives are responsive to their constituencies. But in Mexico, members of the legislature cannot be reelected, so their destinies depend less on the will of the people than on party bosses.
Our responsibility is to rally and lead the whole party and the Chinese people of all ethnic groups, take up this historic baton and continue working hard for the great renewal of the Chinese nation, so that we will stand rock firm in the family of nations and make fresh and greater contribution to mankind.
When the party holds the White House, all the political decisions are made in the White House. And being a party chair, you're just an artifact.
Liberals have difficulty understanding the Tea Party because they think it is a bunch of selfish racists. But I think the Tea Party is driven in large part by concerns about fairness.
I challenge the Republican nominees and all Republicans to not just be the anti-illegal immigration party. That's not who we are and that's not who we should be we should be the pro-legal immigration party.
A man came up to me at a party and asked if I wanted to be in his video game. I of course said yes. And then it turned out it was 'Assassin's Creed', so that was great. They let me ad lib a lot and mess about and be very snarky indeed, and I'm thrilled by the success of all their hard work.
One of the reasons I come to California is that the Republican party seems to have given up on California, and my message to those in California is that we're going to compete nationally as a party, and that includes California.
I have serious challenges with Donald Trump and his messaging that is going to make it more difficult for us to bring in minorities, Hispanics, into the party and into our voting base in November. I would be concerned about him carrying the banner for the Republican Party.
The danger which threatens us comes from Labour...Those who think that the Conservative or Unionist Party, standing as such and disavowing its Liberal allies, could return with a working majority are living in a fools paradise and, if they persist, may easily involve themselves and the country in dangers the outcome of which it is hard to predict.
They [Andrea Leadsom and Theresa May] both went to state schools, they are both women, hey, that's pretty quirky for the Tory party. Isn't this the new sort of Tory party ?
In the US, there is basically one party - the business party. It has two factions, called Democrats and Republicans, which are somewhat different but carry out variations on the same policies. By and large, I am opposed to those policies. As is most of the population.
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