Top 1200 Party Hard Quotes & Sayings - Page 2

Explore popular Party Hard quotes.
Last updated on October 16, 2024.
We should steadily intensify the work of establishing the Party's monolithic leadership system to make the whole Party share ideology with the Party Central Committee, breathe the same breath as it, and keep pace with it.
The Republican Party supported the Equal Rights Amendment before the Democratic Party did. But what happened was that a lot of very right-wing Democrats, after the civil rights bill of 1964, left the Democratic Party and gradually have taken over the Republican Party.
The party of Kennedy is also the party of Eastland. The party of Javits is also the party of Goldwater. — © John Lewis
The party of Kennedy is also the party of Eastland. The party of Javits is also the party of Goldwater.
Only one party sticks out in my mind as a kid. It was the best party ever. I was 5 years old, and my mom dressed me up in a church dress and stockings to go to the party and park.
Donald Trump just pledged to be loyal to the Green Party, the Communist Party and Party Central, as long as they agree to be nice to that thing on his head. If not, all bets are off.
The country needs more than one-party dominance, as much as I believe the Democratic Party is the party for the middle class... We need to have a marketplace of ideas.
No political party can ever make prohibition effective. A political party implies an adverse, an opposing, political party. To enforce criminal statutes implies substantial unanimity in the community. This is the result of the jury system. Hence the futility of party prohibition.
One of the roles of the Presidency is to lead a political party. Having a President in office is usually a huge advantage to a party because it gives the party a mouthpiece and an advocate at the highest level.
John Boehner was and is an unprincipled ward-heeler who simply couldn't weather the transition of the Republican Party from a corporatist party with a sizable conservative base to a purely conservative party.
It is easier for a political party to attain national ballot status in Russia today than it is for the Libertarian party or the Green party to get on the ballot in, say, Pennsylvania.
The great unknown in this country is where this leaves the Republican Party after this election. Will it be the party of the Kochs or will it be the party of [Donald] Trump?
Voting third-party in 2016 meant choosing The Green Party's Jill Stein, the Libertarian Party's Gary Johnson, or Independent Candidate Evan McMullion.
With the help of dedicated Americans from our party, every party, and no party at all, I intend to mount that stairway to preach peace for our nation and world.
We work hard to make a good show and it's exciting to be recognized by a third party. — © Dan Schneider
We work hard to make a good show and it's exciting to be recognized by a third party.
There is no real third party in America. There's this one party that has two sides to it - the Democratic and Republican side. It's one party that has two heads.
The worst effect of party is its tendency to generate narrow, false, and illiberal prejudices, by teaching the adherents of one party to regard those that belong to an opposing party as unworthy of confidence.
When you have a governor of your party, that governor has the capacity to be able to build a party, lead a party, more so than any Senator or anyone in the Congressional delegation.
The Communist Party of China is a party that seeks peace, harmony and reconciliation, unlike the Communist Party of the former Soviet Union
Everybody loves to show up at the party once all the hard work is done.
It's nice to work hard and party harder.
This year [2016] we're seeing a really strange upending [of the party]. The money was coming from these super-wealthy donors who were really on the far, hard right, people like the Kochs. So the party and the candidates moved so far to the right that a lot of people who don't share their point of view were unhappy.
To millennials, the Democratic Party is the party of endless debt, it is the party of low-wage jobs, it is the part of the Trans-Pacific Partnership, it is the party of the KXL pipeline, which was only stopped because, you know, because we, the voters, you know, just worked our bones - you know, worked ourselves to the bone in order to stop it.
Middle-class commuters in Rickmansworth and Berkhamsted are wondering whether the Conservative party is the party that they have traditionally supported. And they certainly don't want to support a Farage-lite party.
We have to be honest and state that Nazis were involved in all Austrian parties after the Second World War: in the Freedom Party, in the Socialist Party, and also in my party.
[on the Republican party] A party with a narrow vision, a party that is afraid of the future.
The Labor Party is a party with no ideals, regulations or laws, and it is a party I will not be a part of.
The Democratic Party has had a real problem with recruitment because the party too often looks at just who's next in line in the party to run rather than in finding inspiring new leaders.
Democratic Party elites have been caught red-handed, sabotaging a grassroots campaign that tried to bring huge numbers of young people, independents and non-voters into their party. Instead, they have shown exactly why America needs a new major party, a truly democratic party for the people.
Since in every European country between 1870 and 1914 there was a war party demanding armaments, an individualist party demanding ruthless competition, an imperialist party demanding a free hand over backward peoples, a socialist party demanding the conquest of power and a racialist party demanding internal purges against aliens - all of them, when appeals to greed and glory failed, invoked Spencer and Darwin, which was to say science incarnate.
I'm a dyed-in-the-wool party man. I don't know just what party I am in right now, but I am for the party.
The Republican Party is the Grand Old Party. It's made enormous contributions to the success of our country. And it is a party that has embraced its leadership role when it has had the majority or the White House.
The base of our party is commonsense conservatives.If the Republican Party gets back to that base, I think our party's going to be stronger and there's not going to be a need for a third party.
If the Soviet Union let another political party come into existence, they would still be a one-party state, because everybody would join the other party.
I'm a legislator, but it's hard to legislate when my party's out of power.
The Republican Party will never again be a majority party until we regain the confidence of the American people. I believe there is room for disagreement within the party, and we should not have litmus tests.
If the Dalai Lama joins one party, then that makes it hard for the system to work.
There's a double meaning in the film The Conquest. First, the conquest of power at the UMP party and how Sarkozy had to fight his colleagues inside the party so that it was him running for President. He wins the political conquest, but he loses the feminine conquest in that his wife leaves him. It's hard for a President to be single - that's never happened.
My books were attacked constantly by the Communist Party for not hewing to the Party line. I have never hewed to a Party line of any kind. — © Howard Fast
My books were attacked constantly by the Communist Party for not hewing to the Party line. I have never hewed to a Party line of any kind.
If elected, I would not be the mere president of a party - I would endeavor to act independent of party domination and should feel bound to administer the government untrammeled by party schemes.
If the Republican Party continues to have a different message for every different group, they're gonna die. We already have a party that does that, and they own it. It's called the Democrat Party.
I've never understood multi-party democracy. It's hard enough with two parties.
When Trump was elected, there were three parties in Washington: the Trump party, the Democratic Party and the Republican Party.
Enjoy your life...let loose, party hard and just have a good time :) <3
Study hard, but party harder.
Conservative thinking is a very important part of Republican Party and the Republican Party is very important to the conservative movement. Since the 1960's, the polarization of the two parties and their alignment with essentially liberal and progressive and conservative thinking respectively is one of the big changes and it's made it really hard to separate those two out and so party and ideology are much more intertwined today than they were even 20 years ago, let alone 40 years ago.
All Party organizations should maintain implementing the Party's lines and policies as the major line of Party work, and carry every one of them to completion unconditionally.
I don't understand how the Republican party is the party with the reputation for fiscal conservatism and fiscal sanity, when they're the ones who run up the debt. It was Reagan who ran up the debt and now Bush is doing it again, and in between, Clinton and Bush's father, I must say, worked so hard to get that deficit and that debt down.
The Republican Party is like the corpse in 'Weekend at Bernies' and the Tea Party is like the two guys who put sunglasses and a party hat on it and drag it around.
There are party leaders, big corporation, Wall Street. There are very wealthy individuals who kind of represent where the Democratic Party, the official Democratic Party was and to some extent still is.
It's hard to imagine a party that is not corrupted by hatred. — © David Brooks
It's hard to imagine a party that is not corrupted by hatred.
Black folks in America are telling one party, 'We don't give a damn about you.' They're telling the other party, 'You've got our vote.' Therefore, you have labeled yourself 'disenfranchised' because one party knows they've got you under their thumb. The other party knows they'll never get you and nobody comes to address your interest.
We have a Democratic Party that cannot defend the American people from the worst Republican Party in history because it's a Democratic Party of war and Wall Street.
This nation has been through hard times. But those hard times have hardened our resolve. Im ready to do the difficult work ahead. But I want to do that work with Barack Obama, and not a Tea Party ideologue. We can move America forward, but we can only do it together.
This nation has been through hard times. But those hard times have hardened our resolve. I'm ready to do the difficult work ahead. But I want to do that work with Barack Obama, and not a Tea Party ideologue. We can move America forward, but we can only do it together.
When the premiere of the show came out, we threw a big party, and, like, five minutes into the party, me and Corey walked out of the party and said... 'No one's ever gonna watch this.'
I don't think a party can aspire to be the majority party if it's the old white guy party.
Hard to call it a party without sardines.
At least in the U.S., the party you believe in plays a big role in how you conceive of yourself. It feels good to think that your party is smarter, and that the smarts are what drive people to your party.
China, as a nation, is a country under the one-party rule of the Communist Party, but it has introduced the market economy. As a country that is under the one-party rule of the Communist Party, normally what they should be seeking is equality of results.
If we want to be the big-tent party, if we want to be the party that is seen as the party that really stands up for the working class, we have to welcome people in and not just believe a certain way.
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