Top 1200 Pass Quotes & Sayings

Explore popular Pass quotes.
Last updated on September 16, 2024.
A counter-attack can only arise when you make a mistake. That's why there are rules. A horizontal pass? Prohibited. In my line-up there are as many lines as possible. Because you must have the option to pass the ball forward, even if it's a meter. Because then I can still make up for the loss of possession. After a horizontal pass this is impossible.
If I have misplaced a pass, I want to know why I've done that or whether I could have looked at a different pass.
To me, I know that if we could pass the Civil Rights Act of '64 over 50 years ago, then we can pass Justice for All Civil Rights Act. We can pass Medicare for All. — © Rashida Tlaib
To me, I know that if we could pass the Civil Rights Act of '64 over 50 years ago, then we can pass Justice for All Civil Rights Act. We can pass Medicare for All.
If the opponents are really clammed up, you need to pass around them. If they leave gaps, you pass between the lines.
I think that if you want to pass emotion, you have to write a letter. Emotions do not pass in SMS or in e-mail.
Sports has always been a pass-through. You pay for something, and then you pass it through to television, you pass it through to advertisers, or you pass it through to season-ticket holders, luxury boxes and then the fans. Then it all adds up, and you take in more than you pass out.
You have to have your feet in the right position to make a pass, a lot of small things go into making a simple, straightforward pass.
Principal Principal: Where's your late pass, mister? Errant Student: I'm on my way to get one now. PP: But you can't be in the hall without a pass. ES: I know, I'm so upset. That's why I need to hurry, so I can get a pass. Principal Principal pauses with a look on his face like Daffy Duck's when Bugs is pulling a fast one. PP: Well, hurry up, then, and get that pass.
I shall pass through life but once. Let me show kindness now, as I shall not pass this way again.
We will never get anywhere with our finances till we pass a law saying...every time we appropriate something, we...pass another bill...stating where the money is coming from.
This [health care reform] cannot pass. What we have to do today is make a covenant, to slit our wrists, be blood brothers on this thing. This will not pass.
Effective collaboration is about maximizing time, talent and tools to create value. The old way was the pass-along approach. I do my job and then pass along my work product to you. You do your piece of it and pass it along to somebody else.
The mind is a kind of theater, where several perceptions successively make their appearence; pass, re-pass, glide away, and mingle in an infinite variety of postures and situations.
Whatever America hopes to bring to pass in the world must first come to pass in the heart of America. — © Dwight D. Eisenhower
Whatever America hopes to bring to pass in the world must first come to pass in the heart of America.
Sometimes it's natural to do the safe pass, the no-frills thing, to pass it back to the goalkeeper. But I want them to do the daring thing.
We are tricked by a phenomenon of time: hours and days pass slowly, but years pass quickly.
If that vital spark that we find in a grain of wheat can pass unchanged through countless deaths and resurrections, will the spirit of man be unable to pass from this body to another?
A health to the nut-brown lass, With the hazel eyes: let it pass. . . . . As much to the lively grey 'Tis as good i' th' night as day: . . . . She's a savour to the glass, And excuse to make it pass.
If, just because it's the Premier League, I started trying to play the simple pass instead of trying the harder pass, that is not the type of person I am, to be honest.
Art thou in misery, brother? Then I pray Be comforted. Thy grief shall pass away. Art thou elated? Ah, be not too gay; Temper thy joy: this, too, shall pass away. Art thou in danger? Still let reason sway, And cling to hope: this, too, shall pass away. Tempted art thou? In all thine anguish lay One truth to heart: this, too, shall pass away. Do rays of loftier glory round thee play? Kinglike art thou? This, too, shall pass away! Whate'er thou art, wher'er thy footsteps stray, Heed these wise words: This, too, shall pass away.
Get me a gun. If I don't go into labor soon, I'm going to shoot myself. And pass the gravy. Pass it now." Valerie - To the Nines
Sometimes we remember onlywhen we see the pass, and the pass is remember when our eyes are open
Obviously, football and soccer seem to clash a lot, but soccer was great for me. It's a game that you play with triangles. You make a pass thinking that the person you pass the ball to is going to make the next pass.
I pass times, I pass silences, formless worlds pass me by.
I can score the basketball, but I think I can pass pretty well or I can make the correct pass. I'm not the type of guy who's just going to throw the ball inbounds to a guy who's wide open. I can make the right pass.
You never get to the end of Christ's words. There is something in them always behind. They pass into proverbs--they pass into laws--they pass into doctrines--they pass into consolations; but they never pass away, and, after all the use that is made of them, they are still not exhausted.
It doesn't cost anything to say hi when you pass someone else in the hallway, whereas, most corporations if you pass you avoid eye contact.
Here's where I'm different from a senator. We pass continuing resolutions. We pass appropriations bills.
A literary academic can no more pass a bookstore than an alcoholic can pass a bar.
Pass the bone, kid pass the bone, Let's get on this mission like Indiana Jones
Of all the judgments we pass in life, none is more important than the judgment we pass on ourselves.
The world is fleeting; all things pass away; Or is it we that pass and they that stay?
You really watch basketball and study basketball, the more you realize, the pass really is beautiful. I'm not just talking about the pass where you look away or anything. Just the right pass at the right time to get somebody open is just beautiful. There is nothing better than that. It's contagious - it makes everybody happy.
I think it is important to pass on the message to young people who are going through a difficult time with friends that it will pass.
I try not to pass judgment on anyone, and I wish they wouldn't pass it on me.
Honestly, I always told my coaches my whole career - we'll practice two-minute drills in practice, like, once a week and everything - I'm just like, 'Those are my favorite time of football.' I'm out there in total control, just getting everything lined up, getting everybody on the same page, and obviously, usually it's pass after pass after pass.
At a youth soccer game you'll probably hear parents and coaches on the sidelines yelling, 'Pass the ball! Pass the ball!' ... When we continually tell our young players to pass the ball, we're not allowing them to develop their full potential, especially those who have the ability to take their opponents on and beat them one-on-one. As a result, we run the risk of diminishing a player's artistry and potential.
I'm a great pass catcher. I'm excellent in pass protection, which is the most important thing. You can't play, you can't get on the field if you don't protect that franchise quarterback.
Some teams can't or don't pass the ball. What are you playing for? What's the point? That's not football. Combine, pass, play. That's football - for me, at least. — © Xavi
Some teams can't or don't pass the ball. What are you playing for? What's the point? That's not football. Combine, pass, play. That's football - for me, at least.
The biggest pass for a defender is a pass forward.
Well, I think that I have a complicated relationship with whiteness because oftentimes, I pass as white, and I recognize that. I would be disingenuous to pretend that I don't pass as white.
As you pass through bhakti yoga, as you pass through love, you're elated. You're fulfilled and you're joyous.
The dragon sits by the side of the road, watching those who pass. Beware lest he devour you. We go to the Father of Souls, but it is necessary to pass by the dragon.
For the May Day is the great day, Sung along the old straight track. And those who ancient lines did ley Will heed this song that calls them back... Pass the cup, and pass the Lady, And pass the plate to all who hunger, Pass the wit of ancient wisdom, Pass the cup of crimson wonder.
Have you had a kindness shown? Pass it on; 'Twas not given for thee alone, Pass it on; Let it travel down the years, Let it wipe another's tears. Pass it on.
Why was I able to be able to pass? What did I do right that allowed me to make a pass - any given pass? There's balance; there's vision.
For any cultural performance involving me, the response from Kolkata is the most critical. If I pass here, I will pass elsewhere.
The way to live in the present is to remember that "This too shall pass." When you experience joy, remembering that "This too shall pass" helps you savor the here and now. When you experience pain and sorrow, remembering that "This too shall pass" reminds you that grief, like joy, is only temporary.
I'm the ultimately responsible person in this organization. Other people can pass the buck to me, but I can't pass the buck to anyone else. — © Harry S. Truman
I'm the ultimately responsible person in this organization. Other people can pass the buck to me, but I can't pass the buck to anyone else.
You cannot pass," he said. The orcs stood still, and a dead silence fell. "I am a servant of the Secret Fire, wielder of the flame of Anor. You cannot pass. The dark fire will not avail you, flame of Udûn. Go back to the Shadow! You cannot pass.
I don't like it hectic; I like to keep it calm and do my thing - play the pass. I think you see the pass if you are in a good state of mind.
I have a vocabulary all my own. I "pass the time" when it is wet and disagreeable. When it is fine I do not wish to pass it; I ruminate it and hold on to it. We should hasten over the bad, and settle upon the good.
I think that’s what scares me: the randomness of everything. That the people who could be important to you might just pass you by. Or you pass them by.
The Atlanta Hawks are a bunch of guys who would prefer to pass kidney stones than pass a basketball.
Should the enemy forestall you in occupying a pass, do not go after him if the pass is fully garrisoned, but only if it is weakly garrisoned.
People think that a good passer is a flashy passer. But that's not a good pass. It's just a flashy pass. A good passer is someone who's gonna hit the guy right on the hands, and the timing is correct. You pass late, and it's not a good pass. You pass too early, it's not a good pass, either. If it's off-target, it's not a good pass.
Every legislative meeting on how to pass health care, the communications director or someone from the communications team would be a part of because we did a lot of press interviews when we were trying to pass the Affordable Care Act specifically designed to help pass the bill.
He almost told her everything right then, that very moment. But you grab a moment, or you let it pass. He let it pass.
Life is short if you don't notice it'll pass you by, That's why my head is in the clouds trying to pass the sky.
Anybody can be beaten by one pass once. Are you getting beat by that same pass multiple times in the same game? That answer is no.
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