Top 1200 Passionate Woman Quotes & Sayings - Page 7

Explore popular Passionate Woman quotes.
Last updated on October 12, 2024.
Disguise our bondage as we will, 'Tis woman, woman, rules us still.
If there's anything worse than a woman living alone, it's a woman saying she likes it.
The third basic need of a male in a relationship is an attractive woman; for a woman, honesty and openness. — © Myles Munroe
The third basic need of a male in a relationship is an attractive woman; for a woman, honesty and openness.
In Africa, the woman was co-equal. In Europe, the woman was a vassal. To some extent, she still is.
There is, for me, as a black woman, as an African woman, a sense of possibility in America that I don't feel when I'm in Europe.
At twenty, men love woman; at thirty, a woman; and at forty, women.
. . . a woman can be a woman and a true one without having all her time engrossed by dress and society.
I know how it feels to be a woman because I am a woman. And I won't be classified as just a man.
I'm not messing around with nobody's woman. If I want a woman I go get her - you know what I mean?
What will not woman, gentle woman dare; when strong affection stirs her spirit up?
When I was in high school, even in college, I didn't have any real image of a career woman or a professional woman.
I'm a woman, and anytime you tell a woman that she looks nice, it's not going to upset her.
A woman who can threaten your life before breakfast is the only sort of woman worth having. — © Nora Roberts
A woman who can threaten your life before breakfast is the only sort of woman worth having.
Nobody knows what a woman feels or experiences but another woman. We are the nurturers and there are times when we need to be nurtured.
A woman, even a married woman, cannot float without proper escort. It is simply not done.
A confident woman is a sexy woman, in my opinion. And I think guys find that to be the same way.
What a pity when editors review a woman's book, that they so often fall into the error of reviewing the woman instead.
They say fortune is a woman and capricious. But sometimes she is a good woman, and gives to those who merit.
It's all right for a woman to be, above all, human. I am a woman first of all.
A woman unsatisfied must have luxuries. But a woman who loves a man would sleep on a board
To be a woman is something so strange, so confusing and so complicated that only a woman could put up with it.
It was woman that taught me cruelty, and on woman therefore I have exercised it.
Ben Franklin was a little stout later in life and it was said that in Paris a young woman, tapping him on his protruding abdomen, said,"Dr. Franklin, if this were on a woman, we'd know what to think." And Franklin replied,"Half an hour ago, Mademoiselle, it was on a woman, and now what do you think?"
To call woman the weaker sex is a libel; it is man's injustice to woman.
I would want them to really think about how amazing they are and how lucky they are to be a woman. And how powerful they are. And I'd tell them to love every day of it because it's the biggest miracle and a woman that's able to give birth is the most important, lucky, fortunate woman in the world.
You can instantly spot a Chanel woman, so I want to develop the Dior woman.
O woman, perfect woman! what distraction Was meant to mankind when thou wast made a devil!
In her bottled up is a woman peppery as curry, a yam of a woman of butter and brass.
The woman who can create her own job is the woman who will win fame and fortune.
The woman who takes a woman lover lives dangerously in patriarchy.
I'll admit that I am not always 100 percent confident because I'm a woman. I'm a woman and I'm human.
An unsatisfied woman requires luxury, but a woman who is in love with a man will lie on a board.
Womens currency is their looks. Like it or not, the most powerful woman is an 18-year-old woman.
There are as many kinds of modesty as there are races. To the English woman it is a duty; to the French woman a propriety.
When I am designing, I keep in mind more the American woman than the French woman.
Woman, above all other educators, educates humanly. Man is the brain, but woman is the heart, of humanity.
I want somebody like my mom. My mom is a very charitable woman. She's the sweetest woman in the world. I'm looking for the second sweetest woman in the world. I'm looking for honesty and a big heart.
I was never a dangerous woman. I'm not the prissy blonde woman that could take your husband away. — © Catherine Deneuve
I was never a dangerous woman. I'm not the prissy blonde woman that could take your husband away.
Women's currency is their looks. Like it or not, the most powerful woman is an 18-year-old woman.
There's a difference between beauty and charm. A beautiful woman is one I notice. A charming woman is one who notices me.
A married woman has the same right to control her own body as does an unmarried woman.
When women are supposed to be quiet, a talkative woman is a woman who talks at all.
When a woman wins an Oscar for telling a story from a woman's point of view, that's going to be the win. That's the moment.
Anytime a woman competes with another woman she demeans herself.
A Superwoman isn't a woman who can do anything, but a woman who avoids doing too much.
I think it's high time that we had a woman president. But I don't want to elect someone just because she's a woman; I want the best candidate to be elected. I think that any woman who is elected to the highest office in the land would clearly have positive role model effects for other young women.
When I wear a silk scarf I never feel so definitely like a woman, a beautiful woman
Not just as a black woman, but as a woman, since the beginning of time, beauty has been our responsibility. — © Nicole Ari Parker
Not just as a black woman, but as a woman, since the beginning of time, beauty has been our responsibility.
If a handsome woman allows that another woman is beautiful, we may safely conclude she excels her.
Woman is the dominant sex. Men have to do all sorts of stuff to prove that they are worthy of woman's attention.
Do you know the difference between a beautiful woman and a charming one? A beauty is a woman you notice, a charmer is one who notices you.
I think it's very hard for a woman to be treated as a person and not just as a woman who tries to become a politician.
there is always one woman to save you from another and as that woman saves you she makes ready to destroy
A woman wearing a revealing dress will always be sexier than a naked woman.
When I write, I put aside the heterosexual world to admit a muse that is a woman-loving-woman female.
I would not have a woman go to Congress merely because she is a woman.
On ne na|"t pas femme: on le devient. One is not born a woman: one becomes a woman.
I leave abortion to the woman. I just fundamentally end there. I absolutely support a woman's right to choose.
My grandmother is a huge part of my life. She's just a great woman: a woman of the church.
No woman is a more vibrant instrument in the hands of the Lord than a woman of God who is thrilled to be who she is.
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