Top 1200 Past Decisions Quotes & Sayings - Page 3

Explore popular Past Decisions quotes.
Last updated on September 30, 2024.
I think it is clear that what we ought to do has to be independent of our decisions about what to do, and independent of any procedures we might use in making such decisions.
More fundamentally, it is a dream that does not die with the onset of manhood: the dream is to play endlessly, past the time when you are called home for dinner, past the time of doing chores, past the time when your body betrays you past time itself.
How many small decisions accumulate to form a habit? What a multitude of decisions, made by others, in other times, must shape our lives now. — © Susan Griffin
How many small decisions accumulate to form a habit? What a multitude of decisions, made by others, in other times, must shape our lives now.
Referees will make good decisions and bad ones. But when they make decisions actually affecting a game of football, it's disappointing.
The past is the past. As long as it's not a mass-murderer past! You're with the person who you're with as they are now.
Forget about what happened in the past. The past is the past. Who cares? Time heals things.
If decisions were a choice between alternatives, decisions would come easy. Decision is the selection and formulation of alternatives.
I don't have a particular recommendation other than that we base decisions on as much hard data as possible. We need to carefully look at all the options and all their ramifications in making our decisions.
You want to make your own decisions, but you ought to make those decisions with an eternal perspective.
Turning a culture around is very difficult to do because it's based on a series of many, many decisions, and the organization is framed by those decisions.
The obligation of the judge in the circuit is to follow the previous decisions in the circuit unless those decisions are overruled by an en bloc panel of the court.
The definition of strong leadership is not about making decisions that are popular. Making popular decisions is easy - you don't need to be a leader to do that. The definition of strong leadership is to make decisions that are unpopular, but are nevertheless sound.
You don't get everything in life. You make decisions and have to live by them. If you make the right decisions, at the time you have no regrets. — © Anita Dobson
You don't get everything in life. You make decisions and have to live by them. If you make the right decisions, at the time you have no regrets.
Isolated decisions, however well-founded they might seem to the individual, and national go-it-alone moves must belong to the past. They should not be the 21st-century method of choice, particularly because the consequences of the European community's actions must often be carried collectively.
We all know that it is women who take the decisions, but we have to let men think that the decisions are theirs. It is an act of kindness on the part of women.
I think it's important to talk to your inner thing. The purpose is to go over the decisions that will affect my life and others. I pray that I don't make my decisions based on ego.
Seize what's been handed you. Make smart decisions. Make decisions because life is a temporary situation.
As much as I like to be thoughtful and think things through in my decision making - I don't like knee jerk decisions - but I'm not afraid to make decisions.
Things said by political parties are different from the decisions of the government which are taken to uphold the rule of law. The government takes decisions that are best for the country.
It's not what's happening to you now or what has happened in your past that determines who you become. Rather, it's your decisions about what to focus on, what things mean to you, and what you're going to do about them that will determine your ultimate destiny.
I understand everybody in this country doesn't agree with the decisions I've made. And I made some tough decisions. But people know where I stand.
All my important decisions are made for me by my subconscious. My frontal lobes are just kidding themselves that they decide anything at all. All they do is think up reasons for the decisions that are already made.
Faithfulness to the past can be a kind of death above ground. Writing of the past is a resurrection; the past then lives in your words and you are free.
Prosecutors necessarily weigh a number of factors before bringing charges. There are obvious considerations, like the strength of the evidence, especially regarding intent. Responsible decisions also consider the context of a person's actions and how similar situations have been handled in the past.
Mitt Romney would move the Court even further right, putting landmark decisions like Roe v. Wade at risk. Some say Romney would repeat the past. I disagree - he'd be worse.
But to procrastinate and prevaricate simply because you're afraid of erring, when others - I mean our brethren in Germany - must make infinitely more difficult decisions every day, seems to me almost to run counter to love. To delay or fail to make decisions may be more sinful than to make wrong decisions out of faith and love.
Most decisions are seat-of-the-pants judgments. You can create a rationale for anything. In the end, most decisions are based on intuition and faith.
Prudence does not mean failing to accept responsibilities and postponing decisions; it means being committed to making joint decisions after pondering responsibly the road to be taken.
You do not move ahead by constantly looking in a rear view mirror. The past is a rudder to guide you, not an anchor to drag you. We must learn from the past but not live in the past.
Another idea that is changing is that the leader must be one who can make quick decisions. The leader to-day is often one who thinks out his decisions very slowly.
what he sought was always something lying ahead, and even if it was a matter of the past it was a past that changed gradually as he advanced on his journey, because the traveller's past changes according to the route he has followed: not the immediate past, that is, to which each day that goes by adds a day, but the more remote past. Arriving at each new city, the traveller finds again a past of his that he did not know he had: the foreignness of what you no longer are or no longer possess lies in wait for you in foreign, unpossessed places.
We have to learn how scientists arrive at decisions. Once you use the scientific method, it doesn't mean that your decisions will be perfect. They'll be far more accurate than just opinions.
We try to make sensible decisions with the facts in front of us. The problem with sensible decisions is that so is everyone else.
The reason to split a court is for administrative purposes, and in the past there has been much debate about the liberal decisions of the Ninth Circuit and so forth; and people have wanted to get out of the Ninth Circuit for that reason.
We must not let politicians who believe they are above the Constitution interfere with the personal health decisions of women. It is the job of a woman, not a politician, to make informed decisions about her own pregnancy.
International summits and organisations like WTO take decisions, which will bind us, and if we are not present in such summits, we may be hurt by the decisions taken.
If there's somebody that I love that's in my life, I don't necessarily have to agree with their decisions or the decisions they've made to continue to love them and participate in important events.
we need to make a few critical decisions in major areas of life and then manage those decisions day to day. — © John C. Maxwell
we need to make a few critical decisions in major areas of life and then manage those decisions day to day.
When you're my age, you'll see that it is wiser to make your own decisions than let time make decisions for you.
You have to make decisions - you know what you think. That doesn't mean the audience are aware of your decisions or what you think - the lines you're saying may have ambiguity.
We never ask candidates to demonstrate their skill. We ask lots of questions about past experience, but simply looking at the results of their decisions does not let us understand the process that they used to make the choice in the first place. A good analogy is sports. If you wanted to know how well a person plays basketball, for example, you could look at statistics like shooting percentage or blocked shots. But, this is just an historical account of how well the individual played in the past - the numbers do not tell us much about how that individual plays basketball now.
What is living about? It is the decisions you must make between two rights, hard and costly decisions because always you can do one right thing, but sometimes not two.
International summits and organisations like WTO take decisions, which will bind us and if we are not present in such summits, we may be hurt by the decisions taken.
Everyone's past is locked up in their recipes - the past of an individual and the past of a nation as well.
By bringing the past into the present, we create a future just like the past. By letting the past go, we make room for miracles.
I think I've learned how to be a better boss. I'm the one running the show now, and in the past, I've always kind of been looking at other people to make the decisions. I feel more confident to run not just my show, but behind the scenes, too.
Our life is the sum total of all the decisions we make every day, and those decisions are determined by our priorities.
For too long, decisions have been taken behind closed doors - tablets of stone have simply been past down to people without bothering to involve people, listen to their views or give them information about what we are doing and why.
Quick decisions are unsafe decisions. — © Sophocles
Quick decisions are unsafe decisions.
A career is measured over the course of the years, not moments. Over good decisions, over successes, not moments, failures, missteps, or bad comments. I learned that I needed to take a step back and look at my career not in that one moment that made me feel really bad, but what I had done not even in the past one or two years or last one or two hires, but that that career is built over many, many, many, many successive quarters and years and good decisions - never, ever made in that one moment where you felt really bad.
People often avoid making decisions out of fear of making a mistake. Actually the failure to make decisions is one of life's biggest mistakes.
I don't want to make decisions about what I'm eating or wearing. Because I have too many other decisions to make.
When we wake up in the morning and we make decisions, these decisions come from the night, the night of eternity, our other side.
I am interested in the past. Perhaps one of the reasons is we cannot make, cannot change the past. I mean you can hardly unmake the present. But the past after all is merely to say a memory, a dream. You know my own past seems continually changed when I am remembering it, or reading things that are interesting to me.
Early in my career as an engineer, I’d learned that all decisions were objective until the first line of code was written. After that, all decisions were emotional.
The great achievements of the past were the adventures of the past. Only the adventurous can understand the greatness of the past.
Foreign policy is all about a universe of bad decisions, imperfect decisions; every situation is different. The dynamics, the atmospherics, the people, the pressures, the geopolitical realities shift.
I'm just going to continue to make good plays. Making the right decisions, good decisions with the ball so my team can play with a great flow.
I don't believe in living in the past. Living in the past is for cowards. If you live in the past, you die in the past.
What they're doing is, they're making the decisions for us. That's what this country is coming down to. They're going to make the decisions for us.
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