Top 1200 Past Quotes & Sayings - Page 2

Explore popular Past quotes.
Last updated on September 19, 2024.
Tell me your past, my beloved, for a man is his past, and is to be known by it.
Resentment always hurts you more than it does the person you resent. While your offender has probably forgotten the offense and gone on with life, you continue to stew in your pain, perpetuating the past. Listen: those who hurt you in the past cannot continue to hurt you now unless you hold on to the pain through resentment. Your past is past! Nothing will change it. You are only hurting yourself with your bitterness. For your own sake, learn from it, and then let it go.
To dwell in the here and now does not mean you never think about the past or responsibly plan for the future. The idea is simply not to allow yourself to get lost in regrets about the past or worries about the future. If you are firmly grounded in the present moment, the past can be an object of inquiry, the object of your mindfulness and concentration. You can attain many insights by looking into the past. But you are still grounded in the present moment.
It was important to me to make a film where I don't show the past but where the spectators can see the past. — © Asghar Farhadi
It was important to me to make a film where I don't show the past but where the spectators can see the past.
I want to sound like an instrument. I want my voice and my words to marry the beat. I go with the rhythm of it and the words start to come to my mind and those words could be based on things that's been on my mind for the past year, the past month, the past week, whatever; I write it.
... negative feelings are not true feelings at all; rather, they are your thoughts about something, based always on the previous experience of yourself and others. You will not find Truth in your past data, only past data that is based on other past data that is based on other past data, and so forth. Forget your "past experience" and look directly at the experience you are having. Right Here, Right Now. There is your Truth.
What is past is past, there is a future left to all men, who have the virtue to repent and the energy to atone.
Time is so fast that all times are past times! When you look at a photo of the past, you must know that you are already in the album, someone else is looking at your photo! All times are past times!
You know, some people can't get past their past, I guess. I certainly haven't.
First of all, you can make the argument that there's no such thing as the past. Nobody lived in the past.
What is past is past. never go back. Not for excuses. Not for justification, not for happiness. You are what you are, the world is what it is.
A person who lives moment to moment, who goes on dying to the past, is never attached to anything. Attachment comes from the accumulated past. If you can be unattached to the past every moment, then you are always fresh, young, just born. You pulsate with life and that pulsation gives you immortality. You are immortal, only unaware of the fact.
Everyone has a past, and the downside to my life is that the past gets dragged up.
I said there was but one solitary thing about the past worth remembering, and that was the fact that it is past-can't be restored. — © Mark Twain
I said there was but one solitary thing about the past worth remembering, and that was the fact that it is past-can't be restored.
We can't afford to deny our past in a bid to be empowered. But what we can do is contextualize the past.
Your religions are boring you, your philosophies are boring you, your scriptures are boring you. Thousands of years of the past are the cause of your boredom. You cannot dance - you are chained to the past, you are imprisoned in the past.
Memory is the keyword which combines past with present, past and future.
Partition is bad. But whatever is past is past. We have only to look to the future.
The only way you'll have a pen of potential Romeos from your past to choose from is to actually have a past.
So this anchoring in some way, in some important way in the past without repeating the past, but on the basis of the past building something new: that is what is important.
If the past has been an obstacle and a burden, knowledge of the past is the safest and the surest emancipation.
I don't like talking past the next game. It's never served me right in the past.
Today's banalities apparently gain in profundity if one states that the wisdom of the past, for all its virtues, belongs to the past. The arrogance of those who come later preens itself with the notion that the past is dead and gone. The modern mind can no longer think thought, only can locate it in time and space. The activity of thinking decays to the passivity of classifying.
It's too easy, you see, to get trapped in the past. The past is very seductive. People always talk about the mists of time, you know, but really it's the present that's in a mist, uncertain. The past is quite clear, and warm, and comforting. That's why people often get stuck there.
The un-happiest of mortals is that man who insists upon reliving the past, over and over in imagination - continually criticizing himself for past mistakes - continually condemning himself for past sins.
There is only one courage and that is the courage to go on dying to the past, not to collect it, not to accumulate it, not to cling to it. We all cling to the past and because we cling to the past we become unavailable to the present.
To be haunted by past failures or satisfied with past successes is to arrest forward motion.
Sentimentality and nostalgia are closely related. Kissing cousins. I have no time for nostalgia, though. Nostalgics believe the past is nicer than the present. It isn't. Or wasn't. Nostalgics want to cuddle the past like a puppy. But the past has bloody teeth and bad breath. I look into its mouth like a sorrowing dentist.
What needs to be discharged is the intolerable tenderness of the past, the past gone and grieved over and never made sense of. Music ransoms us from the past, declares an amnesty, brackets and sets aside the old puzzles. Sing a new song. Start a new life, get a girl, look into her shadowy eyes, smile.
Great art does not break with the past. It breaks with the present by emulating the best of the past.
True forgiveness deals with the past, all of the past, to make the future possible. We cannot go on nursing grudges even vicariously for those who cannot speak for themselves any longer. We have to accept that we do what we do for generations past, present and yet to come. That is what makes a community a community or a people a people-for better or for worse.
The one charm about the past is that it is the past. But women never know when the curtain has fallen.
The person I loved...was the 'past' you. If I couldn't accept that 'past' you, then there won't be time in the future to do so.
We must not confuse the present with the past. With regard to the past, no further action is possible.
Everybody's got a past. The past does not equal the future unless you live there.
That's what drives me on, being frightened to fail. The past is in the past. I never think I'm safe.
All the past has done is generated the you that you are now. Dwelling on the past isn't going to change anything.
Reality is always the story of a past, and what I love about the past is—it's over.
The present no matter what I brought couldn’t change the past. The Past was set and sealed. — © Ann Brashares
The present no matter what I brought couldn’t change the past. The Past was set and sealed.
I'm trying to learn the lessons of the past, but not to make speeches about the past.
It is not the literal past that rules us, save, possibly, in a biological sense. It is images of the past.
People say, 'Don't live in the past.' But I guess it depends on how interesting your past is.
I love cameras but I find myself reluctantly taking pictures because what's past is past.
One must always maintain one's connection to the past and yet ceaselessly pull away from it. To remain in touch with the past requires a love of memory. To remain in touch with the past requires a constant imaginative effort.
I want to be as healthy as I can be so I can make it past 50; make it past 60 and make it past 70.
The past doesn’t exist except as a memory, a mental story, and though past events aren’t changeable, your stories about them are. You can act now to transform the way you tell the story of your past, ultimately making it a stalwart protector of your future.
While the past is the past, it often affects our decisions later on in life.
The past is the one thing we are not prisoners of. We can do with the past exactly what we wish. What we can't do is to change its consequences.
If you live in the past and allow the past to define who you are, then you never grow. — © Oprah Winfrey
If you live in the past and allow the past to define who you are, then you never grow.
When we think we have been hurt by someone in the past, we build up defenses to protect ourselves from being hurt in the future. So the fearful past causes a fearful future and the past and future become one.
You can always tell gifted and highly intelligent people as they always turn to the past. Any young person who knows anything that happened before 1980, or 1990, or 2000 for that matter, is immediately someone who is intelligent, probably creative, maybe a writer. Nobody who is drawn to the past and learning about the past is not gifted.
From depicting the past, so goes the suspicion, it is a short step to glorifying the past.
I love being able to escape my past, even though my past was great.
But this was what happened when you didn't want to visit and confront the past: the past starts visiting and confronting you.
He who has loved and who betrays love does harm not only to the image of the past, but to the past itself.
One should learn from the past, but one should not live in the past. My concern is to look to the future, learn from the past, and deal with the present.
To do this, you can bring in nothing from the past. So the more psychology you've studied, the harder it will be to empathize. The more you know the person, the harder it will be to empathize. Diagnoses and past experiences can instantly knock you off the board. This doesn't mean denying the past. Past experiences can stimulate what's alive in this moment. But are you present to what was alive then or what the person is feeling and needing in this moment?
My past is just that, my past. I try to not think about it and only keep moving forward.
Third, consider the insistency of an idea. The insistency of a past idea with reference to the present is a quantity which is less, the further back that past idea is, and rises to infinity as the past idea is brought up into coincidence with the present.
But how many moments are already past! Ah! who thinks of those that are past?
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