Top 340 Paycheck Quotes & Sayings

Explore popular Paycheck quotes.
Last updated on September 17, 2024.
There are two economic realities in America in 2016. There's been a record six straight years of job growth, and new census numbers show incomes have increased at a record rate after years of stagnation. However, income inequality remains significant, and nearly half of Americans are living paycheck to paycheck.
To people I know in the bottom income brackets, living paycheck to paycheck, the Gig Economy has been old news for years. What's new is the way it's hit the demographic that used to assume that a college degree from an elite school was the passport to job security.
Because of what I did when I was 10 years old, I'm not living from paycheck to paycheck, and I can do things because I want to do them. — © Macaulay Culkin
Because of what I did when I was 10 years old, I'm not living from paycheck to paycheck, and I can do things because I want to do them.
I never once had a regular paycheck. Not for more than six weeks in a row and for the most part not even that. I still haven't. The notion of some whistling kid with a mail cart coming down the hall and handing me my weekly paycheck is something I've only seen in Matthew Broderick movies.
The middle class today would be poor by the standards of the 1950s. Today, with two people working, they would still live paycheck to paycheck.
I have to tell you, I live paycheck to paycheck like most Americans. It's very difficult for me to say, 'Hey, I can give up my paycheck,' because the reality is, I have financial obligations that I have to meet on a month-to-month basis that doesn't make it possible for me.
When I was young, people lived paycheck to paycheck. Today, it seems like they live from credit card payment to credit card payment.
I've pretty much always lived paycheck to paycheck. I never considered it struggling, but it has always been a high-wire act.
Never drew a paycheck outside of baseball.
If there's a steady paycheck in it, I'll believe anything you say.
This is something that I do consider to be good advice: I took my first paycheck and I put it in the goddamn bank. Then I took my second paycheck and put it in the goddamn bank. I had seen the roller coaster of my father's career - top of the world, then unemployed - and I never wanted to take a job because I needed money.
When I received my first paycheck from my now known day job, I spent it on a period Craftsman chair and a Frank Lloyd Wright-wannabe lamp. With my second paycheck, I bought a stereo.
I'm 37 years old and don't have a steady paycheck.
The three important elements in hockey are: the forecheck, the backcheck and the paycheck. — © Gilbert Perreault
The three important elements in hockey are: the forecheck, the backcheck and the paycheck.
If you must have motivation, think of your paycheck on Friday.
Not all Republicans are rich, dress in three-piece suits, and have $200 haircuts. I'm somebody who's lived from paycheck to paycheck. I'm focusing on my blue-collar roots - I've worked side by side with union people.
I bought a camera with my first ever paycheck.
I prefer the paycheck of television and the experience of theater.
Seven out of 10 Americans are one paycheck away from being homeless.
For the family living paycheck-to-paycheck, or those at risk in their current living situation, access to affordable housing is pivotal to their safety and long-term stability.
I've worked since it was basically legal to work. I was a waitress on and off for eight years. I worked at Sears; I worked at Abercrombie folding clothes. My dad really instilled good money management habits, and I've saved 10 percent of my paycheck, every paycheck, since I was 15.
No business is non-essential to those who rely on its paycheck for food, for supplies and for shelter.
Many Americans are living paycheck to paycheck and are only one step away from being homeless. Whether you are white, black, Latino, or Asian, we have to be there to help pick each other up.
I don't miss the economic insecurity, the living paycheck to paycheck.
We can talk about corporations all day long but my goal is to help the middle class, somebody who makes too much to be on government assistance but still lives paycheck to paycheck.
I realize how lucky I am to be able to go a couple months without a paycheck, but a lot of industry people go paycheck to paycheck.
There are two economic realities in America today. There's been a record six straight years of job growth, and new census numbers show incomes have increased at a record rate after years of stagnation. However, income inequality remains significant, and nearly half of Americans are living paycheck to paycheck.
I think there's a big misconception out there about actors and the choices they have. I think if you're one of a lucky five, maybe, you're that privileged, but most of us are living paycheck to paycheck and we're really extremely grateful for opportunities.
Today you have millions of Americans that feel left out and out of place in their own country, struggling to live paycheck to paycheck, called bigots because they hold on to traditional values.
The size of the promised paycheck is inversely proportional to the likelihood of surviving to collect it.
There's something very soothing about the simplicity of doing what's right in front of you: paying the rent, buying groceries, and when there's a little extra for a treat like cinnamon rolls, whoopee! When you live paycheck to paycheck, you only have so much to lose.
The majority of people in this country, they live paycheck to paycheck. If we can, long-term, change that trend and make it so that investing and saving money, more broadly, is less of a chore and something that people actually want to do, that would be success to me.
Never serve oysters in a month that has no paycheck in it.
You either go through your life working for someone and getting a paycheck - and it can be a damn good paycheck, and I am not complaining as someone who has always been a salaried employee - or you can go out and become an entrepreneur.
Economic security can feel like an impossible goal when you're living paycheck to paycheck, deciding between paying the light bill or the water bill, knowing the decision to pay either one may mean you can't put food on the table.
I'll be truthful. The weekly paycheck is the most important thing to me.
The older you are when you buy an annuity, the shorter your life expectancy will be - so the greater a monthly paycheck the same sum of money will buy you. When interest rates are higher, the size of the paycheck for the same sum of money will rise also.
There's something very noble about bringing home a paycheck to provide for oneself and one's family. However, there's so much more to work than just a paycheck. This is unfortunately a very common view which I believe accounts in part for the statistic that approximately 70% of people are disengaged at work. Think about the loss of meaning and productivity and the staggering economic implications of that statistic.
Many times, you have to sacrifice the paycheck for doing what you love. — © Vincent Rodriguez III
Many times, you have to sacrifice the paycheck for doing what you love.
Aside from a couple of signature flourishes, there's nothing to mark Paycheck as the product of acclaimed action director John Woo. In fact, there's little about this movie that makes it worth anyone's time and money. With a script that waffles between being hilariously absurd and insultingly stupid, and action scenes that won't cause anyone's pulse to skip a beat, Paycheck is less appealing than a lump of coal in a Christmas stocking.
Coaching in the NBA is not easy. It's like a nervous breakdown with a paycheck.
You know, from age 17 on, my paycheck was coming from cooking and working in kitchens.
The last thing I wanted was a big paycheck but no inspiration or support.
I still have to work paycheck to paycheck. Being in show business doesn't indicate that you're a 'success,' in my opinion.
I live like most of the people in my district: paycheck to paycheck.
In my house, it is always a scramble from paycheck to paycheck.
All workers, whether they are employed in the private or public sector, should avoid living 'paycheck to paycheck.' Studies show that every household wastes 10% or more of its salary or income on unnecessary expenditures or by not taking the time to shop for better prices. It's all a matter of proper budgeting.
I spent my first paycheck on a vintage Mercedes.
I have not left the house after 6 o'clock without a paycheck for years. — © Leslie Jordan
I have not left the house after 6 o'clock without a paycheck for years.
My choices in projects have all been character or role-based, and on a financial level, it's obvious: as an actor on a TV series, I get a wonderful paycheck, and a consistent paycheck, which doesn't always happen when you're doing theater or movies.
There is no paycheck that can equal the feeling of contentment that comes from being the person you are meant to be.
I'm not looking for a paycheck.
When I was young, people lived from paycheck to paycheck. Today, it seems like they live from credit card payment to credit card payment.
I always encourage people to pay themselves first, so I really advocate setting up direct deposit for your paycheck and establishing an automatic transfer so that part of each paycheck goes straight into your savings account.
Employees, especially young people, want more than a paycheck.
How is Hillary Clinton going to lecture me about living paycheck to paycheck? I was raised paycheck to paycheck.
A lot of millennials really want a company that signs their paycheck, or whoever it is that signs their paycheck, to be an entity that reflects to them in a way that is consistent with their personal idea of who they are.
You get a bigger paycheck if you are the hero. There is something good about it.
Your parents only want what's best for you. They know a career in the arts usually means living paycheck to paycheck; they just want you to know that you have other options!
I sent my father to Mecca for Hajj with my first paycheck
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