Top 1200 Peaceful Country Quotes & Sayings - Page 16

Explore popular Peaceful Country quotes.
Last updated on October 10, 2024.
I'm thrilled that country music fans like my stuff, but so do a lot of people outside of country music, people who just love music. My goal is more to reach music lovers than to appeal to a genre. I love country music, and I'm proud to represent it, but I don't obsess over it as a category.
There is a marvelous peace in not publishing. It's peaceful. Still. Publishing is a terrible invasion of my privacy.
Today, my heart and soul lives peacefully for the hope that the 21st century will have to face a great challenge, a peaceful struggle for the enlightenment of humanity.
I really like walking through Brompton Cemetery. It's really peaceful. — © Georgia Toffolo
I really like walking through Brompton Cemetery. It's really peaceful.
If you actually hang out in the countryside, which I did, it's actually quite peaceful.
We are not relying solely on their findings but rather the facts that we have gathered and verified, we ask for the public to remain patient and peaceful and to trust the process of the justice system.
Actions always speak louder than words, especially when they're peaceful actions.
Not only did the terrorists hijack planes and destroy life, but they also hijacked the peaceful religion of Islam and split the brother and sisterhood of mankind.
I think if you live in a country, basically you share the dominant values of a country although you may disagree on issues all the time.
Peaceful, lawful protest - if it is effective - is innately disruptive of 'business as usual.' That is why it is effective.
There is no reliable way for American authorities to distinguish jihadists and potential jihadists from peaceful Muslims.
Every kind of peaceful cooperation among men is primarily based on mutual trust and only secondarily on institutions such as courts of justice and police.
Success means successful living. When you are peaceful, happy, joyous and doing what you love to do, you are successful.
I grew up, really, in the country.When I was a kid there were three country stores, a railroad depot, and a post office. — © Jeff Sessions
I grew up, really, in the country.When I was a kid there were three country stores, a railroad depot, and a post office.
This is the country that we are turning over to young people, and there is going to be no country left at this rate because Trump is destroying the soul of who we are.
Even a war zone looks peaceful in most places, most of the time.
As an actress, I get plenty of drama in my professional life. When I'm at home, I want a peaceful life.
If your home environment is good and peaceful and easy, your life is better and easier.
When you're 38 years old and you've already been in three World Cups... one thing I've learned, especially when you play for your country, is, 'I'm there for my country.'
When external and internal forces hostile to the development of socialism try to turn the development of a given socialist country in the direction of the restoration of the capitalist system, when a threat arises to the cause of socialism in that country ... this is no longer merely a problem for that country's people, but a common problem, the concern of all socialist countries.
The book is here to stay. What we're doing is symbolic of the peaceful coexistence of the book and the computer.
We need strength and success elsewhere in our country - not by pulling London down but by building the rest of the country up.
We believe that we could do a great deal to neutralise regional conflicts. Also, for example, to continue joint activities in space, for peaceful civilian purposes.
Nearly 180,000 illegal immigrants with criminal records, ordered deported from America, are tonight roaming free to threaten peaceful citizens.
A human being tends to believe that the mood of the moment, be it troubled or blithe, peaceful or stormy, is the true, native, and permanent tenor of his existence.
It is a leftist myth that European conquerors and settlers encountered only peaceful, virtuous tribes and subdued them murderously in the name of Christianity and Capitalism.
Peace is not absence of conflict, it is the ability to handle conflict by peaceful means.
I declare myself an Austrian and a European. A united Europe will be a peaceful Europe.
No one's going to go see the story of Othello going to get a peaceful divorce.
The trees encountered on a country stroll Reveal a lot about that country's soul ... A culture is no better than its woods.
For me, my home is a peaceful place where I can rest, and it gives me back energy.
My opinion is that protesting, there's no problem with it, as long as it is peaceful without violence, without vandalism.
If your home is peaceful, then you're going to go out in your day peacefully.
Lady love, your love is peaceful like the summers breeze.
It is good to stay in a peaceful poverty than to stay in a painful wealth.
We have a serious problem in this country, and that is securing this country and making sure that the rule of law's upheld. And I applaud Arizona in regards to this.
To me I've just really, really found a relaxed, peaceful side of my life and I'm enjoying it.
Let us continue to strive together for a more inclusive, democratic, and peaceful future for us all.
I'm having No. 1 hits on the country charts and that's where I always wanted to be. I've had 26 No. 1 country records. That thrills me to no end. — © Eddie Rabbitt
I'm having No. 1 hits on the country charts and that's where I always wanted to be. I've had 26 No. 1 country records. That thrills me to no end.
It is a quiet and peaceful place - and a fitting place for the remains of this greatest of sea tragedies to rest.
This is a very unforgiving country when you show this country its warts, when you hold the mirror up. If you happen not to share their beliefs, they'll kill you.
I do think the patriotic thing to do is to critique my country. How else do you make a country better but by pointing out its flaws?
I think patriotism, by its very definition, is love of country. But we seem to have become a country where the highest thing we're reaching for is tolerance.
A peaceful world requires collective measures for the prevention of war, international cooperation to solve economic and social problems, and respect for human rights.
There are many Welsh who are taciturn, truthful, well formed, open minded, handsome and peaceful, even if no particular individual immediately springs to mind.
The practical core of democracy, defined functionally, is the peaceful exchange of power between different groups of powerful political players arranged in parties.
To truly feel seen by another person makes you feel so peaceful.
The artist, day by day, by postulating the new realities of the future, accomplishes peaceful revolution.
My brother loves this country deeply. He has laid down roots, and he has always been incredibly patriotic and committed to this country. — © Maya Soetoro-Ng
My brother loves this country deeply. He has laid down roots, and he has always been incredibly patriotic and committed to this country.
Every person is created in the image of God and has value. Every person. Every person is to be treated with respect. Every person is also a citizen of some country. In their country, they have rights and responsibilities; in every other country, they are a guest.
The Republicans are looking at a country that is going to be a majority minority country in just over a generation. And they are an increasingly white party.
Peaceful, lawful protest - if it is effective - IS innately disruptive of “business as usual.” That is WHY it is effective.
It's better to build a peaceful child than re-build a violent adult.
A peaceful world is a world in which differences are tolerated, and are not eliminated by violence.
Scotland is a great country and many wonderful things have come out of this country, however England gets the glory.
They assert that their program is purely peaceful. . . . We want them to demonstrate clearly in the actions they propose that they have truly abandoned any nuclear weapons ambition.
It is clear to me that Democrats want to attack me rather than debate Sen. McCain on important economic issues facing the country. That kind of distraction hurts not only Sen. McCain's ability to present concrete programs to deal with the country's problems; it hurts the country.
But the truth of the matter is that there is there is an opportunity for them to participate in the economic and political future of the country and certainly in the security life of the country.
Kabul was very popular with the hippies in the Sixties and Seventies. It was very quiet and peaceful.
I thank all of those who weren't born in this country for coming here and making a contribution to Australia. We are the least discriminatory country in the world, in my view.
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