Top 1200 Peaceful Heart Quotes & Sayings

Explore popular Peaceful Heart quotes.
Last updated on September 19, 2024.
The real leaders cannot appear in the peaceful time; nor can the serious opposition emerge from within the peaceful atmosphere. Without an open confrontation, there is no opposition!
Ground Zero mosque supporters, doesn't it stab you in the heart, as it does ours, throughout the heartland? Peaceful Muslims, please refudiate.
I meditate so I know how to find a peaceful place within to be calm and peaceful. — © Roseanne Barr
I meditate so I know how to find a peaceful place within to be calm and peaceful.
Meditation is a silent heart, a peaceful mind which can make life more lovable, more livable.
I respect marriage, and I think it's beautiful that people do it. But for me, more important than anything is having a peaceful life and a peaceful home.
Acceptance does not mean inaction. We may need to respond, strongly at times...From a peaceful center we can respond instead of react. Unconscious reactions create problems. Considered responses bring peace. With a peaceful heart whatever happens can be met with wisdom...Peace is not weak; it is unshakable.
A lot of celebrities golf because they want to be away. For them it's a chance to get away and be peaceful. For me it's peaceful to ride [cycling].
There is no situation so bad that it cannot be accepted patiently, with an open, accommodating, and peaceful heart.
It can be helpful to remember that the enlightened mind and the ordinary mind are two sides of the same coin. The mind is like the sea, which can be rough on the surface, with mountainous waves stirred up by ferocious wind, but calm and peaceful at the bottom. Sometimes we can catch sight of this peaceful mind even in times of trouble. These glimpses of peace show us that we may have more inner resources to draw upon than we had realized. With skill and patience, we can learn how to be in touch with our peaceful selves.
When I need to think of, like, a peaceful scene or something, I think of my back garden in summertime. And whenever I hear the lawnmower next door, I always think it's really peaceful.
What is needed in the present plight of mankind is not more science but a change of heart that shall move mankind to devote to constructive and peaceful purposes.
I feel like I've kind of gotten to a peaceful place in my heart.
Happy the life, that in a peaceful stream, Obscure, unnoticed through the vale has flow'd; The heart that ne'er was charm'd by fortune's gleam Is ever sweet contentment's blest abode.
There are certain pictures I can never take. We turn on the TV and are smothered with cruelty and suffering and I don't need to add to it. So I just photograph peaceful things. A vase of flowers, a beautiful girl. Sometimes, through a peaceful face, I can bring something important into the world.
An everlasting tranquility is, in my imagination, the highest possible felicity, because I know of no felicity on earth higher than that which a peaceful mind and contented heart afford.
We must persuade Iran not t have nuclear weapons through peaceful and diplomatic means. We want a peaceful planet. — © Mitt Romney
We must persuade Iran not t have nuclear weapons through peaceful and diplomatic means. We want a peaceful planet.
Pray silently with simplicity every day to stay cool and calm in mind, composed and collected in heart; courageous and connected to own soul, to lay the way for a peaceful life.
There cannot be peaceful coexistence in the ideological realm. Peaceful coexistence corrupts.
People say to me so often, 'Jane how can you be so peaceful when everywhere around you people want books signed, people are asking these questions and yet you seem peaceful,' and I always answer that it is the peace of the forest that I carry inside.
The Government wants a peaceful settlement. But we totally reject a peaceful sell-out.
We know that we are happy when our mind is peaceful, and unhappy when it is not. It is therefore clear that our happiness depends upon our having a peaceful mind and not on good external conditions. Even if our external conditions are poor, if we maintain a peaceful mind all the time we shall always be happy.
We need a more peaceful world, growing out of more peaceful families and neighborhoods and communities. To secure and cultivate such peace, "we must love others, even our enemies as well as our friends"
There is nothing wrong with my heart except for wanting a peaceful world.
Live with a peaceful heart; cultivate a warrior's spirit.
pg.9 "In my heart there's a peaceful anguish, and my calm is made of resignation.
If I want to live in a peaceful world, then it is up to me to make sure that I am a peaceful person. No matter how others behave, I keep peace in my heart. I declare peace in the midst of chaos or madness. I surround all difficult situations with peace and love.
This country will not be a peaceful place for us to live if we do not make it to be a peaceful place with our fists.
And know if I'll only be true to the glorious quest That my heart lies peaceful and calm When I'm laid to my rest.
We must pursue peaceful end through peaceful means.
As a great socialist power the Soviet Union is fully aware of its responsibility to the peoples for preserving and strengthening peace. We are open to peaceful, mutually beneficial cooperation with states on all continents. We are for the peaceful settlement of all disputable international problems through serious, equal, and constructive talks.
I'm a peaceful person once work ethic is established. If people are around me and whatever I'm doing is efficient, then I'm extremely peaceful.
A peaceful man must fight For that which peace demands,? Freedom and faith, honor and right, Defend with heart and hands.
Soviets always use words which mean almost the reverse of what they mean to us. So peaceful co-existence does not in any way mean peaceful.
Today, my heart and soul lives peacefully for the hope that the 21st century will have to face a great challenge, a peaceful struggle for the enlightenment of humanity.
The purpose of meditation is to make our mind calm and peaceful. If our mind is peaceful, we will be free from worries and mental discomfort, and so we will experience true happiness. But if our mind is not peaceful, we will find it very difficult to be happy, even if we are living in the very best conditions.
Serbia did not want to recognize our country in a peaceful way, so that is why they wanted to destroy us. All our efforts to find a peaceful solution were impossible. In order to save the people, NATO had to intervene.
I feel that compassionate thought is the most precious thing there is. It is something that only we human beings can develop. And if we have a good heart, a warm heart, warm feelings, we will be happy and satisfied ourselves, and our friends will experience a friendly and peaceful atmosphere as well. This can be experienced community to community, country to country, continent to continent.
Love and compassion benefit both ourselves and others. Through kindness to others, your heart and mind will be peaceful and open. — © Dalai Lama
Love and compassion benefit both ourselves and others. Through kindness to others, your heart and mind will be peaceful and open.
Watch your manner of speech if you wish to develop a peaceful state of mind. Start each day by affirming peaceful, contented and happy attitudes and your days will tend to be pleasant and successful.
Meeting my daughter for the first time was the most special moment of my life. They laid Julia on my chest in the delivery room, and my heart completely melted. She was just so peaceful.
We want to live, love and build a just and peaceful society. We dedicate ourselves to working with our neighbors day in and day out to create this peaceful society.
Whenever you have a possibility of going in two ways, either for peace or for war, for peaceful methods of for military methods, in the present age there is a strong prejudice for the peaceful ones. War seldom ever leads to good results.
You could hold me and I could hold you. And it would be so peaceful. Completely peaceful. Like the feeling of sleep, but awake in it together.
My heart is so peaceful.
All God wants of man is a peaceful heart.
God wants nothing from you but the gift of a peaceful heart.
Then Scale by scale, We strip off The delicacy And eat The peaceful mush Of its green heart.
If anything or anyone distresses you, think how you'll feel a week - a month - a year later. If you can imagine yourself being happy and peaceful then, why waste all that time? Be happy and peaceful now.
If you think peaceful thoughts, you'll feel peaceful emotions, and that's what you'll bring to every life situation. If you're attached to being right or absolutely need something in order to be at peace or successful, you'll live a life of striving yet never arriving.
That's what I want to be when I grow up, just a peaceful wreck holding hands with other peaceful wrecks.
God is a peaceful ground of being. He is the energy of nonviolence. To ask Him to help is to ask Him to turn us into profoundly peaceful people. — © Marianne Williamson
God is a peaceful ground of being. He is the energy of nonviolence. To ask Him to help is to ask Him to turn us into profoundly peaceful people.
Like most Americans, I hope and wish is that there is a peaceful resolution to the Middle East conflict. Unfortunately, there are extremists on both sides who oppose a peaceful resolution and instead choose violence.
Peace is a rare gift. Peace of mind, peaceful sleeps, and peaceful spirits are all luxuries that few rebels can ever afford.
It is the peaceful one who is observant. It is peace that gives him the power to observe keenly. It is the peaceful one, therefore, who can conceive, for peace helps him to conceive. It is the peaceful who can contemplate; one who has no peace cannot contemplate properly. Therefore, all things pertaining to spiritual progress in life depend upon peace.
No one should advocate any peaceful suffering to black people, unless the black - white man is going to practice the same kind of peaceful suffering.
Pause before you get home and prepare your heart. A peaceful heart leads to a peaceful atmosphere.
I live in a peaceful world because I choose to think loving and peaceful thoughts.
If you feel a sense of social responsibility, first of all keep working on yourself. Being peaceful yourself is the first step if you want to live in a peaceful universe.
Because when the world quiets to the sound of your own breathing, we all want the same things: comfort, love, and a peaceful heart.
You cannot have peaceful means - peaceful means will have to be used to bring about peaceful ends. If you use destructive means, you're going to bring about destructive ends.
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