Top 1200 Pebble Beach Quotes & Sayings

Explore popular Pebble Beach quotes.
Last updated on September 19, 2024.
I'm living by the beach so it's nice to wake up in the morning and see the beach.
If I do go to the beach there have to be certain rules: it can't be a pebbly beach, there has to be some shade and there has to be a beach bar. I don't want to go off the beaten track.
Somebody told me I should put a pebble in my mouth to cure my stuttering. Well, I tried it, and during a scene I swallowed the pebble. That was the end of that. — © Jean Rostand
Somebody told me I should put a pebble in my mouth to cure my stuttering. Well, I tried it, and during a scene I swallowed the pebble. That was the end of that.
In Haiti, beach bodies are simply bodies, and beach reads are simply books, because the beach is all around you.
I'm no day at the beach. And if it is a beach, it's Hampton Beach. Ever been there? It's not nice.
Pebble Beach. It is tough and the lay out is amazing.
Living by the beach means feeling guilty about never going to the beach.
If I had only one more round to play, I would choose to play it at Pebble Beach. I've loved this course from the first time I saw it. It's possibly the best in the world.
From the outside, Rick Rubin's house above Zuma Beach is a generic millionaire beach home. There's a rarely used tennis court and a circular drive.
Many people, I've noticed by informally polling friends, are prone to distinguishing a beach read by genre. Some people thought all thrillers are beach reads; others thought all romances are. Some people thought only mass market paperbacks are eligible for beach read standards.
I like the 50s, party-movie aesthetic of the beach. I'm not really into modern-day beach.
Oh it's a pebble... But it's a really nice pebble Dad thanks.
I enjoyed growing up part of my life in Virginia Beach. We had the ocean and the beach and a beautiful landscape. — © Mark Ruffalo
I enjoyed growing up part of my life in Virginia Beach. We had the ocean and the beach and a beautiful landscape.
The beach is in our blood. Everyone in our family returns to the beach instinctively, just like the sea turtles.
I enjoyed growing up part of my life in Virginia Beach. We had the ocean and the beach and a beautiful landscape. We were outdoors all the time and we played outside.
If St. Andrews is the home of golf, I think Pebble Beach feels like the home of American golf, like the home of championship golf. It has a real sense of history here.
I'm always in Malibu, and I'm a big fan of surfing and stuff. I love the beach. Someday I will live on the beach.
Waihi Beach. It's a lovely beach, and we're right on the shore and I get a lot of pleasure out of waking up in the morning and hearing the waves roll in.
Being from Florida and playing so many tournaments on that beach in Fort Lauderdale, I just want to be on that beach playing.
I never tell one client that I cannot attend his sales convention because I have a previous engagement with another client; successful polygamy depends upon pretending to each spouse that she is the only pebble on your beach.
I like anywhere with a beach. A beach and warm weather is all I really need.
I don't go to the beach. There is no value in going to the beach. If I did go I would probably read economics books.
I would like to play Pebble Beach at some point. I keep waiting for them to call and ask me to that little pro-am thing, but I'm not big enough.
I only properly played golf when I was 15 or 16. The best course I've done? Pebble Beach in California.
I've said many times before that Pebble Beach is a wonderful thinking-man's golf course. That is why it is such a great U.S. Open venue.
Pebble Beach is Alcatraz with grass.
Everyone thinks L.A. is the beach. And actually, Hollywood is really far from the beach.
I am not like a pebble on the beach - a grain of sand on the seashore or just one of millions of human beings past, present and future. No, I am a unique human being loved by God as if I were an only child - the only fruit of his creative powers.
Where does a wise man kick a pebble? On the beach. Where does a wise man hide a leaf? In the forest.
I am not a major jet-setter; I am a simple man who likes to be on a good beach, have a little swim, and play beach football.
I think that Pebble Beach is my favorite golf course to go to. I think Augusta is my favorite place to go play golf.
I'm near the beach, and I'm definitely a beach bum. For me, going to training and then going to the beach is kind of an escape for me to get away from everything and relax. It's really done wonders for me.
I love going to the beach. I like just walking around South Beach, but sometimes, when you're famous, it can be a little difficult.
Email is such a funny thing. People hand you these single little messages that are no heavier than a river pebble. But it doesn't take long until you have acquired a pile of pebbles that's taller than you and heavier than you could ever hope to move, even if you wanted to do it over a few dozen trips. But for the person who took the time to hand you their pebble, it seems outrageous that you can't handle that one tiny thing.
I was always writing about the connection between man and nature. I grew up in a neighborhood that was right on the beach, but the beach was not like a beach you would imagine - there was a lot of pollution. And the most magical thing to me as a kid was sea glass, so I wrote about that a lot.
I always had the fantasy of Hollywood and Los Angeles and the beach, not realizing that Hollywood was so very far from the beach.
I grew up at the beach and I was always involved in beach clean-ups and caring for my environment.
It sounds ideal, a sort of beach childhood. But it wasn't really. I didn't use the beach very much at all. — © Miranda Richardson
It sounds ideal, a sort of beach childhood. But it wasn't really. I didn't use the beach very much at all.
Writing the first draft is like hitting the beach on D Day. You don't stop to mourn the dead or comfort the wounded. You get off the beach because, if you don't, you'll die there.
I grew up in Imperial Beach, surfing and going to the beach - my son plays baseball at the park.
One of my favorite vacation places is Miami, because of the people, the water and the beach - of course - and the architecture on Miami Beach is so wonderful.
The thing to remember about Phuket is it's very beach-oriented and relaxed. The trendiest beach is Koh Sirey, which is full of groovy places to have a cocktail and watch the sun go down.
I couldn't live in L.A. and not be close to the beach, you know, that's like the whole thing. I don't understand people who don't live by the beach. Why would you not?
I think Pebble Beach is kind of a unique place on the planet.
Hunting for meteorites is like trying to find a pebble on miles of beach.
At Pebble Beach, even on your good shots, you've got to hit it to the correct side of the holes to save pars.
When that happens [the demise of golf], old men will furtively beckon to their sons and, like fugitives from the guillotine recalling the elegant orgies at the court of Louis XV, will recite the glories of Portmarnock and Merion, of the Road Hole at St. Andrews, the sixth at Seminole, the eighteenth at Pebble Beach. They will take out this volume from its secret hiding place and they will say: "There is no question, son, that these were unholy places in an evil age. Unfortunately, I had a whale of a time."
Sanford is a little redneck town north of Orlando. It's right off Lake Jessup.Lake Jessup is the most alligator infested lake in the United States and I live literally 5/10ths of a mile north of that lake right off the swamp down here. I've lived here since '94. When I left Nebraska my dad got a job at a private Christian school in West Palm Beach. People will say "You're not really a country boy. You're from Palm Beach, Florida." Well, I moved to West Palm Beach, FL which is a far cry from Palm Beach, FL. There's a reason it's called West Palm Beach.
I was born and raised in Santa Cruz, California, and the whole lifestyle revolves around the beach. My parents met surfing, and the beach was a major part of our daily lives.
No matter what anyone says, suicide takes guts. It's for heroes and martyrs, truly vainglorious men. Archie was none of these. He was a man whose significance in the Greater Scheme of Things could be figured along familiar ratios: Pebble : Beach Raindrop : Ocean Needle : Haystack
My first novel, 'You Lost Me There,' has been described as a beach read. Tough bracket, beach reads. There's not much room for mistakes when you're competing against the sun for a person's attention.
Japan is really advanced. They don't go to the beach. The beach comes to them. — © Gilbert Gottfried
Japan is really advanced. They don't go to the beach. The beach comes to them.
The name 'The Beach Boys' is controlled by Brother Records Inc., which was founded by the original members of the Beach Boys and whose sole shareholders voted over a decade ago to grant me an exclusive license to tour as 'The Beach Boys.' With it, I've felt a great responsibility to uphold, honor and further our legacy.
I was looking at pictures of cats laying out on the beach and I thought, "Cats hate water, so why would they like the beach?" But then I realized that cats like to just lay around and lounge and be lazy, and what better place to do that than on the beach?
I was a street kid, but that meant hopping a ride on the back of the MTA down to Revere Beach - that's the beach that's made out of concrete - or sneaking into the Boston Garden to watch the Celtics or the Bruins.
I love New York City for its energy. Pebble Beach, Carmel Beach and that all area, for its completely laid back energy. Paris for the charm, shopping and the glamour.
I gather most people don't remember that when the U.S. Open first went to Pebble Beach in 1972, a big deal was made of the Open going to a public course for the first time.
Be a rock, not a pebble.
To use Newton's words, our efforts up till this moment have but turned over a pebble or shell here and there on the beach, with only a forlorn hope that under one of them was the gem we were seeking. Now we have the sieve, the minds, the hands, the time, and, particularly, the dedication to find those gems-no matter in which favorite hiding place the children of distant worlds have placed them.
Long walks on the beach are the supposed holy grail of a romantic evening. The beach becomes a kind of utopia - the place where all our dreams come true.
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