Top 1200 Perfect Practice Quotes & Sayings - Page 4

Explore popular Perfect Practice quotes.
Last updated on October 12, 2024.
There is no fundamental difference between the preparation for death and the practice of dying, and spiritual practice leading to enlightenment.
Without Unceasing Practice nothing can be done. Practice is Art. If you leave off you are lost.
Success has to do with deliberate practice. Practice must be focused, determined, and in an environment where there's feedback. — © Malcolm Gladwell
Success has to do with deliberate practice. Practice must be focused, determined, and in an environment where there's feedback.
YouTube has a hundred engineers who are trying to get the perfect next video to play automatically. And their techniques are only going to get more and more perfect over time, and we will have to resist the perfect.
Only through practice and more practice, until you can do something without conscious effort.
It would be unwise to condemn as irrational the practice of devouring the heart and liver of an adversary while yet warm. For the highest spiritual working one must choose that victim which contains the greatest and purest force; a male child of perfect innocence and high intelligence is the most satisfactory.
For some reason, talking is easy for me. Practice does make perfect; I've been doing it for a while. Being out there in a high-pressure situation with a live audience and a live TV camera on you, it brings something out. It's very organic.
I practice yoga every day. The practice calms my spirit, and allows me to be present.
There is a practice that is most powerful in keeping us united with God. That practice is the constant recollection of His presence.
We're going to worship in eternity. So what does God want me to do while we're here on earth? Practice. Practice worshipping.
I envy Muslims their practice of regular and genuine prayer. It's a beautiful practice that enriches their daily lives.
You come in on practice squad and you know you're not going to play in the game, you know you're not going to get any reps. It's frustrating... you don't want to just practice your whole life. You want to practice to play.
The practice of medicine is a thinker's art the practice of surgery a plumber's. — © Martin H. Fischer
The practice of medicine is a thinker's art the practice of surgery a plumber's.
I am very pleased with my synthetic golf green from Southwest Greens. It reacts like a championship golf green, so I can practice my short game whenever I'm at home. I couldn't believe that a synthetic green could be this perfect.
Practice works because practice gives us a chance to relax enough to make smart choices.
I came out with a book called The True Secret of Writing: Connecting Life with Language. It's a book that describes how writing is a practice and how my teaching is part of that practice. I direct the writing and create books but underneath, there's always the river of practice happening. No good, no bad. Just do it.
Lessons are not to take the place of practice, but to make practice worthwhile.
My assistants and I often would spend more time planning a practice than the actual practice itself
Other people - they practice and they practice... these fingers of mine, they got brains in 'em. You don't tell them what to do - they do it. God given talent.
Practice? I never practice. I just write songs and take solos.
Only when there are no impressions of others clouding our mind, can we sit and practice the glorious practice of meditation.
For me, my yoga practice is like putting a one in front of a lot of zeros. Without my practice, everything quickly becomes chaotic.
One of my constant reminders was, "End practice on a happy note." I wanted the boys to want to come out to practice, and I wanted them to get a certain amount of pleasure out of basketball. It's a game. It should be fun. So I always tried to counterbalance any criticism in practice with a bit of praise. I wanted my players to feel that the worst punishment I could give them was to deny them the privilege of practicing. If they did not want to practice, I did not want them there.
Hang on to the inner body, let it be the anchor, then you're present. If they say something challenging and you lose it again, pause, and anchor again. Practice, practice, continuous practice-becaus e when you're in touch with the inner body, spaciousness arises.
The music kind of takes care of itself because we've done all that as preproduction in the practice room. So by the time it gets onstage, each song has about one hundred hours of way too much mothering gone into it. So when you see us play live, that is the product of ninety days of practice, over a year of writing, listening to demos on the weekends after practice.
The original sin is not that we are inherently flawed, born sinners, or imperfect; the original sin is that we do not recognize, realize that each of us is born perfect, exactly as the universe, God intended us to be. We are all perfect. The universe is perfect. Stop struggling against yourself. Accept that you are perfect. When you do, your highest self will shine through.
I'm a person who gets better with practice. Getting older is awesome - because you get more practice.
It's not necessarily the amount of time you spend at practice that counts; it's what you put into the practice.
What a player does best, he should practice least. Practice is for problems.
Every practice at some point will become a hindrance. No practice can ever take you there, to freedom, to liberation. That's important to realize.
Women are racing all the time to try to have a perfect house and perfect kids and be a perfect cook. Men, somehow, for whatever reason, seem to be better able to pick and choose, to focus on things they like and that are important to them, and let the other things go.
We call the effort to cultivate our ability to be in the present moment ‘practice’ or ‘meditation practice.’
When Christmas doesn't fit your expectations of what the perfect holiday should be, think about how Joseph and Mary probably didn't think that manger was the perfect place for their child to be born. but look at what a perfect Christmas that turned out to be.
If you understand real practice, then archery or other activities can be zen. If you don't understand how to practice archery in its true sense, then even though you practice very hard, what you acquire is just technique. It won't help you through and through. Perhaps you can hit the mark without trying, but without a bow and arrow you cannot do anything. If you understand the point of practice, then even without a bow and arrow the archery will help you. How you get that kind of power or ability is only through right practice.
One of the things Mother said to me, 'You want this, you're going to practice.' And I know how to practice.
Once I step on the field, by the things I do in practice and the way I practice, you can't tell that I don't love the game. But I just know it deep down.
Creation is a knack which is empowered by practice, and like almost any skill, it is lost if you don't practice it.
It's all about practice and more practice. Travel to tournaments, play in them, watch other players. — © Judd Trump
It's all about practice and more practice. Travel to tournaments, play in them, watch other players.
My father taught me that the only way you can make good at anything is to practice, and then practice some more.
You have to learn to laugh all the time. It's a practice of life. It's a practice of happiness.
It really annoys me when magazines put up these 'superwomen' with the perfect blow-dry, the perfect life - but nothing's perfect. People have a whole bunch of problems and it's how many solutions you can find to those problems as to how happy you are.
Practice meditating on the heart chakra. This is only one of them, but it's quite good for the first few years of your meditative practice.
Agreeing to draws in the middlegame, equal or otherwise, deprives you of the opportunity to practice playing endgames, and the endgame is probably where you need the most practice.
Since it is the practice of enlightenment, that practice has no beginning and since it is enlightenment within the practice, that realization has no end.
In studying ourselves, we find the harmony that is our total existence. We do not make harmony. We do not achieve it or gain it. It is there all the time. Here we are, in the midst of this perfect way, and our practice is simply to realize it and then to actualize it in our everyday life.
When you are filled with soul energy you become magnetic." 11 Teachings to help on the journey to Soul Realization: (1) Practive humility; (2) Give up pride and self-delusion; (3) Practice loving kindness; (4) Give up anger, hatred and vindictiveness; (5) Practice generosity; (6) Avoid greed and stealing in its different aspects; (7) Practice honesty; (8) Avoid maliciousness and exploiting lies; (9)Practice moderation; (10) Avoid excessiveness; (11) Do not allow yourself to be enslaved by your lower nature
Zazen practice is the direct expression of our true nature. Strictly speaking, for a human being, there is no other practice than this practice; there is no other way of life than this way of life.
We should be able to bring the practice of meditation hall into our daily lives. We need to discuss among ourselves how to do it. Do you practice breathing between phone calls? Do you practice smiling while cutting carrots? Do you practice relaxation after hard hours of work? These are practical questions. If you know how to apply meditation to dinner time, leisure time, sleeping time, it will penetrate your daily life, and it will also have a tremendous effect on social concerns.
Any religion has to have a practice. When you let it go so far from practice that it just becomes a matter of talk something bad happens. — © Wendell Berry
Any religion has to have a practice. When you let it go so far from practice that it just becomes a matter of talk something bad happens.
It was a very limited practice; carefully safeguarded. In 1890, that practice was discontinued.
Americans practice different faiths in churches, synagogues, mosques and temples. And many good people practice no faith at all.
Everyday brings a choice: to practice stress or to practice peace.
The practice of meditation is emptying the mind. When the mind is empty, completely empty, it's perfect meditation. It's really that simple.
When people start writing there is this idea that you have to get everything right first time, every sentence has to be perfect, every paragraph has to be perfect, every chapter has to be perfect, but what you're doing is not any kind of public show, until you're ready for it.
Of course I doubt. I do not practice a certainty. I practice a faith.
My parents did not have a perfect marriage. It was pretty good, but it was not perfect. My marriage is not perfect. My wife is, but I happen to be imperfect. However, that does not discount the fact that the definition of marriage must be defended and protected.
I really feel that if you're gonna be good, you gotta practice... Practice whatever the hell you do.
He who boasts of being perfect is perfect in folly. I never saw a perfect man. Every rose has its thorns, and every day its night. Even the sun shows spots, and the skies are darkened with clouds; and faults of some kind nestle in every bosom.
Only one thing registers on the subconscious mind: repetitive application - practice. What you practice is what you manifest.
I suppose the Church would be perfect only if it were run by perfect beings. God is perfect, and His doctrine is pure. But He works through us - His imperfect children - and imperfect people make mistakes.
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