Top 195 Perilous Quotes & Sayings

Explore popular Perilous quotes.
Last updated on September 19, 2024.
And as he, who with laboring breath has escaped from the deep to the shore, turns to the perilous waters and gazes.
Life is but a day; A fragile dewdrop on its perilous way From a tree's summit.
A strength to harm is perilous in the hand of an ambitious head. — © Elizabeth I
A strength to harm is perilous in the hand of an ambitious head.
Luxury! more perilous to youth than storms or quicksand, poverty or chains.
Perilous to us all are the devices of an art deeper than we possess ourselves.
Beauty is a perilous gift.
A woman in such an emotional tempest is as perilous as a blind cobra to any about her.
How perilous it is to free a people who prefer slavery.
The declaration of love marks the transition from chance to destiny, and that's why it is so perilous and so burdened with a kind of horrifying stage fright.
Some patients, though conscious that their condition is perilous, recover their health simply through their contentment with the goodness of the physician.
I could not tread these perilous paths in safety, if I did not keep a saving sense of humor.
All choices are fraught with peril, but inaction is the most perilous of all.
The longest absence is less perilous to love than the terrible trials of incessant proximity. — © Edna St. Vincent Millay
The longest absence is less perilous to love than the terrible trials of incessant proximity.
Writing involves an acceptance of being on the margin, the threshold, a galvanization out of received notions into a more activated, kinetic, often perilous, seeing.
The perils of credit and debt, especially perilous in the computer age, have long been acknowledged in pop culture, but very infrequently by TV.
It is perilous to study too deeply the arts of the Enemy, for good or for ill.
So, I never lose a sense of the whimsical and perilous charm of daily life, with its meetings and words and accidents.
I was no hero. The dearest wishes of my heart were for safety and tranquility. The world was a perilous place, wrong for the likes of me.
There's a perilous word fiction writers need to watch out for. The word is 'had.'
Nothing is more perilous than truth in a world that lies.
That's why 'Star Wars' is appealing. You watch someone fight the perilous monster.
Are these perilous times? They are. But we can have peace in our hearts and in our homes.
Being other than normal is a perilous advantage.
Revelation can be more perilous than Revolution.
Coward: One who, in a perilous emergency, thinks with his legs.
Science fiction is a dialogue, a tennis match, in which the Idea is volleyed from one side of the net to the other. Ridiculous to say that someone 'stole' an idea: no, no, a thousand times no. The point is the volley, and how it's carried, and what statement is made by the answering 'statement.' In other words ? if Burroughs initiates a time-gate and says it works randomly, and then Norton has time gates confounded with the Perilous Seat, the Siege Perilous of the Round Table, and locates it in a bar on a rainy night ? do you see both the humor and the volley in the tennis match?
Neither awake nor in a dark dream are perilous blades just as they seem.
You speak like a green girl / unsifted in such perilous circumstances.
To live past the end of your myth is a perilous thing.
History is a guide to navigation in perilous times. History is who we are and why we are the way we are.
Answers are a perilous grip on the universe. They can appear sensible yet explain nothing.
Bilingualism is a great asset for any individual, but it has perilous consequences for a nation.
I do think that the banking system is now in the most perilous state we've seen in over 70 years.
Poetry finds its perilous equilibrium somewhere between music and speech.
There is not a more perilous or immoral habit of mind than the sanctifying of success.
You reach a point at which you have to view your life through the things you've spent so much time doing. The alternative is a perilous feeling of waste.
To act coolly, intelligently and prudently in perilous circumstances is the test of a man - and also a nation.
Fortune's wheel never stands still the highest point is therefore the most perilous. — © Maria Edgeworth
Fortune's wheel never stands still the highest point is therefore the most perilous.
Believing your own bullshit is always a perilous activity, but never more fatal than for the owner of a start-up venture.
The initial spark, your affection for the characters, all those things can disappear. It's a perilous thing.
I know the world is pretty intense, but in my opinion, there's nothing more perilous than being a teenager and watching a raunchy comedy with your parents.
We are in perilous territory the stronger Iran gets. And they're getting stronger. We should make them weaker.
We ought to be very cautious and circumspect in the prosecution of magic and heresy. The attempt to put down these two crimes may be extremely perilous to liberty.
Nothing so perilous as procrastination
"Lawyers Are": Perilous mouths.
The situation is perilous, but there is still one chance of escape.
Have confidence. Even if it's a perilous road, one day you will reach your goal.
I run because I am convinced that this country is on a perilous course and I have such strong feelings about what must be done. — © Robert Kennedy
I run because I am convinced that this country is on a perilous course and I have such strong feelings about what must be done.
Expectations are the most perilous form of dream, and when dreams do realise themselves it is in the waking world: the difference is subtly but often painfully felt.
Faerie is a perilous land, and in it are pitfalls for the unwary, and dungeons for the overbold.
I have been reading the Old Testament, a most bloodthirsty and perilous book for the young. Jehovah is beyond doubt the worst character in fiction.
For one to grasp, whatever be his object, sov'reign power ... is an act of perilous presumption.
The intellectual power, through words and things, Went sounding on a dim and perilous way!
Au contraire..." "What?" Constance demanded. Curtain blinked. ~ The Perilous Journey
Perhaps there is no position more perilous to a man's honesty thanthat?of knowing himselftobe quiteloved by a girl whom he almost loves himself.
Keeping kids safe is sometimes a delusion. The world is a perilous place. Sometimes the kitchen is a perilous place.
O ruthless, perilous, imperious hate, you can not thwart the promptings of my soul.
Today, it is especially difficult for most people to understand our perilous global energy situation precisely because it has never been more important to do so.
By far my most perilous assignment was covering a tank car explosion.
Human nature is so weak that the honest men who have no religion make me fret with their perilous virtue, as rope-dancers with their dangerous equilibrium.
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