Top 402 Persist Quotes & Sayings

Explore popular Persist quotes.
Last updated on September 17, 2024.
Once a trend is established it tends to persist and to run it’s full course.
Philosophers are adults who persist in asking childish questions.
I will persist until I succeed! — © Og Mandino
I will persist until I succeed!
Resolve in advance to persist until you succeed, no matter what the difficulty.
To err is human, to repent divine; to persist devilish.
The world will persist in exhibiting before you what you persist in affirming the world is.
As long as we persist in our deepest destiny, we will continue to grow.
I persist in performing.
What you persist in doing gets easier. The task hasn't changed, but your ability to do it has increased.
Ultimately, change will happen when problems persist and enough people are concerned.
When you realize that prosperity is your divine heritage, you should persist in claiming it.
What you resist persist.
In spite of all their kind some elements of worth
With difficulty persist here and there on earth. — © Hugh MacDiarmid
In spite of all their kind some elements of worth With difficulty persist here and there on earth.
Persistence is the iron quality of success; if you persist long enough you must eventually succeed
The culture will not be able to persist in light of the rigid systems of its own innocence.
We are made to persist. that's how we find out who we are.
So do flux and reflux--the rhythm of change--alternate and persist in everything under the sky.
And still I persist in wondering whether folly must always be our nemesis.
It has not been unknown that judges persist in error to avoid giving the appearance of weakness and vacillation.
If I persist long enough I will win.
If you have talent, you will receive some measure of success - but only if you persist.
When I looked at things for what they are I was fool enough to persist in my folly and found that each photograph was a mirror of my Self.
Addiction is when you fall in love with a drug instead of a child or a lover and the learning that takes part in that part of the brain is designed by evolution to get us to persist despite negative consequences to do what we need to do - because I don't know anybody who could survive a relationship or parenting if not for the ability to persist despite negative consequences. The problem is when that gets misdirected to a drug and then you can find yourself in some very negative and potentially deadly situations.
How does one stay mindful? Where feelings are known as they arise, known as they persist, known as they pass away. Thoughts are known as they arise, known as they persist, known as they pass away. Perceptions are known they arise, known as they persist, known as they pass away. This is how a monk stays awake.
How is it possible for one’s heart to be certain that one is going to meet Allah, that Allah sees and hears all that he does, and knows his secret open affairs, and that he will be made to stand before Allah, answerable for all his deeds - how can one be certain and aware of all of this, and yet persist upon things which displease Allah; persist upon abandoning Allah’s orders, neglecting His rights, and yet claim that he has good expectation of Allah?
If you persist in trying to attain what is never attained (It is Tao's gift), if you persist in making effort to obtain what effort cannot get, if you persist in reasoning about what cannot be understood, you will be destroyed by the very thing you seek. To know when to stop, to know when you can get no further by your own action, this is the right beginning!
The potential for the disastrous rise of misplaced power exists and will persist.
To err is human, but to persist in the mistake is ugly.
Hope, and hopelessness, persist despite the facts.
It, (creativity) requires an inclination to step into the unknown, as well as the ability to persist when there is no end in sight.
To err is human, to persist in error is diabolical.
Works of art must persist as objects of contemplation.
I do recognise that, where recruitment difficulties persist, teachers can be put under great pressure.
The Church must persist in the teaching transmitted to her by Christ.
Endure and persist; this pain will turn to good by and by.
I admit I feel funny when I use the word 'whom' as I'm talking to my diapered children, but I persist.
Persist and persevere, and you will find most things that are attainable, possible.
Never consider the possibility of failure; as long as you persist, you will be successful. — © Brian Tracy
Never consider the possibility of failure; as long as you persist, you will be successful.
I don't know how you persist in being so stubborn-" "It's a superpower. I was bitten by a radioactive mule.
Decide exactly what you want and resolve to persist, no matter what, until you achieve it.
The world is not fair. If you persist in presuming it is, you will create a lot of unnecessary misery for yourself.
You win by trying. And failing. Test, try, fail, measure, evolve, repeat, persist.
No man's error becomes his own Law; nor obliges him to persist in it.
So long as there is breath in me, that long I will persist. For now I know one of the greatest principles on success; if I persist long enough I will win.
Don't do something just for the money. Money is a side effect of persistence. You persist in things you are interested in. Explore your interests. Then persist. Then enjoy all the side effects.
I will persist until I succeed. I was not delivered into this world into defeat, nor does failure course in my veins. I am not a sheep waiting to be prodded by my shepperd. I am lion and I refuse to talk, to walk, to sleep with the sheep. The slaughterhouse of failure is not my destiny. I will persist until I succeed.
The scene changes but the aspirations of men of good will persist.
To be honest, I've never had an easy relationship with being a writer, though I persist. — © Peter Gizzi
To be honest, I've never had an easy relationship with being a writer, though I persist.
No mans error becomes his own Law; nor obliges him to persist in it.
So long as there is breath in me, I will persist.
Mutual fund manager performance does not persist and the return of stock picking is zero.
I'm interested in endurance. People persist in the face of the most excruciating hardships.
All great power has to do to destroy itself is persist in trying to do the impossible.
If Heaven and Earth are unable to persist, how could man?
Since nothing else that I see merely through the senses can or will persist, He alone is.
Always believe in yourself and keep going. You don't have to have the most talent in the world. You don't have to be the smartest person in the world. If you persist and you persist and you persist, you will be successful.
Whatever you resist will persist.
You persist in this romantic vision of what it is to be a vampire, but despite my best efforts to curb it I have a taste for blood.
It is more honorable to repair a wrong than to persist in it.
So it is the fear, weakness, selfishness, and cowardice of onlookers that permit evil behavior to persist.
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