Top 1200 Personal Appearance Quotes & Sayings - Page 13

Explore popular Personal Appearance quotes.
Last updated on October 16, 2024.
Too many people want the appearance of winning rather than the practices and hard work that create a true champion.
The Cry Baby character is so, like, based off of myself that it just really is just from personal experience. And when I was younger I was called a cry baby and made fun of for being super emotional and taking things way to personal.
It's how you look at beauty. Is it only an outward appearance with hair and makeup and a hot body, or is it something deeper than that? — © Hilary Swank
It's how you look at beauty. Is it only an outward appearance with hair and makeup and a hot body, or is it something deeper than that?
Every comedian works differently. Some comedians might do just observational stuff and they don't do anything personal, and other people.. everything they do is personal and they don't do any observational stuff at all. There's no right or wrong, it's just that everybody picks their own approach.
Individuality is a personal thing. It's based on your own personal feelings and expression of self. So, really, it's nobody's business to judge you but yourself. And if you feel that you're expressing yourself as an individual, and you feel confident in it, then that really should be all that matters.
It is more interesting to be compared to someone famous, because it lets you gauge what perceptions people have about your appearance.
In the collaborative process, you create a real intimacy; everybody ends up sharing personal stories and personal observations and their philosophies, their psychological side. By the time you get to set, it just creates such a sense of trust and intimacy between the director and the actors. It's really, really great.
I try to give the appearance that I have it all together and that I know what I'm talking about, but at the end of the day, I think I might be full of crap.
We are making our appearance on the stage of mortality in the greatest dispensation of the gospel ever given to mankind, and we need to make the most of it.
Obviously, there's more to aesthetic appearance than just race, but that is going to be the first thing that someone notices when they look at a picture.
Appearance matters a great deal because you can often tell a lot about people by looking at how they present themselves.
There certainly was some great mismanagement in the education of those two young men. One has got all the goodness, and the other all the appearance of it.
I was making my living from a joke about my appearance that I didn't understand, and in a way still don't, because when I look in a mirror it doesn't seem funny to me. — © Wallace Shawn
I was making my living from a joke about my appearance that I didn't understand, and in a way still don't, because when I look in a mirror it doesn't seem funny to me.
There is this to be said for Dachsunds of such length and lowness as Nelly, that it makes very little difference to their appearance whether they stand, sit or lie.
The turning points of lives are not the great moments. The real crises are often concealed in occurrences so trivial in appearance that they pass unobserved.
I deeply believe - and not just as a matter of politics, but even as a matter of morality - that matters about reproduction and intimacy and relationships and contraception are in the personal realm. They're moral decisions for individuals to make for themselves. And the last thing we need is government intruding into those personal decisions.
Hair color is the easiest way to change your appearance, but a bad dye job might draw more attention to you.
What a poor appearance the tales of poets make when stripped of the colours which music puts upon them, and recited in simple prose.
Why did I laugh at his sorry, bedraggled appearance? Because ridiculousness made a repellant situation more bearable.
It only takes twenty generations of selective breeding to create large differences or appearance and behavior in other mammals.
I don't think your personal life has anything to do with your professional life. They are separate things. Whatever is happening at home shouldn't be carried to work. Everyone has his/her own journey. Some revel in the fact that they derive that from personal contentment, and others draw it from extreme sorrow.
If you've ever seen photos of LeBron James away from the basketball court, it's obvious he takes great pride in his appearance.
Scientific truth is always paradox, if judged by everyday experience, which catches only the delusive appearance of things.
Why should I dislike anything about my appearance? I came off the factory line this way. I am perfect.
Like the appearance of silver in mother of pearl, the world seems real until the Self, the underlying reality, is realized.
As a viewed myself in a fragment of looking-glass..., I was so impressed with a sense of vague awe at my appearance ... that I was seized with a violent tremour.
Of one thing we can be certain: every person we see - no matter the race, religion, political beliefs, body type, or appearance - is family.
No, that's what I think God does to you. He gives you some great gig in which you make a whole heap of money, and you're just on top of the world and on every magazine cover, but your personal life is miserable. And for most of that time, I have to say, my personal life was pretty miserable.
I have nothing snarky to say about Joan Rivers' appearance. We should all be that happy with how we look on camera, frankly.
The media and press can be relentless, especially with women. Personally, while I take pride in my appearance and enjoy the compliments, when I'm on court, it is all about my game.
'Crash' was incredibly personal to me. So was 'In the Valley of Elah.' There were things in 'The Next Three Days' that were questions I was asking myself but couldn't answer, like how far would you go for love? Can you believe in somebody who can't even believe in themselves? But this is highly personal.
If you say that the gospel lays a claim upon people, then you are invading their personal space, and they feel as though you have no right to be there. Now we don't even begin preaching the gospel until we get into their personal space and they feel the demands of God upon them.
With the appearance of communications networks and interconnected computers, we got the world wide web, and it changed the lives of most people, I think.
I think all of my songs are either based on personal experience or will be based on personal experience, because I do write a lot of songs prophetically.
It's OK to have a plan, to invest in your future - for your financial security, your love life, your personal fulfillment, and even your happiness. To have personal happiness as a stated goal doesn't detract from it if you get there.
I have a lot of offers to play for appearance fees. It's nice gravy, but it's not a big motivating factor for me, to go here and there just for money.
Woman is essentially unpeaceful, like the cat, however well she may have trained herself to present an appearance of peace.
Beauty is produced by the pleasing appearance and good taste of the whole, and by the dimensions of all the parts being duly proportioned to each other. — © Vitruvius
Beauty is produced by the pleasing appearance and good taste of the whole, and by the dimensions of all the parts being duly proportioned to each other.
To be able to translate the customs, ideas and appearance of my times as I see them - in a word, to create a living art - this has been my aim.
You should take more pride in your appearance,” I tell him. “You'll never attract girls with an ugly mug like that.
[The Many-worlds interpretation is the] only completely coherent approach to explaining both the contents of quantum mechanics and the appearance of the world.
Nothing is more fleeting than external form, which withers and alters like the flowers of the field at the appearance of autumn.
Political language... is designed to make lies sound truthful and murder respectable, and to give an appearance of solidity to pure wind.
Your whole appearance is a lie and it could never be true. And if you really loved yourself, then you would try and be you.
How different is the ready hand, tearful eye, and soothing voice, from the ostentatious appearance which is called pity.
I've gotten such good feedback from that [re-team with Wil Wheaton for Big Bang Theory appearance], and I hardly did anything.
Your personal vibration or energy state is a blend of the contracted or expanded frequencies of your body, emotions, and thoughts at any given moment. The more you allow your soul to shine through you, the higher your personal vibration will be.
When you live in the shadow of insanity, the appearance of another mind that thinks and talks as yours does is something close to a blessed event. — © Robert M. Pirsig
When you live in the shadow of insanity, the appearance of another mind that thinks and talks as yours does is something close to a blessed event.
I always see that there's a - from a philosophical point of view - there's the appearance of things that everybody wants you to think is happening, then there's the reality underneath it.
My appearance when I show up at the salon after washing my hair and going to bed the night before is my true self.
Modeling is not something you excel because you are clever but is based on physical appearance, but then you have to be a businesswoman, like, to keep your longevity.
Not by mere eloquence, nor by handsome appearance, does a man become good-natured, should he be jealous, selfish and deceitful.
I stay healthy - I mean, I've got a sports background and an athletic background. I was in competitive sports since the age of five. I was a personal trainer before I was an actor and a personal trainer for the first few years while I was acting and getting my thesis.
We need to establish boundaries between our personal and professional lives. When we don't, our work, our health, and our personal lives suffer.
Glamour is assurance. It is a kind of knowing that you are all right in every way, mentally and physically and in appearance, and that, whatever the occasion or the situation, you are equal to it.
Richard Hadlee has the appearance of a rickety church steeple and a severe manner which suggests that women are not likely to be ordained yet.
Nothing is more deceitful than the appearance of humility. It is often only carelessness of opinion, and sometimes an indirect boast.
We allowed ourselves to become particularly interested in research into the appearance of intermediate products of sugar decomposition during cell-free fermentation.
The person is only a phenomenon, the principle is behind it. Thus from both sides, simultaneously, we find the breaking down of personalities and the approach towards principles, the Personal God approaching the Impersonal, the personal man approaching the Impersonal Man.
The Democrats are dropping the F-bomb at practically every appearance now, because they think that's how they connect to the Millennials. They're losing their minds.
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