Top 1200 Personal Appearance Quotes & Sayings - Page 18

Explore popular Personal Appearance quotes.
Last updated on October 15, 2024.
The philosophy of poetry must acknowledge that the poetic act has no past, at least no recent past, in which its preparation and appearance could be followed.
To deny one's self, to take up the cross, denotes something immeasurably grander than self-imposed penance or rigid conformity to a Divine statute. It is the surrender of self to an ennobling work, an absolute subordination of personal advantages and of personal pleasures for the sake of truth and the welfare of others, and a willing acceptance of every disability which their interests may entail.
When a woman says the connection is gone, don't tell her how hot she is. A connection is more than someone's appearance. — © Kaitlyn Bristowe
When a woman says the connection is gone, don't tell her how hot she is. A connection is more than someone's appearance.
Dean's wife, Judith Steinberg, made a rare appearance with Dean. She's a doctor, so I guess they brought her in to stop the hemorrhaging.
Yeah, I was going to have no features on 'Bulletproof.' But I ended up putting Gucci Mane on it. That's just my partner. He's just one of my personal friends. It ain't no different for him from my homeboys in Memphis. I just have a real personal relationship. I met Gucci Mane through my partner Drumma Boy, the producer.
The demands of a busy lifestyle can create dehydrated tired skin that needs a skin system to return the dermis to a youthful appearance.
Our life's a moment and less than a moment, but even this mite nature has mockingly humored with some appearance of a longer span.
Driving from town to town, living in hotels, sometimes not going home during the week because you have an appearance - you really have to be dedicated to do this job.
Every innovation makes its appearance as a 'luxury' of the few well-to-do. After industry has become aware of it, the luxury then becomes a 'necessity' for all.
The outward appearance would never indicate they were brothers. (...) But she could see that at the moment they were as united as triplets in the womb.
I like to be able to do things on my own. I'm a big boy. I can drive myself to an appearance or get on a plane. I like a little bit of independence...
Lifeless in appearance, sluggish dazed spring approaches They enter the new world naked, cold, uncertain of all save that they enter.
One of my principal concerns is the contradiction between appearance and reality - illusion and reality. I try to set up an expectation of sorts and then contradict it.
It's amazing when you find a photo of your grandparents when they were young because it's black and white and the care that they put into their appearance back then was so grown up and specific to that era.
A single girl who needs nobody makes people uncomfortable, and my mom is right in this, appearance is everything, and appearing to have no one is like swimming alone in the middle of the ocean with a flesh wound.
It has been the fashion to speak of the conflict between human rights and property rights, and from this it has come to be widely believed that the use of private property is tainted with evil and should not be espoused by rational and civilized men... the only dependable foundation of personal liberty is the personal economic security of private property. The Good Society.
The unformed is not worse than the over-formed. The former is nothing; the latter is mere appearance. Real form presupposes real life. — © Ludwig Mies van der Rohe
The unformed is not worse than the over-formed. The former is nothing; the latter is mere appearance. Real form presupposes real life.
The actor is too prone to exaggerate his powers; he wants to play Hamlet when his appearance is more suitable to King Lear.
Suffice to say, many women find their first appearance on a comedy panel show to be their last. Second chances seem to be given less often to the female of the species.
Unless we believe and see Jesus in the appearance of bread on the altar, we will not be able to see him in the distressing disguise of the poor.
They want me to give another concert but I have no desire to do so. You cannot imagine what a torture the three days before a public appearance are to me.
AIDS was one of those diseases that a lot of people tried to claim ownership over, and especially as someone who was, fortunately never HIV positive, I wanted to avoid any appearance of doing that.
It may be true that artists adopt a flamboyant appearance, but it's also true that people who look funny get stuck with the arts.
The creditor whose appearance gladdens the heart of a debtor may hold his head in sunbeams and his foot on storms.
We too, through lack of knowledge and of sufficiently mature reflection, mistook the visible outward appearance of the phenomenon for the phenomenon itself.
People always say that Californian women are obsessed with their appearance but I think you've got to take good care of yourself, for yourself.
For a time I gave the appearance of defending Stalin. I didn't defend what he had done; the fact is, nobody could defend the things that Khrushchev revealed.
Billionaire Michael Bloomberg, among the world's richest men, believes his personal fortune can erase the liberty of every American who would exercise the right to keep and bear arms. He plans liquidation of our rights a step-at-a-time - spending millions of dollars of his bottomless personal fortune at a time.
The papers conducted by Lord Rothermere and Lord Beaverbrook are not newspapers in the ordinary acceptance of the term. They are engines of propaganda for the constantly-changing policies, desires, personal wishes, and personal likes and dislikes of two men? What the proprietorship of those papers is aiming at is power, and power without responsibility the prerogative of the harlot throughout the ages.
Sophia - a mystical female presence whose appearance is only fleeting in the Hebrew Bible and New Testament - was clearly once a household name and a fixture in everyday lives.
Personal power is the reflection of a person of knowledge. A person of knowledge, an enlightened person, a person even close to enlightenment, has a great deal of personal power.
I don't care what the press is about a person that I'm working with. I care about how they come to work every day. I don't care who broke up with who or who is sleeping with who or who went out where. I don't care what you do with your personal life. It's when people take their personal lives into a space where it affects their performance at work, that's when I would stop taking someone seriously.
I've always considered myself to look like a rather plain-and-exhausted bluestocking, so it's rather odd to read Tweets commenting on my appearance.
The Technetronic era involves the gradual appearance of a more CONTROLLED society. Such a society would be dominated by ELITE, unrestrained by traditional values.
To be an effective leader, you must be trustworthy. If people don’t trust you, they won’t follow you. And if they won’t follow you, your organization won’t meet its goals. Sandy Allgeier explains that personal credibility comes down to a simple truth: It’s not about the type of person you are; it’s about the types of things you do. If you want to be a great leader, read The Personal Credibility Factor.
Intuition makes much of it; I mean by this the faculty of seeing a connection between things that in appearance are completely different; it does not fail to lead us astray quite often.
Our society is constantly creating this framework for girls to feel that their only worth is their appearance, and it's damaging on so many levels to so many people.
I think compassion is the only way to approach any subject, especially if it's to do with physical appearance. I don't think it's really about tearing something apart.
Garde-toi, tant que tu vivras, De juger des gens sur la mine. Beware as long as you live, Of judging others according to appearance alone. — © Jean de La Fontaine
Garde-toi, tant que tu vivras, De juger des gens sur la mine. Beware as long as you live, Of judging others according to appearance alone.
There is no logical way to the discovery of these elemental laws. There is only the way of intuition, which is helped by a feeling for the order lying behind the appearance.
That Logic has advanced in this sure course, even from the earliest times, is apparent from the fact that, since Aristotle, it has been unable to advance a step, and thus to all appearance has reached its completion.
No connection to the average voter - Clinton has an air of superiority. Despite her wide smile and pleasant appearance, she is envisioned as someone who is trying to hide something all the time.
I wanted to create something that was quite edgy and belonged to me. It wasn't about my sexual orientation, because I'm heterosexual. It was saying that appearance is just temporary, and I want to be as strong as a man.
Today we are searching for things in nature that are hidden behind the veil of appearance... We look for and paint this inner, spiritual side of nature.
I want first-time offenders to think of their appearance in my courtroom as the second-worst experience of their lives - circumcision being the first.
The 'Amazon Nessie' turned out to be a malformed pink river dolphin, so not a fish, although quite fish-like in appearance.
There are also half bricks. As the bricks are always laid so as to break joints, this lends strength and a not unattractive appearance to both sides of such walls.
A contemplative life has more the appearance of a life of piety than any other; but it is the divine plan to bring faith into activity and exercise.
I've lived with myself for a very long time, so I'm aware of what I look like. I'm under no false pretense that I'm a stunner, so if somebody comes up and says something about my physical appearance, it's okay.
I can only speak from my personal journey and my personal struggles which are completely different from other individuals but if I can slightly help someone else understand themselves, then that's perfect. Because I only make music, there's so much emotion in the music itself that I hope people can tap into and feel the same way I feel when I listen to it.
Genuine sorrows are very tranquil in appearance in the deep bed they have dug for themselves. But, seeming to slumber, they corrode the soul like that frightful acid which penetrates crystal.
'What's My Line' 1971 was a magical experience as I was still in my teens, and it was my first appearance. You know how they say you never forget 'your first'! — © Randy West
'What's My Line' 1971 was a magical experience as I was still in my teens, and it was my first appearance. You know how they say you never forget 'your first'!
You can recognize women who are grateful to be a daughter of God by their outward appearance. These women understand their stewardship over their bodies and treat them with dignity.
The external appearance of any construction projects that are created during the time of the National Socialist Reich must take on the sensibility of our time.
Kamal Haasan got inspired by his brief appearance in a role similar to Charlie Chaplin in 'Punnagai Mannan' and developed that into a full-fledged character in 'Apoorva Sagodharargal.'
Oh, what a catastrophe, what a maiming of love when it was made personal, merely personal feeling. This is what is the matter with us: we are bleeding at the roots because we are cut off from the earth and sun and stars. Love has become a grinning mockery because, poor blossom, we plucked it from its stem on the Tree of Life and expected it to keep on blooming in our civilized vase on the table.
Be yourself. Don't pretend that you know something you don't. Don't create the appearance of fake authority. Speak about the things you really care about.
I've realised that there is no magic trick to television; it just comes down to hard work and being prepared for every appearance and trying to get your point across as clearly as possible.
Those laws, being forged for universal application, are in perpetual conflict with personal interest, just as personal interest is always in contradiction with the general interest. Good for society, our laws are very bad for the individuals whereof it is composed; for, if they one time protect the individual, they hinder, trouble, fetter him for three quarters of his life.
Gallantry to women - the sure road to their favor - is nothing but the appearance of extreme devotion to all their wants and wishes, a delight in their satisfaction, and a confidence in yourself as being able to contribute toward it
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