Top 1200 Personal Behavior Quotes & Sayings - Page 18

Explore popular Personal Behavior quotes.
Last updated on September 30, 2024.
If everybody's behavior can be explained by simple stupidity and greed, there's no point in assuming a conspiracy.
It's always important for me as an actor to reflect human behavior for a sense of reality.
Reclaim our environment from those who would destroy it with their predatory economic behavior. — © Dennis Kucinich
Reclaim our environment from those who would destroy it with their predatory economic behavior.
In the reality - TV era, unstable behavior become a valid career choice.
We need to break free from the habits of mind and behavior, to discover the possibilities of who we can become.
I want you to know, at this very moment, I am simulating normal human behavior.
I don't think that somebody who is observing or predicting behavior should also be participating in the 'experiment.'
So this is what insanity is. Not goofy behavior, but watching a sudden change in the world you used to know.
Hold the mirror up to nature. Human behavior is worthy of examination and celebration.
So one of the most unique things on screen in American movies today is everyday behavior.
Civilization means conforming to a standard of behavior that may not seem natural to us.
Only when you combine sound intellect with emotional discipline do you get rational behavior.
Behaviors are a choice. Feelings are sometimes out of our control. Behavior has to do with choices. — © Randall Terry
Behaviors are a choice. Feelings are sometimes out of our control. Behavior has to do with choices.
The attitude is very important. Because, your behavior radiates how you feel.
Character is expressed through our behavior patterns, or natural responses to things.
We are all serving a life sentence, and good behavior is our only hope for a pardon.
For the person and for the species love is the form of behavior having the highest survival value.
Fortunately, most human behavior is learned observationally through modeling from others.
I would consider my dad a pretty patient guy, but there was no tolerance for spoiled behavior.
Donald Trump's language has been atrocious, his behavior toward women.
As many an architect will tell you, human behavior changes according to the environment.
Human behavior flows from three main sources: desire, emotion, and knowledge.
Where there is not discernment, the behavior even of the purest soul may in effect amount to coarseness.
If you're capable of despising your own behavior, you might just love yourself.
The Left has always sought single, non-values-based explanations for human behavior.
You cannot control the primitive urges and hormones that drive your eating behavior.
So it is the fear, weakness, selfishness, and cowardice of onlookers that permit evil behavior to persist.
Whenever two people come together and their behavior affects one another, you have etiquette.
I'm very eclectic in terms of what I like, what I read, what I watch, my own consumer behavior.
I just want to make it clear that I admit that that's rapey behavior, but I am not a rapist.
We know of no behavior in ants or any other social insects that can be construed as play.
Our schools should be sanctuaries of learning, not nightmares of cruel and racist behavior.
I don't like too much by-standing, on-looking, and spectator-behavior in people's lives.
Blaming our behavior on forces outside ourselves is a way of avoiding responsibility.
The solution to sin is not to impose an ever-stricter code of behavior. It is to know God.
I think we've told a lot of lies about human behavior through film.
Guilt serves a powerful social function in terms of policing our behavior.
I think you can say a lot of evil behavior by companies is short-term optimization. — © Sam Altman
I think you can say a lot of evil behavior by companies is short-term optimization.
Investment performance doesn't determine real-life returns; investor behavior does.
There is no right or wrong behavior. The only meaningful choice is between fear and love.
And now, Anubis, I find you in this den of iniquity, this morass of questionable behavior, this...this--' 'School?
People fascinate me. Consciously or unconsciously, I have been studying their behavior all my life.
I think that the S.E.C. has been pretty feckless when it comes to reigning in reckless behavior on Wall Street.
Certainly, if you look at human behavior around the world, you have to admit that we can be very aggressive.
Whether it's intentional or not, Trump regularly makes news for unprecedented and nonpresidential behavior.
I love life. I'm fascinated by human behavior because that feeds back into my work.
There is no bravery in evil, no true courage in behavior that can only result in deep disappointment.
'Grand Theft Auto', in its deification of antisocial behavior, is where I heap the most of my scorn. — © Nolan Bushnell
'Grand Theft Auto', in its deification of antisocial behavior, is where I heap the most of my scorn.
It is still open for me, as well as you, to regulate my behavior, by my experience of past events.
To err is human; to forgive people and yourself for poor behavior is to be sensible and realistic.
I have made so many mistakes in life, my temper and behavior all this doesn't do any good to anyone.
We have to be able to adapt to new situation. It's another form of the definition of intelligent behavior.
I no longer listen to what people say, I just watch what they do. Behavior never lies.
Yes, because a vampire slumber party is the pinnacle of safety conscious behavior.
When people can say to themselves - "What I'm doing is justified," there is little chance of their modifying a behavior.
I feel like my behavior goes over better on the streets of New York.
And if I were a naughty little boy, the idea is to spank me into good behavior?
Acting is doing. It's not speaking; it's behavior. It's something happening, even if you're only listening.
Peer pressure and social norms are powerful influences on behavior, and they are classic excuses.
Money is not our primary aim. Changing the behavior and the practice of the gun industry is.
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