Top 1200 Personal Behavior Quotes & Sayings - Page 20

Explore popular Personal Behavior quotes.
Last updated on September 30, 2024.
Beauty set up distance between other people and me. It warped their behavior.
The core of humanity's sin problem is not a horizontal behavior to be corrected but a Vertical relationship to be restored.
A neurosis defends itself by coming up with rationalizations to explain away bizarre behavior. — © David Brin
A neurosis defends itself by coming up with rationalizations to explain away bizarre behavior.
Well-taught doctrines and principles have a more powerful influence on behavior than rules.
Prisons are called 'correctional facilities' because the goal is to correct the behavior that sent people there.
Man is not committed in detail by his biological constitution to any particular variety of behavior.
With genuine love and compassion, another person's appearance or behavior has no affect on your attitude.
What many teachers observe as violent behavior is often really just playful aggression.
To stay away from Christianity because part of the Bible’s teaching is offensive to you assumes that if there is a God he wouldn’t have any views that upset you. Does that belief make sense? If you don’t trust the Bible enough to let it challenge and correct your thinking, how could you ever have a personal relationship with God? In any truly personal relationship, the other person has to be able to contradict you.
Remember that every government service, every offer of government - financed security, is paid for in the loss of personal freedom... In the days to come, whenever a voice is raised telling you to let the government do it, analyze very carefully to see whether the suggested service is worth the personal freedom which you must forgo in return for such service.
The link between rational individual behavior and collectively desirable outcomes is extremely tenuous.
Most human behavior is nothing other than the avoidance of pain and the pursuit of pleasure.
Of course, if one's reading Kierkegaard for personal interest that's fine - but it's sloppy scholarship just to cherry pick what suits one from a particular author, whether it's Kierkegaard, Heidegger, or whoever. Nevertheless, it does seem to me that even the more religious parts of the authorship can offer significant insights into the meaning of the human condition to those who can't then say that, e.g., they believe Jesus Christ is the Son of God and their personal Saviour.
It is difficult for me to imagine what “personal liberty” is enjoyed by an unemployed hungry person. True freedom can only be where there is no exploitation and oppression of one person by another; where there is not unemployment, and where a person is not living in fear of losing his job, his home and his bread. Only in such a society personal and any other freedom can exist for real and not on paper.
I relished the sweet sense of keeping a unique secret in my mind - a wonderful magical universe that I could go to any time, any place, and no one had to know. It was my personal place, better than any I've read about in any other book. And when I wrote, I was in the process of pulling that personal universe out of nothing and into the cold reality of the greater world.
To change a habit, make a conscious decision, then act out the new behavior. — © Maxwell Maltz
To change a habit, make a conscious decision, then act out the new behavior.
Music is very personal. It is not objective. We're not talking about how tight they were. How famous they are. How rich they are. For me it's like food. You taste it, and you either love it, or you think it's boring, or it tastes bad, which is three reactions I have with music, just like food, it's very personal.
Fine art is the subtlest, the most seductive, the most effective instrument of moral propaganda in the world, excepting only the example of personal conduct; and I waive even this exception in favor of the art of the stage, because it works by exhibiting examples of personal conduct made intelligible and moving to crowds of unobservant unreflecting people to whom real life means nothing.
Who gives an island as a gift? I frowned. I hadn’t realized Edward’s extreme generosity was a learned behavior. Bella
None of great sages of China preached the precept of love as a guideline for human behavior.
I think most actors are very impressionable, and that's part of what we do is soak up other's behavior.
You lose your habitual behavior, which allowed you to sort of zone out. You have to be here, you have to be now, you have to be present.
I look back at my adolescence, and I'm shocked at the things I did that were my idea of adult behavior.
If there are issues, if there's wrongdoing, people have to be held accountable and we have to try to deter future bad behavior.
The abdication of Belief Makes the Behavior small- Better an ignis fatuus Than no illume at all.
The Internet foments outrageous behavior in part because it is a 'gray area' for social interactions.
It was when Lucifer first congratulated himself upon his angelic behavior that he became the tool of evil.
Explaining "why" to a dog is pretty useless. You have to engage their instincts in order to change their behavior.
There isn't a single one of us who hasn't harvested either the positive or negative effects of a simple choice of behavior.
Fussing over children who cry only encourages them. That's positive reinforcement for negative behavior.
The organization will always mirror the behavior, habits, attitude, mindset and pace of the leader.
Leadership is the behavior each of us exerts when we take responsibility for our actions and their consequences.
The identifying personal association with objects, which are not personal, is an important modern experience - our real association, the strands of our feelings about the objects that surround us. It's also because they are so familiar, we don't think of them as important in the world, but actually they are the world. We are living in a very material world.
The right of smokers to smoke ends where their behavior affects the health and well-being of others.
At some point, if you're changing a really deep-seated behavior, you're going to have a moment of weakness.
Seldom does a member of either party have to be called down for inappropriate behavior on the House floor.
Levity of behavior, always a weakness, is far more unbecoming in a woman than a man.
Responsibility means to perform our service properly,with proper attitude, behavior and words. — © Radhanath Swami
Responsibility means to perform our service properly,with proper attitude, behavior and words.
Everything I write is personal, really. Even when I'm sarcastic, it's quite personal. And on this record, from the production to the singing to the performances, I got it really honest. To the modern ear, it seems soft. When you hear it against other things, it seems vulnerable. Lyrically and musically, though, this is more subtle. And, yes, it's asking a lot of someone who's used to being hit over the head with bright neon to listen to this.
Research shows the presence of women raises the standards of ethical behavior and lowers corruption.
Although I have no objection to accepting the existence of relatively constant psychic contents that survive personal ego, it must always be born in mind that we have no way of knowing what these contents are actually like "as such." All we can observe is their effect on other living people, whose spiritual level and whose personal unconscious crucially influence the way these contents actually manifest themselves.
That's not very attractive behavior, Bella." he said. " Forgiveness is divine. "Mind your own buisness.
The greatest obstacle to love is fear. It has been the source of all defects in human behavior throughout the ages.
If you do not like a certain behavior in others, look within yourself to find the roots of what discomforts you.
A second reason why science cannot replace judgement is the behavior of financial markets.
Public behavior is nurtured in private; earthshaking measures come form careful steps.
You can't make rules regarding the moral behavior of something unless you know what the hell it is, and what it's capacities are. What it can do, what it can't do.
I love to direct! I get really jazzed by directing, but directing is not the same kind of personal expression, the same kind of personal intimate expression that writing is. Because when you're directing, you're basically managing, basically getting out of people doing their job, except when you see them going astray.
It takes personal sacrifice to communicate when conditions are right for the other person-during the meal preparation, after a date, a hurt, a victory, a disappointment, or when someone wants to share a confidence. One must be willing to forego personal convenience to invest time in establishing a firm foundation for family communication. When communication in the family seems to be bogging down, each individual should look to himself for the remedy.
We are the children of our landscape; it dictates behavior and even thought in the measure to which we are responsive to it.
We need from every man who aspires to leadership-for himself and his company-a determination to undertake a personal program of self-development. Nobody is going to order a man to develop .... Whether a man lags behind or moves ahead in his specialty is a matter of his own personal application. This is something which takes time, work, and sacrifice. Nobody can do it for you.
The common behavior of mankind is the system of reference by means of which we interpret an unknown language. — © Ludwig Wittgenstein
The common behavior of mankind is the system of reference by means of which we interpret an unknown language.
The Warrior does not worry that, to others, his behavior might seem quite mad.
We live in a world in which politically fascistic behavior, if not the actual philosophy, is unquestionably on the rise.
For podcasters, people are just being themselves in a public fashion. So when someone is attacking a podcast, they're really attacking the person, because the person is the podcast. So I think that's why podcasters take it to heart. It's a very personal form of media, probably the most personal form of media.
It is imperative that mothers understand their child's behavior and not blindly support the wrongdoings or faults in their sons.
The quality of moral behavior varies in inverse ratio to the number of human beings involved.
Through the art of personal development, we see an opportunity for these animals to inspire compassion, essentially creating a path to deep personal growth. This program [Animal sanctuary] will deploy ISF's youth development program, U Factor. The program helps youth identify their passion, cultivate their talent, amplify their purpose, and connect the younger generation to diminishing species and biodiversity.
LSD is a psychedelic drug which occasionally causes psychotic behavior in people who have NOT taken it.
Behavior influences consciousness. Right behavior means right consciousness. Our attitude here and now influences the entire environment: our words, actions, ways of holding and moving ourselves, they all influence what happens around us and inside us. The actions of every instant, every day, must be right...Every gesture is important. How we eat, how we put on our clothes, how we wash ourselves, how we go to the toilet, how we put our things away, how we act with other people, family, wife, work - how we are: totally, in every single gesture.
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