Top 1200 Personal Limits Quotes & Sayings - Page 17

Explore popular Personal Limits quotes.
Last updated on September 29, 2024.
It's always agonising to separate my life as an actress and personal life. Just because I'm happy with my acting life doesn't mean I'm happy with my personal life. I'm always making an effort to balance between the two.
Prayer is powerful beyond limits when we turn to the Immaculata who is queen even of God's heart.
Recycling and speed limits are bullshit. They're like someone who quits smoking on his deathbed. — © Chuck Palahniuk
Recycling and speed limits are bullshit. They're like someone who quits smoking on his deathbed.
It was scary to be in that world of politics. I felt uncomfortable to be in that discussion. The weird thing is, when Darrell Hammond or Will Ferrell or Dana Carvey did an impersonation of a president, no one assumed it was personal, but because Sarah Palin and I are both women and people think women are meaner to each other, everyone assumed it was personal.
I wanted to push my limits and challenge myself, and hence, 'Sanam Re' is completely different from 'Yaariyan.'
It takes true strength of character to redefine your limits by pushing past them.
Being in the public eye, you can't really avoid a lot of questions. A lot of questions are being thrown at you, whether it's about your personal life or your personal beliefs, and I'm happy to answer them all.
I was always pushing the limits, going as far as I could. I would do all kinds of crazy things.
One of the interesting things about Twitter is looking how famous people choose to use it. Take someone like Steve Martin, who I follow: it's all sorts of comic gems, nothing private, nothing personal - all jokes. Other celebrities are overtly personal - like Charlie Sheen. I do a mix of observations and updates.
The truth is that History, with its imposing capital H, is simply the amalgamation of many quotidian lives lived in very ordinary ways. History is always personal. If you read Holocaust survivor or American slavery survivor narratives, you realize all too well that these great Historical moments were personal to someone at some time.
There's always going to be silly stuff out there in the media that you can't worry too much about, and I don't. We just keep on trucking, and I like the way my... I think there should be 'professional is professional, and personal is personal,' and that's just how I'm going to keep it.
Film recognizes neither time nor space, only the limits of man's imagination
I'm in love with artists that are really difficult to cover or to copy. You can only try to copy them, but you will never succeed because it's intertwined with really personal references and really personal ways to exist on stage. They are really strong individuals, and are writing their own songs and know where they want to go.
The permanent institutional expertise class is now no longer the legislators, it's the lobbyists who don't have term limits and are there forever.
Moral crusade: Public activity undertaken by middle-aged men who are cheating on their wives or diddling little boys. Moral crusades are particularly popular among those seeking power for their own personal pleasure, politicians who can't think of anything useful to do with their mandates, and religious professionals suffering from a personal inability to communicate with their god.
It is of the essence of imaginative culture that it transcends the limits both of the naturally possible and of the morally acceptable. — © Northrop Frye
It is of the essence of imaginative culture that it transcends the limits both of the naturally possible and of the morally acceptable.
We know then the existence and nature of the finite, because we also are finite and have extension. We know the existence of the infinite and are ignorant of its nature, because it has extension like us, but not limits like us. But we know neither the existence nor the nature of God, because he has neither extension nor limits.
If the individuals who make up a group have personal egos, and their identities lie in these egos, then their egoic identities will shift to the group. It might look as if they are losing their personal egos, but the ego simply shifts to the group.
Knowledge, which is power, knows no limits, either in its enslavement of creation or in its deference to worldly masters.
The task of science is to stake out the limits of the knowable, and to center consciousness within them.
I simply can't do one-word message replies: Yes. Ok. No. Sure. Cool. None of these are options for me. I must write something extra. Something personal. I put kisses and emoticons. Emoticons, by the way, are my very best friends. They have removed all the pressure of thinking up something personal to say.
It's most difficult to score a comedy. Where are the limits? When does music become gimmicky or stupidly funny?
The exercise of natural rights has no limits but such as will ensure their enjoyment to other members of society.
Term limits mean that you don't trust the voters. 'Stop me before I vote again.'
We all make our limits, and we set them further out than we have any right.
We are a coalition government, and that limits our options in some ways. Privatization happens to be one such area.
Do the work and then let the rest speak for itself and know that it feels personal, I knew it for me when I was younger. It all feels so personal, but if it's for you, it's for you. And if it's not, that's okay because the other door will open. The right door will open.
When it comes to Israel's security, our military and intelligence cooperation, that's off limits. That's protected. That's sacrosanct.
I do not claim to have perfected an art but to have commenced one, the limits of which it is not possible at present exactly to ascertain.
The energy of first-time directors is tremendous. They work beyond the limits for a hit in this competitive industry.
Once and for all, there are many things I choose not to know.--Wisdom sets limits even to knowledge.
Think bigger. Forget limits. Embrace the idea of endless possibility.... It will change you.
People say, "John, what's your personal growth?" And ask "How do you grow?" And I tell them. I thought, "Why do I keep telling them, why don't I just write a book on what I call personal growth?" And that's what this [Today Matters] book is.
Anger shows us precisely where we are stuck, where our limits are, where we cling to beliefs and fears.
Complementing the nation-state as it reaches its limits amid globalization: That is what Europe must offer.
Running and science draw on similar traits - stamina, ambition, patience, and the ability to overcome limits.
I've sustained a meniscus injury, shortly after that I sustained an ACL injury so really just going through that and going through some personal issues, personal problems within myself.
People would say 'Who is a leader?' A leader is a person that does the work. It's very simple. It's a personal choice for people who choose to put in their time and their commitment to do the work. It's a personal choice.
Love is an expression and assertion of self-esteem, a response to one's own values in the person of another. One gains a profoundly personal, selfish joy from the mere existence of the person one loves. It is one's own personal, selfish happiness that one seeks, earns, and derives from love.
Personal law is simply the thought that controls your mind and your life more than any other thought. Finding that thought is the most valuable knowledge that you can have about yourself. It is like the leverage on personal change. It enables you to change very efficiently.
Of course, I have my own limits as to how much game software I can take care of at any one time. — © Shigeru Miyamoto
Of course, I have my own limits as to how much game software I can take care of at any one time.
The war won't be over until the last spammer's head is stuck onto a spear at the city limits.
I'm still picking pockets--I just do it as legally as I can. Being married to a cop limits certain activities.
In order to be successful, you have to honor what's in old fashion house, but you also have to play with it and push the limits of it.
It can't possibly last for years and browsing has its limits. Only a certain amount is healthy or wise.
Democracy, if it is reasonable, limits itself to giving everyone an equal opportunity to compete and to obtain.
Thou shoreless flood, which in thy ebb and flow claspest the limits of mortality.
I always have a very complex personal life as far as romance goes. Sometimes I have a little too much time to get into too much trouble... and drama. It's either I'm working, or I have nothing to do but focus on my personal life. It's a little hectic.
In baseball, even the best hitters fail seven of ten times, and of those seven failures there are different reasons why. Some are personal failures, others are losses to the pitcher. You just get beat. In those personal failures, I felt I could have done better.
The Democrats have come right out and said it: the power of the central government shall have no limits at all.
If you can just focus on creating your art whether that's music or writing a book or painting trust me it is really hard to balance that with a personal life. You have to be willing to sacrifice sometimes things in your personal life if your ultimate goal is to pursue things as an artist.
So many people grew up in the church, and you can have an awesome upbringing, but I made a personal conviction; I made a personal decision when I was very young. I enjoy going to church without my parents. On Sunday mornings, I want to go. Bible studies on Wednesdays... I have a relationship - not just through my parents.
If you have a career like mine, which is so identified with Hollywood, with big studios and stars, you wonder if maybe you shouldn't go off and do what the world thinks of as more personal films with lesser-known people. But I think I've fooled everybody. I've made personal films all along. I just made them in another form.
Insight is 'mental vision,' one of the ways in which the mind escapes the limits of the obvious or the familiar. — © Jennifer James
Insight is 'mental vision,' one of the ways in which the mind escapes the limits of the obvious or the familiar.
Trauma survivors have a deficiency in their capacity to regulate emotions - they're too prolonged and too intense and too negative. As a corollary to affect regulation, self-esteem, sense of self and inter-personal functioning all goes downhill. And that's a chronic thing that's solved in an-inter personal context.
My whole thing was getting in there with these guys and really pushing their limits. Testing their toughness and their desire.
I'm kind of obsessed by Everest and all those men that mountaineer and take themselves to extreme limits.
A man was the sum of his limits; freedom only made him see how much so.
If I want someone, I can go to any extent to get him. My craziness for a man has no limits at all.
Leonard [Nimoy] was such a teacher for me. He was one of the most fully realized human beings I have ever known on every level - in his personal life with his personal relationships and his love for his wife and his evolution with his family. Then as an artist, as an actor, as a writer, as a poet, and as a photographer. He never stopped.
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