Top 1200 Personal Limits Quotes & Sayings - Page 5

Explore popular Personal Limits quotes.
Last updated on September 29, 2024.
I want my personal life to be personal... And I don't care if you're talking about things that are true, you're still talking about my personal life.
When people ask me a personal question, I answer it in a personal way. I can only speak from the footsteps and the shoes that I've walked in.
Off screen, I am a very shy person, and I want to keep my personal life completely personal. — © Naga Chaitanya
Off screen, I am a very shy person, and I want to keep my personal life completely personal.
It's sacred for an actor to keep their personal life personal.
Design is a very personal thing. It's like art. Your personal choice plays a big role. called “composition” becomes a personal thing, to be developed along with technique, as a personal way of seeing.
I don't like to share my personal life... it wouldn't be personal if I shared it.
I have never understood why people who can swallow the enormous improbability of a personal God boggle at a personal Devil.
When you put up a personal post on social media, you are putting yourself out there because you are sharing something from your personal life.
My style of dressing is extremely personal. I am impressionable only to a certain extent. The rest of it is my personal concoction consisting of my favourite trends.
Art isn't only a painting. Art is anything that's creative, passionate, and personal. And great art resonates with the viewer, not only with the creator... Art is a personal gift that changes the recipient. The medium doesn't matter. The intent does. Art is a personal act of courage, something one human does that creates change in another.
What we need is not so much personal development, as personal replacement: What we need is not so much personal development, but personal substitution.
There's always a personal satisfaction in writing a song by yourself. You get the inspiration, and see it through, and you're done. It's focused and very personal.
There is nothing personal about a personal ad. — © Wes Smith
There is nothing personal about a personal ad.
Personal style, be it that of Michelangelo, or that of Tintoretto... has always been that peculiar personal rapport which has developed between an artist and his medium.
As an artist, as an actor, as a writer, you have to use what's personal to you. You have to be personal about your work; otherwise, it doesn't ring true.
I was a personal trainer for about a decade. I competed in powerlifting, and I did a bodybuilding competition. I was heavily entrenched in the personal training world.
A line of duty death, whether an officer, special agent, or professional staff employee, is personal to the FBI, and it's personal to me as Director.
The personal life of every individual is based on secrecy, and perhaps it is partly for that reason that civilized man is so nervously anxious that personal privacy should be respected.
Doing less is not being lazy. Don't give in to a culture that values personal sacrifice over personal productivity.
I have no personal beef with Brandi Chastain. There's nothing personal.
A good job is largely anonymous and forgotten (but still important). A personal job, on the other hand, is humanized. It brings us closer together. It might not be remarkable, but it stands out as memorable because (however briefly) the recipient of the work was touched by someone else. Often, remarkable work is personal too, but personal might just be enough for today.
With things in my personal life, if I talk about it, it doesn't stay personal.
It's probably a combination of personal and non-personal matters that have led us to where we are musically.
I don't differentiate between personal and professional work. Everything I do is personal.
Personal finances are like people’s personal health, crucial and tragic to the sufferer but tedious to the listener.
People are doing too much e-mail. The basic thing is eyeball-to-eyeball. Business relationships are made to be personal. The more people get away from it, the more they are going to lose that personal relationship. That's what I learned - to develop personal relationships with people.
We've been here so long. The history and richness runs so deep within the community. We own this. It's personal. It's very personal.
I know from personal conversation and from personal interaction, that Hillary Clinton cares deeply about issues of inclusion.
I usually can find a way to do a character to make it real and work. But sometimes it's a struggle sustaining that, because there's such a level of personal involvement and personal, physical, and emotional distraughtness.
Peace-not passion, not personal possessions, not personal accomplishments nor happiness-is one of the greatest blessings a man can receive.
I had a personal email when I was in the Senate, as the vast majority of senators do. It was very convenient. I did all of my business on personal emails.
I like to feel that all my best photographs had strong personal visions and that a photograph that doesn't have a personal vision or doesn't communicate emotion fails.
I still speak with David Silva. We have a personal relationship, and we talk about personal things, but we've not got into football that much.
The life of the individual believer, his personal salvation, and personal Christian graces have their being, bloom and fruitage in prayer.
That's the hardest part of acting: when it is ultra-personal, when it is deeply personal, and there's no lying involved. You can't fake it, you can't get by it. This is dealing with the most primal instincts and emotions that a mother can have.
In my own version of the idea of 'what art wants,' the end and fulfillment of the history of art is the philosophical understanding of what art is, an understanding that is achieved in the way that understanding in each of our lives is achieved, namely, from the mistakes we make, the false paths we follow, the false images we have come to abandon until we learn wherein our limits consist, and then how to live within those limits.
It's two things: it's totally impersonal and it's totally personal, simultaneously. That's the nature of the mystical experience of life. Everything about life is impersonal, but you have a personal experience. And the bridge between the personal and the impersonal is called prayer.
Your plays are always personal. You can't help seeing yourself in the serial killer you've just written. But they get less specifically personal. — © Laura Wade
Your plays are always personal. You can't help seeing yourself in the serial killer you've just written. But they get less specifically personal.
You are extraordinary within your limits, but your limits are extraordinary!
Whatever increases, decreases, limits or extends the body's power of action, increases decreases, limits, or extends the mind's power of action. And whatever increases, decreases, limits, or extends the mind's power of action, also increases, decreases, limits, or extends the body's power of action.
My religious training told me that in times of personal uncertainty one should seek God's direction through personal prayer and study of the Christian scriptures.
We fight wars from progressively great heights and distances, the blessings of technology steadily removing the personal human element from what was historically an extremely personal experience.
It's hard for me to write about anything personal because I get way too personal.
I think you have to have a personal connection, and that's what I am always looking to try to create: a personal way in to a story.
I believe that all fiction is personal and all writing is at some level personal.
It is personal. That's what an education does. It makes the world personal.
The filmmaking process is a very personal one to me, I mean it really is a personal kind of communication. It's not as though its a study of fear or any of that stuff.
It is easier to donate a few thousand to charity and think oneself noble than to base self-respect on personal standards of personal achievement. — © Ayn Rand
It is easier to donate a few thousand to charity and think oneself noble than to base self-respect on personal standards of personal achievement.
I'm not very comfortable about the audience getting a peek into my personal life. I like to keep my personal space.
The first rule of personal finance is that it's not personal and it's not financial. It's about your ability to make ten changes and not get too depressed over it.
I'm attracted to images that come from a personal exploration of a subject matter. When they have a personal stamp to them, then I think it becomes identifiable.
I keep my personal life personal. I don't talk about it.
If Salman Khan is not marrying, it is his personal decision and purely a personal matter. The issue is not related to empowerment of women.
Personal discipline, when it becomes a way of life in our personal, family, and career lives, will enable us to do some incredible things.
My mum was a peacemaker, and in personal things I tend to do that, because I can't deal with personal conflict. I find that horrible.
What I write is very personal, but not autobiographical. It's more 'thematically personal' - what's up in my life in terms of themes at the moment.
I think this is pretty clear, but maybe not to everybody: Despite the fact that the work is personal or taken from life, it's not about me telling my personal story.
Definitely, there is a sense in my writing that people now know me in a personal way. And to an extent, that's true because I write about very personal things, and I use the personal often to contextualize some of these sociopolitical issues that we're dealing with. And to an extent, they're right. They know something about me.
A personal essay often includes some or a lot of personal confession. That makes the reader feel less lonely in their confusion and darkness.
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