Top 1200 Personal Preferences Quotes & Sayings

Explore popular Personal Preferences quotes.
Last updated on September 19, 2024.
Six mistakes mankind keeps making century after century: Believing that personal gain is made by crushing others; Worrying about things that cannot be changed or corrected; Insisting that a thing is impossible because we cannot accomplish it; Refusing to set aside trivial preferences; Neglecting development and refinement of the mind; Attempting to compel others to believe and live as we do.
I dress according to the requirement of the film, as a true actor. Off the camera, I'm just me. I have my preferences and my personal style. Before I step out, I look into the mirror just to confirm that my style is intact. Beyond this, it doesn't matter.
Tom's [Brady] personal preferences on his footballs are something he can take about in much better detail and information than I could possibly provide. — © Bill Belichick
Tom's [Brady] personal preferences on his footballs are something he can take about in much better detail and information than I could possibly provide.
Let us each grasp a new idea this year. Let us grasp the awareness of what it is that makes us truly happy. Let us consider our personal preferences and learn how to recognize, then embrace, moments of happiness that are uniquely our own.
This is the great truth life has to teach us ... that gratification of our individual desires and expression of our personal preferences without consideration for their effect upon others brings in the end nothing but ruin and devastation.
You'll often find that people's declared preferences - what they say they want - are far different from their revealed preferences - what they actually do.
What we call the market is really a democratic process involving millions, and in some markets billions, of people making personal decisions that express their preferences. When you hear someone say that he doesn't trust the market, and wants to replace it with government edicts, he's really calling for a switch from a democratic process to a totalitarian one.
My best advice for someone considering adopting a pet is to take the time to really consider your lifestyle, home environment and personal preferences.
There's no law that says you have to be consistent in your preferences.
Preferences are bad solutions to performance problems.
We as the band are passionate and energetic musicians. We have minimised the amount of self-criticism. Fear of death, total impatience and an unconcerned attitude to weary notions of good and bad is what's making us exceed speed limits. We're hijacking the holy inspiration from otherness, and we don't spoil it with personal aesthetic preferences. We are panthers and gazelles, not slugs and tortoises. Though it must be said that after turning forty I've started to resemble a sloth more and more.
But society has now fairly got the better of individuality; and the danger which threatens human nature is not the excess, but the deficiency, of personal Impulses and preferences.
I have absolutely no preferences when it comes to food.
In a world of niches, we are enchained by our own consumer preferences. — © Mark Fisher
In a world of niches, we are enchained by our own consumer preferences.
The way is light and fluid for the man with no preferences.
'Dark Souls' is my life's work; everything I came up with for 'Dark Souls III' is based on my personal preferences.
God is not calling us to win the world and, in the process, lose our families. But I have known those who so enshrined family life and were so protective of "quality time" that the children never saw in their parents the kind of consuming love that made their parent's faith attractive to them. Some have lost their children, note because they weren't at their soccer games or didn't take family vacations, but because they never transmitted a loyalty to Jesus that went deep enough to interrupt personal preferences.
Because history is only an aggregate of personal hostilities, personal prejudices, personal blindness and irrationality, there are times when we have to live against it.
When the pressure comes, preferences give way while convictions hold firm.
Unless you work at the Republican National Committee or some other conservatively affiliated organization, people's personal political preferences should not be a criterion for employment or comfort in the workplace.
You may concentrate on appearances all through the rest of your house, but in the bedroom comfort should be supreme. I think that bedrooms should also be very intimate rooms-they should express your personal preferences in every way...Of all the rooms in the house your bedroom is yours.
I think the American people should express their preferences and we'll accept their choice.
A garden that one makes oneself becomes associated with one’s personal history and that of one’s friends, interwoven with one’s tastes, preferences and character and constitutes a sort of unwritten autobiography.
In the end, color combinations come down to our personal preferences, which we must discover through observation and experiment.
I am puzzled that Conway Morris apparently doesn't grasp the equally strong (and inevitable) personal preferences embedded in his own view of life.
I do not decide cases based on personal or policy preferences.
If Americans loved judicial activism, liberals wouldn't be lying about what it is. Judicial activism means making up constitutional rights in order to strike down laws the justices don't like based on their personal preferences. It's not judicial activism to strike down laws because they violate the Constitution.
Though hot sauce preferences are personal, I'm pretty open to all styles. All except stunt sauces, that is - you know, sauces that are primarily designed to test your machismo.
StumbleUpon has humanized the Web and mastered a way for people to discover online content by incorporating an individual's personal preferences and recommendations of friends and like-minded people.
The degree of customization possible through your Preferences screens is awesome.
Life is the will to power; our natural desire to dominate and reshape the world to fit our own preferences and assert our personal strength to the fullest degree.
At the heart of Erisa is the requirement that plan fiduciaries act with an 'eye single' to funding the retirements of plan participants and beneficiaries. This means investment decisions must be based solely on whether they enhance retirement savings, regardless of the fiduciary's personal preferences.
Queen songs tend to be about very personal things: personal dreams and personal ambitions.
Getting up for sadhana in the morning is a totally selfish act - for personal strength, for personal intuition, for personal sharpness, for personal discipline, and overall for absolute personal prosperity.
It's my own personal hang-up, but I find adults who are picky eaters to be the worst. I don't mean food allergies or preferences: I mean picky eaters. We all know one, and they're impossible to go to lunch with or invite over for a dinner party.
I think, we can only write very personal matters through our experience. When I named my first novel about my son "A Personal Matter," I believe I knew the most important thing: there is not any personal matter; we must find the link between ourselves, our "personal matter," and society.
My movies are painfully personal, but I'm never trying to let you know how personal they are. It's my job to make it be personal, and also to disguise that so only I or the people who know me know how personal it is. 'Kill Bill' is a very personal movie.
Much of the Constitution is remarkably simple and straightforward - certainly as compared to the convoluted reasoning of judges and law professors discussing what is called 'Constitutional law,' much of which has no basis in that document....The real question [for judicial nominees] is whether that nominee will follow the law or succumb to the lure of 'a living constitution,' 'evolving standards' and other lofty words meaning judicial power to reshape the law to suit their own personal preferences.
The Great Way is not difficult for those who have no preferences. — © Sengcan
The Great Way is not difficult for those who have no preferences.
I don't have acknowledged preferences of characters.
One's sanctions for truth and goodness are established largely by individual preferences.
There is, in any art, a tendency to turn one's own preferences into a monomaniac theory.
I still favor alternatives to governmental race-based preferences.
These days, meals are more open to personal preferences. People like to serve themselves.
To the extent residency preferences prevent families and senior citizens from purchasing homes because of race, ethnicity or color, the preferences violate federal law and cannot be tolerated.
I want judges on the Supreme Court who will not use that position to impose their personal policy preferences or political agenda on the American people.
A garden full of sweet odours is a garden full of charm, a most precious kind of charm not to be implanted by mere skill in horticulture or power of purse, and which is beyond explaining. It is born of sensitive and very personal preferences yet its appeal is almost universal.
I feel like I want to keep moving toward idiosyncracy. Personal, personal, personal.
Nature is probably quite indifferent to the aesthetic preferences of mathematicians. — © Alfred North Whitehead
Nature is probably quite indifferent to the aesthetic preferences of mathematicians.
Brand preferences and consumption levels in emerging markets such as China, India and Brazil tend to be more fluid. Consumer research is therefore critical to aid marketers trying to cement brand preferences early on as these economies develop.
God has no forms, no limbs, no qualities, no preferences, no prejudices.
There are as many preferences as there are men.
That's an incredibly serious thing if people think that the president of the United States can tell heads of law enforcement agencies, based on his own whim or his own personal preferences or friendships, that they should or should not pursue particular criminal cases against individuals. That's not how America works.
When social forces press for the rejection of age-old Truth, then those who reject it will seek meaning in their own truth. These truths will rarely be Truth at all; they will be only collections of personal preferences and prejudices.
Listen to the criticisms and preferences of your trusted "first readers".
I will play with anyone for my country. I may have my personal preferences, but such preferences have never come in the way of playing for India.
I believe productivity is a deeply personal thing. We all have different brains and, therefore, different preferences, perspectives, and situations where we feel most effective.
In fact, when it comes to TV, I'm not even sure what my real, true preferences are.
I myself am doing a full year of experiments every seven years, but I'm sure many other divisions are possible, depending on the field, the possibilities, and personal preferences. One hour a day or a day a week.
We learn our sexual preferences and orientations.
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