Top 1200 Personal Writing Quotes & Sayings - Page 16

Explore popular Personal Writing quotes.
Last updated on September 30, 2024.
I write for the love of writing. If I never published another book, I would still be writing stories.
I spend a huge amount of time writing about the book instead of writing the actual text.
I don't think there's any essential difference, at least for me, between writing poetry and writing prose. — © Jorge Luis Borges
I don't think there's any essential difference, at least for me, between writing poetry and writing prose.
Writing anything as an expert is really poisonous to the writing process, because you lose the quality of discovery.
For a long time, I saw writing prose as chewing rocks compared to the velocities of writing poetry.
God is a person [in Christ]. A person can be known only by personal understanding, not impersonal understanding. Personal understanding takes place through love, caring, willingness, intimacy, and relationship.
It's one of the strangest attributes of this profession that when we writers get exhausted writing one thing, we relax by writing another.
You find yourself writing the truth, because it's like, 'Well, I ain't writing for anyone but myself anyway.'
Writing dialogue is like writing a song, which I've done.
I do not think you should read about writing while you are writing.
For me, writing for younger audiences and writing for adults uses two different halves of my brain.
For my students who are trying to learn the craft of writing in a writing class - contemporary literature is what's most useful.
[I] try to do both because the writing for me, to be a new artist, the writing is gonna pay the bills. — © PJ Harvey
[I] try to do both because the writing for me, to be a new artist, the writing is gonna pay the bills.
In teaching writing, I'm learning new things about writing.
There is no left and right in writing. There is only good and bad writing.
I'm not writing great literature. I'm writing commercial fiction for people to enjoy the stories and to like the characters.
Writing is a performance art for me. They're very closely aligned, writing and performing. But I'm a writer, not a performer.
When you're writing for a show, you're writing part of the script. You have to tell the story.
Writing reminds you that you're never alone. Writing and reading is to be optimistic.
Writing, real writing, should leave a small sweet bruise somewhere on the writer . . . and on the reader.
For me, writing is a way of finding out about things I didn't know before I began writing.
I love writing. Writing has been very good to me.
Writing a song is like - you're writing a song all the time. It's just when it pops out. It's been there all the time. It's not something that suddenly you do it. It's always there. Suddenly, it's in the right mixture inside you to come out. Usually when you're writing on the piano or a guitar, you don't write in lyrics, on their own. To me it's very boring.
Every aspect of personal life is radically affected by the quality of general life, and yet the general life is seen at its most important in completely personal terms.
Writing your own blog platform is like roasting your own coffee: it's impractical and you probably shouldn't do it, but for people who really, truly care about it, it's worthwhile to them for their own personal priorities that sound crazy to everyone else. Well, I write my own blog platform and I roast my own coffee.
When I write music, I know a lot of artists like Taylor Swift or Ed Sheeran tend to write from personal experience. I write from personal experience, of course, but I don't limit myself to that.
I'm trying my hand at writing. I'm writing a couple of projects for HBO, a half hour comedy and a miniseries.
Writing a screenplay is like writing a big puzzle, and so the hardest part, I think, is getting the story.
I'm writing in English; I'm writing for a Western audience, but the people I'm surrounded by in my daily life are mostly non-white.
When I'm writing for Esquire, my conscious thought is, I'm not writing for American Scholar.
Writing, for me, is the great organiser. It's while writing that I think most deeply about things.
I'm not a reader of young adult fiction for the simple reason that these novelists are writing for adolescents, so they are not writing for me.
Each of us has his own way of emerging from the underworld, mine is by writing. That's why the only way I can keep going, if at all, is by writing, not through rest and sleep. I am far more likely to achieve peace of mind through writing than the capacity to write through peace.
These are two opposing forces, and whenever I am in active politics, I stop writing. And when I'm writing, I don't politick.
When Shakespeare was writing, he wasn't writing for stuff to lie on the page; it was supposed to get up and move around.
I was writing and cartooning and writing short stories from grade school on.
When I'm writing well, I feel happy. And when I go too long without writing, I begin to implode.
One of the hardest parts of writing is writing from the gut or the heart or something like that rather than intellectually. — © George R. R. Martin
One of the hardest parts of writing is writing from the gut or the heart or something like that rather than intellectually.
Writing is such a powerful tool. I believe everyone should be writing.
Before I started writing for myself, I was writing country records, and they were coming out dope.
Writing tonal music now, you are not writing into the 19th Century.
I started writing after college, slowly, secretly writing.
And I love writing; I've been writing ever since I was seven.
I wanted to take my writing to another level. I wanted to write stuff that was personal for real. It's one thing to write a lyric that sounds nice in that line - that's not very tricky - but it's a different thing to write something that sounds nice and actually comes from someplace real.
I fear that the rising personal bankruptcies and repossessions are the first signs of bigger problems to come and personal debt - Gordon Brown's legacy to millions of Britain's families - will hang like a millstone around the neck of the British people for years to come.
Personal philanthropy must be separated from corporate philanthropy. Personal philanthropy is more about giving back to society, or giving forward, as it is now referred to.
My first writing jobs were writing Tom Arnold specials for HBO, so I love working there.
If a man means his writing seriously, he must mean to write well. But how can he write well until he learns to see what he has written badly. His progress toward good writing and his recognition of bad writing are bound to unfold at something like the same rate.
Writing must certainly be one of the hardest professions - writing and painting. — © Anjelica Huston
Writing must certainly be one of the hardest professions - writing and painting.
Writing sucks. I think it's terrible. Writing is not fun, and don't trust anyone who claims to enjoy it. Liars!
You know, I can imagine not writing a novel and writing poetry only.
If you want to take writing on, you should pay writing the respect it deserves, which is to say, reading it.
I was always writing music anyway. I just sort of fell into it. Writing for me is a therapeutic process.
I'm probably writing music now for the same reason as I started writing songs when I was 14 - to meet women.
The writing that I have found to be most false is the writing that doesn't offer hope.
Maybe in writing about and through trauma it was therapeutic in a way, but it didn't feel like it at the time. I was in a very dark place, in lots of foreign cities, far from New York. A lot of personal trials and tribulations took over my life in those years. It might be some time before I see what therapeutic function this book did serve. But for now, it's not even easy to read from it.
When you're writing, at least when I'm writing, I don't think about themes and I try not to sermonize with any particular message.
The point always is to be writing something - it leads to more writing.
I keep my TV writing and my book writing almost wholly separate. The audiences feel so different.
Yes, writing is not easy. But can any writer imagine NOT writing?
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