Top 1200 Physically Tired Quotes & Sayings - Page 4

Explore popular Physically Tired quotes.
Last updated on October 16, 2024.
When you're outside in those elements, there's something out there that takes it out of you, so you work real hard. It was physically demanding, but in a very good way. It's not a bad thing. It's a good thing, when things are physically demanding 'cause everyone is rising to the occasion.
I think my body makes itself tired so I don't have the energy to do anything else beforehand. I do jump around a lot on stage, so I guess my body's like, "You are tired now!" As soon as I get onstage the adrenaline takes over. It's a useful mechanism.
"And tired" always followed sick. Worst beating I ever got in my life, my mother said, "I am just sick..." And I said, "And tired." I don't remember anything after that. — © Bill Cosby
"And tired" always followed sick. Worst beating I ever got in my life, my mother said, "I am just sick..." And I said, "And tired." I don't remember anything after that.
I'm tired of seeing people dying every day; I'm tired of seeing people go to jail for nothing.
People say, 'Oh, are you tired of the Jesus jokes yet?' I can't get tired of the Jesus jokes because this is the rest of my life!
I am tired of the litany of months, September October I am tired of the way the seasons keep changing, mimicking the seasons of the flesh which are real and finite.
I sometimes say to people who have life-challenging illnesses: "Right now you are tempted to think that if you were physically well you would be happy. But if that were true, everybody who is physically well would be happy."
If you feel sick and tired of how things are in your life, chances are it's because you're making yourself sick and tired - by engaging in too many energy leaking things.
My students tell me, we don't want to love! We're tired of being loving! And I say to them, if you're tired of being loving, then you haven't really been loving, because when you are loving you have more strength.
I don't get tired of my work because you can't get tired of something you love and enjoy! But, having said that, I wish to get a break of four to five days, or at least three days, switch off my cell phone, and do what I want to.
That's what's going to matter at the end of the day. Did we improve people's lives? Did we solve the problems that the American people need solved? Are we addressing the concerns of people who are tired of being tired?
Sex is still the most interesting subject under the sun. People will say my wife is too tired or my husband is too tired, and I listen and I say 'go for help.'
We eat light, drink it in through our skins. With a little more exposure to light, you feel part of things physically. I like feeling the power of light and space physically because then you can order it materially. Seeing is a very sensuous act-there's a sweet deliciousness to feeling yourself see something.
Tired of all her efforts at Tara, Scarlett wishes to escape too: "I do want to escape too! I'm so very tired of it all!. . . The South is dead, it's dead, the Yankees and the carpetbaggers have got it and there's nothing left for us."
Sometimes you get tired of riding in taxicabs the same way you get tired riding in elevators. All of a sudden, you have to walk, no matter how far or how high up.
I'm tired. I am old and I have never quit pursuing my goals. I am heavily involved in real estate right now, but I am trying to get out of it altogether, I am just tired.
I can't risk getting hurt. I have to be smart about what I'm doing. But the competitor in you wants to try it, wants to see how you would do. But at the same time, after a few rounds I'm so tired, and my arms are so tired after punching. It's a whole different monster.
I'm tired of getting made fun of. The reason I took on The New York Times as ferociously as I did is that I'm tired of being the little icon that people stick pins in, the whipping boy for everything that's gone wrong in this business. Whatever my excess, I think that I've been trumped in many areas by others.
I also wanted to be like my brothers, physically, and yet not physically. So I would constantly - and I think nowadays it's taken for granted that this is what girlfriends do - I would constantly wear their shorts, put on their shirts. That did not seem odd because we were desperately poor for quite a while. It wasn't as if pretty little girlie things were available to me.
I have a routine for a day I'm in the office and not really physically active. Or a day when I'm in the gym once or in the gym twice. Then I've got a road course routine and an oval routine because they're different physically.
My approach to the game has been the same at all the places I've been. Vanilla. The sure way. That means, first of all, to win physically. If you got eleven on a field, and they beat the other eleven physically, they'll win. They will start forcing mistakes. They'll win in the fourth quarter.
I'm tired of being underrated. I'm tired of being overlooked. — © Mike Conley Jr.
I'm tired of being underrated. I'm tired of being overlooked.
I'm tired of being your best friend. I'm tired of being second best. I won't settle for that anymore. It's all or nothing, Schuyler. You have to decide. Him or me. - Oliver Hazzard-Perry
I don't think I'll ever get tired of making films. I wish I could make so many that it would make me get tired, but I don't.
I got tired of Los Angeles, and I got tired of the game a bit. I wanted to have a different life experience, so I moved to England, and I lived in England for eight years, and I worked there.
Why had I wasted all my time pretending to be someone I wasn't? I was tired, so very, very tired of standing on my own brakes. I felt...right. I felt free.
Believe me, you don't walk away from the kind of money you make with a daily television show. You might get awful tired of it sometimes, but take a second look at the check and you get less tired right away.
Sometimes at night I worry about TAMMY. I worry that she might get tired of it all. Tired of running at sixty-six terahertz, tired of all those processing cycles, every second of every hour of every day. I worry that one of these cycles she might just halt her own subroutine and commit software suicide. And then I would have to do an error report, and I don't know how I would even begin to explain that to Microsoft.
The first time I toured with the 'Large Band' in 1988, I got so tired. If I just stood still anywhere, I could go to sleep. I was that tired. But I had to perform. And I did, and after that tour, I was much less fretful about going out onstage.
I'm never tired of winning, and I'm never tired of skiing.
I know men are delicate origami creatures who need women to unfold them, hold them when they cry. But I am tired of being your savior and I am tired of telling you why.
Physically touring is tough on me, not that I am weakling. I lose weight. I can't always find the things I need to keep my strength up. It is very draining physically. It is taxing for my mind and body, but in a good way. It feels healthy in a way to purge things out of my system every night.
'Time in a Tree' is a song about when you find yourself in a busy state of mind, which I often find myself in. Sometimes it can feel like you can't physically get out of it, or you can't mentally or physically bring yourself out of that... it's like having traffic in your brain.
I am so tired - so tired of being of being whirled on through all these phases of my life, in which nothing abides by me, no creature, no place; it is like the circle in which the victims of earthly passion eddy continually.
I'm tired of saying, "How wonderful you are!" to fool men who haven't got one-half the sense I've got, and I'm tired of pretending I don't know anything, so men can tell me things and feel important while they're doing it.
Any professional sportsman will tell you that you can work out in the gym as much as you like, but eating is the key. It's making sure that you eat a healthy diet with lots of fruit and carbohydrates, such as pasta and rice, so that you're always refuelling. If you're going into games tired or your training tired, then there's a risk of injury.
I was tired and crazy and rushed, and every time I boarded a plane, I wanted the plane to crash. I envied people dying of cancer. I hated my life. I was tired and bored with my job and my furniture, and I couldn’t see any way to change things. Only end them.
No." Magnus strode toward him. "I didn't call you because I'm tired of you only wanting me around when you need something. I'm tired of watching you be in love with someone else-someone, incidentally, who will never love you back. Not the way I do.
The one thing I'm absolutely tired of hearing is 'Republicans reaching across the aisle.' We need to step up and lead, ladies and gentlemen. I'm tired of reaching across the aisle.
It was more that his career was going down again and he was tired of the songs. He was tired of the routine. And there was a point where he just kind of gave up. He couldn't face being 40. And he resorted to stimulants. There's a dark side there, a really dark side.
I am tired of hiding and I am tired of lying by omission. I suffered for years because I was scared to be out. My spirit suffered, my mental health suffered and my relationships suffered. And I'm standing here today, with all of you, on the other side of that pain.
I am sick and tired of being sick and tired. — © Fannie Lou Hamer
I am sick and tired of being sick and tired.
I was drafted by the New Orleans Saints and was tired of dealing with injuries. I just got tired of playing football, if you want to know the truth, and I was sitting on the floor at my father in-law's house and started to watch pro wrestling. I've watched it for a little bit before, so I thought to myself, 'You know what? I can do that!'
It never gets easier, you just go faster. To put it another way, training is like fighting with a gorilla. You don’t stop when you’re tired. You stop when the gorilla is tired.
Attack rapidly, ruthlessly, viciously, without rest, however tired and hungry you may be, the enemy will be more tired, more hungry. Keep punching.
I know you feel worn and tired. I know you're tired of failing. Rest, but don't stop. You can do this. You got this. Not because you're strong, but because He's your strength.
It's the boredom that kills you. You read until you're tired of that. You do crossword puzzles until you're tired of that. This is torture. This is mental torture.
I know I'm tired of thinking about what I should have done yesterday. I know I'm just tired. If I knew what to do with my life, how to fix it up, I would have done it a long time ago. You can't dig that? You think I want to live like I'm somebody's throwaway?
Every true New Yorker believes with all his heart that when a New Yorker is tired of New York, he is tired of life.
I proved that I can win the Grand Slams. I proved that I can last four and a half hours and come out on top against one of the strongest guys physically that tennis had probably seen especially on this surface. So they would probably be the things that I would say I have learned tonight: To not doubt myself physically and mentally from now on.
It's physically hard for me to work. I start to break down, physically. My joints start. I get weepy eyes. I don't sleep well. I was never a hard worker, I guess. So the voiceover work ethic is really great for me - couple days a month, two hours a day.
When you're tired, you've got to focus. Everybody can go through the motions. But you've got to focus, too, when you're tired.
I am tired of the superficial smiles that adorn the many ghouls among us. I am tired of the righteous indignation that hides beneath those visages that feign our best interest and deign to think we cannot and will not stand for ourselves.
I’ve dreamed a lot. I’m tired now from dreaming but not tired of dreaming. No one tires of dreaming, because to dream is to forget, and forgetting does not weigh on us, it is a dreamless sleep throughout which we remain awake. In dreams I have achieved everything.
When your eyes are tired the world is tired also. When your vision has gone no part of the world can find you. Time to go into the dark where the night has eyes to recognize its own. There you can be sure you are not beyond love.
When I was young, I worked for a capitalist twelve hours a day and I was always tired. Now I work for myself twenty hours a day and I never get tired
We are tired of being beaten by policemen. We are tired of seeing our people locked up in jails over and over again. And then you holler, 'Be patient.' How long can we be patient?
I think LeBron asked out of the game once or twice before that, so we knew he was getting tired but we were all getting tired out there. ... I don't think I've played in anything like this since I left the islands.
I think that people are tired. They're tired of the same old kind of politics. People want a new tone to politics. — © Michelle Obama
I think that people are tired. They're tired of the same old kind of politics. People want a new tone to politics.
You never get tired of making money, and you never get tired of a great acting gig, a same role that you can play for years, with wonderful writing and wonderful actors.
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