Top 258 Pills Quotes & Sayings

Explore popular Pills quotes.
Last updated on September 17, 2024.
I knew exactly what I was doing. You can't accidentally take a whole bottle of pills.
I've had my fills of cocaine and pills.
Each day, as I take various pills, I realize that without those pills I might not be alive -- and, if I were, life would not be worth living. Yet those who produce these medications are under constant attack from people who produce nothing.
Pills n potions.. We're overdosin.. I'm angry but I still love you — © Nicki Minaj
Pills n potions.. We're overdosin.. I'm angry but I still love you
No pills gonna cure my ill.
To these people, unhappiness was a condition, an intolerable state of affairs. If pills could help, pills were taken. But pills were not going to change the fundamental problem in the construction. Wanting what you can´t have. Looking for self-worth in the mirror. Layering work on top of work and still wondering why you weren´t satisfied - before working some more.
I'll never forget my wedding day... they threw vitamin pills
I will lift mine eyes unto the pills. Almost everyone takes them, from the humble aspirin to the multi-colored, king-sized three deckers, which put you to sleep, wake you up, stimulate and soothe you all in one. It is an age of pills.
I got a bad migraine that lasted 3 years, and the pills I took made by fingers disappear.
The seven ages of man: spills, drills, thrills, bills, ills, pills and wills.
I would say whisky or pills. Not both because that can have disastrous consequences.
I give you bitter pills, in a sugar coating. The pills are harmless - the poison's in the sugar
I've got allergy pills upstairs in my room, and it says 'For Cat Work' right on it.
I want pills called September 10. You take one and your mind feels like the 11th never happened. — © Douglas Coupland
I want pills called September 10. You take one and your mind feels like the 11th never happened.
I got a generation brainwashed to pop pills and smoke pot til they brains rot.
Let's take something like antidepressant medications. There's decent science saying it has an effect, but it's shockingly small after you control for penetration of the blind, people knowing that they're getting the active pills versus sugar pills, if you use an active control. It's probably only a few points. But it's a multi, multibillion-dollar industry. And by the way, has huge side effects. 40 percent of the people taking them have significant sexual side effects. And that's just one. A single antidepressant medication can be worth a billion dollars to a company.
I don't believe in diet pills. I don't want my heart to race and pop out of my chest.
A man's health can be judged by which he takes two at a time: pills or stairs.
I told my doctor I get very tired when I go on a diet, so he gave me pep pills. Know what happened? I ate faster.
I love my family. I came home the other days. My brother's passed-out on the couch, holding an empty bottle of sleeping pills. So I called the paramedics, and they pumped his stomach, and I think he's learned his lesson: you know, never to take my last two sleeping pills.
Some people, when desperate, retreat to pills or hard liquor. I nap.
I did mostly alcohol. There were drugs, too - pills - and there was a danger that I would go over the edge. I could have. I thank God I didn't.
For 14 years, I'd been on medication for the pinched nerve, the arthritis, the muscle spasms in my neck, and I'd lost my tolerance for pills. If I had a single drink, the alcohol, on top of the pills, would make me groggy.
I was so low that I wanted to exit. And I took a bunch of pills, and they were sleeping pills. And at least they would put me to sleep, and maybe I wouldn't wake up, and that was fine.
Should women be on any pills besides birth control? We should just give them all sugar pills for everything, they're so suggestible.
Tranquilizers to overcome angst, pep pills to wake us up, life pills to ensure blissful sterility. I will lift up my ears unto the pills whence cometh my help.
I don't believe in vitamin pills. I swear by men, darling-and as many as possible.
When birth control pills were available in Europe but not in the United States, American women created an uproar about how the unwillingness to make the pill available showed a contempt for the lives of women. When the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) released birth control pills with high dosages of hormones that were later found to be unnecessarily high, they were attacked for not caring about women enough to do the necessary tests.
In Hamburg the waiters always had Preludin - and various other pills, but I remember Preludin because it was such a big trip - and they were all taking these pills to keep themselves awake, to work these incredible hours in this all-night place. And so the waiters, when they'd see the musicians falling over with tiredness or with drink, they'd give you the pill. You'd take the pill, you'd be talking, you'd sober up, you could work almost endlessly - until the pill wore off, then you'd have to have another.
It is an odd thing, owing life to pills, one's own quirks and tenacities, and this unique, strange, and ultimately profound relationship called psychotherapy.
You know, also I, you know, I was on those birth control pills and my breasts were like, they hurt... and, you know, it was like they blew up like. You know, they wouldn't fit into any of my dresses. I had to quit taking those birth control pills... This was like - I mean they were like, I thought they should be photographed really... So they were, for immortality. (On being photographed nude playing chess with Marcel Duchamp at Duchamp's 1963 retrospective at the Pasadena Museum of Art.)
Don't they give you happy pills in this place?
Ignorance is not so damnable as humbug, but when it prescribes pills it may happen to do more harm.
We're more effective than birth control pills.
I am not accustomed to take my wine in pills.
The young doctor should look about early for an avocation, a pastime, that will take him away from patients, pills, and potions.
The simple man, baby, pays for the thrills, the bills, and the pills that kill.
GOOD MORNING," said the little prince. "Good Morning," said the salesclerk. This was a salesclerk who sold pills invented to quench thirst. Swallow one a week and you no longer feel any need to drink. "Why do you sell these pills?" "They save so much time," the salesclerk said. "Experts have calculated that you can save fifty-three minutes a week." "And what do you do with those fifty-three minutes?" "Whatever you like." "If I had fifty-three minutes to spend as I liked," the little prince said to himself, "I'd walk very slowly toward a water fountain.
When did a doctor prescribe, not sleeping pills, but sleep itself? It needs to be prioritised, even incentivised. — © Matthew Walker
When did a doctor prescribe, not sleeping pills, but sleep itself? It needs to be prioritised, even incentivised.
I hate taking pills. Like, I probably haven't taken a pill in over 10 years.
Advertisers in general bear a large part of the responsibility for the deep feelings of inadequacy that drive women to psychiatrists, pills, or the bottle.
Don't forget to eat a lot of greens and fish oil pills. Those are two of the best things to keep your skin glowing.
The downsides of globalization are indeed painful, ... But taking the bigger pills against its ills is superior to living inside a sterile bubble.
Their ages are 17. They give them pills at night, they put hallucinatory pills in their drinks, their milk, their coffee, their Nescafe.
I have big problems with the left side of my body. I'm taking pills so I can play. I take five pills before every game.
Homeopathy pills are, after all, empty little sugar pills which seem to work, and so they embody [..] how we can be misled into thinking that any intervention is more effective than it really is.
I'm addicted to Altoids. I call them 'acting pills.'
Religions are like pills, which must be swallowed whole without chewing.
Once Fang took pep pills and they worked - the only time he ever ran to bed. — © Phyllis Diller
Once Fang took pep pills and they worked - the only time he ever ran to bed.
What is it with science these days? Everyone is so quick to believe in it, in all these new scientific discoveries, new pills for this, new pills for that. Get thinner, grow hair, yada, yada, yada, but when it requires a little faith in something you all go crazy.' He shook his head, 'If miracles had chemical equations then everyone would believe.
I would like television to produce some itching pills rather than this endless outpouring of tranquilizers.
How bitter were the Prozac pills of the last few hundred mornings
If somebody offers you Hapi pills, just say no!
They can give you all the pills on earth and do whatever - and you're still yourself.
I took pain pills to get to sleep because I didn't want to go to work the next day exhausted.
Sometimes, though, I feel that pushing books is a whole lot like pushing medicine. Think of books as pills. I have pills that cure ignorance and pills that cure boredom. I have pills to elevate moods and pills to open people's eyes to the awful truth: uppers and downers as they were. I sell pills to help people find themselves and pills to help them lose themselves when they require escape from the pressures and anxieties of life in a complex society.
No pill can help me deal with the problem of not wanting to take pills; likewise, no amount of psychotherapy alone can prevent my manias and depressions. I need both. It is an odd thing, owing life to pills, one's own quirks and tenacities, and this unique, strange, and ultimately profound relationship called psychotherapy
I have an irregular heartbeat, so that means a fair amount of medication - and I have blood pressure pills, too, but no vitamins or supplements.
You can't play chess if you're groggy from pills.
Engineers are behind the cars we drive, the pills we pop and the way we power our homes.
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