Top 1200 Places To Go Quotes & Sayings

Explore popular Places To Go quotes.
Last updated on September 19, 2024.
There are all kinds of strange threads in American culture, and places where sympathy is extended and places where it isn't, and places where outrage is extended and places where it's not. It's this constantly shifting barrel of eels.
When I was in the restaurant and bar business, I followed a rule, which was that the places that I opened were places that I wanted to go to.
I walk the streets, take the train, it's real simple. Some actors create their own mythology: 'Oh, I'm so famous I can't go places, because I created this mythology that I'm so famous I can't go places.
As an adult, I have got few chances to visit Delhi's places such as Chandni Chowk or Janakpuri, but my connection to these places is still strong, as I would go there as a child.
In L.A., I called every scrap yard and surplus place that was listed, about 50 or 60 places, and only at one of them did the owner get intrigued and let me go around the yard to find stuff. Because the insurance regulations are such that you can't go into the places anymore.
I can’t let you go now. I want to go places with you; obscure little places, just to be able to say: here I came with her. — © Anais Nin
I can’t let you go now. I want to go places with you; obscure little places, just to be able to say: here I came with her.
Libraries are not just places where people go read a book, but places where an immigrant goes to take English lessons and where folks out of a job search for community.
You go to Pennsylvania, you go to Ohio, you go to Florida, you go to any of them. You go upstate New York. Our jobs have fled to Mexico and other places.
I've seen a total eclipse from every continent - including Antarctica. And it's been a wonderful way to see the world. The eclipses take you to really unusual, off-beat places that you might not normally plan a vacation to, but they're wonderful places to go.
There will always be places in the world where good schools don't exist and good teachers don't want to go, not just in the developing world but in places of socioeconomic hardship.
Some travelers think they want to go to foreign places but are dismayed when the places turn out actually to be foreign.
Exploration, of course, is going to new places, but I don't think we go to new places just solely to say: "Well, we've been there," and come back, interesting though it may be. To me, each time we go farther into space we should use that to do basic research - basic research that can't be done before you go there.
You get a very different type of education if you go out to the desert, to the places of power, places where it is easy to cross over from one dimensional plane to another, where power hovers, so to speak.
But the Courts aren't places humans are supposed to be, especially the Unseelie Court. Most faeries won't even go there." We have to go - we have to get Ravus's heart. He's going to die if we don't." what are we going to do? Go down there and ask for it?" Pretty much.
I think that pretty much every form of fiction (I’d include fantasy, obviously) can actually be a real escape from places where you feel bad, and from bad places. It can be a safe place you go, like going on holiday, and it can be somewhere that, while you’ve escaped, actually teaches you things you need to know when you go back, that gives you knowledge and armour and tools to change the bad place you were in. So no, they’re not escapist. They’re escape.
If you are seeking power and knowledge, you need to go to places that are healthy and happy and radiant. Avoid places that aren't.
Lonely Places, then are the places that are not on international wavelengths, do not know how to carry themselves, are lost when it comes to visitors. They are shy, defensive, curious places; places that do not know how they are supposed to behave.
L.A. is only where you live, because otherwise it's just a sprawling mass of everything, and I think if you live in L.A., you get a little network of places you go, and people you see, and when you leave town, you do miss those places and your friends.
I have plenty of invitations to go places, lots to do. If I'm not working, I go to have my hair taken care of and work at needlepoint. — © Ethel Merman
I have plenty of invitations to go places, lots to do. If I'm not working, I go to have my hair taken care of and work at needlepoint.
I've been married for 10 years and, you know, it's hard, you spruce it up and you go places. How do you spruce up anything? Artificially. You go places and do things.
I'm able to actually choose places to go which have intrigued me for the last god knows how many years, and Tasmania's always been one of those places.
We got a chance to go and play in some places that the usual European tour by an American band didn't go to.
And to think, there are still places in the world where man has not been, where he has left no footprints, where the mysteries stand secure, untouched by human eyes. I want to go to these places, the quiet, timeless, ageless places, and sit, letting silence and solitude be my teachers.
Florida has places to go with your family; places to go downtown; it's got something for everyone.
I read books when I was a kid, lots of books. Books always seemed like magic to me. They took you to the most amazing places. When I got older, I realized that I couldn't find books that took me to all of the places I wanted to go. To go to those places, I had to write some books myself.
I find there are a few places where I like to meditate more than in other places. There's a little Catholic church that I go to, and there's another temple I go to - there are certain places where I just feel more comfortable.
When I am gone, my love, do not look for me in the places we used to go to together. Look for me in the places we always planned to go to together.
I am drawn to cold, desolate places rather than Hawaii. I actually love Hawaii too, but I tend to go to Iceland or Norway or Northern Japan - northern places for whatever reason. Which aren't necessarily the best places to tour.
I enjoy traveling and seeing new places - especially places where I can go hiking.
Spirit can go anywhere. In fact, it has to go places so it can change and emerge like in the migrations. That's the whole idea.
The most interesting thing about acting is when you go to the dark places, that's a lot of energy. When you go to the happiest places, it's also a lot of energy.
There are a lot of places in the world I'd like to visit, like Laos, but I don't know whether I'll ever make it there. I'd love to go to Laos and Kazakhstan and some other places I wouldn't feel comfortable traveling to alone. But I haven't found anyone to go with me yet.
Edinburgh is good craic. A romantic and beautiful city, it's one those places that makes me smile when I think about it - there are other places I would never dare go back to, but Edinburgh is very special.
I love the pressure of knowing the latest trends, the newest places to go, and hot cities - places like Monaco and Ibiza.
If you want to catch beasts you don't see every day, You have to go places quite out of the way, You have to go places no others can get to. You have to get cold and you have too get wet, too.
The places where I have the nameless character in 'My Name Is Legion' meet his boss are real places I've been to. That works well for tax purposes, writing into my stories the places I've actually visited.
There's going to be some places where you're treated with respect and dignity and some places where you'd have to be a fool to live, .. So, there will be places where people can get their hair done well and places where they can't.
Comedy is an indoors thing, so I take every opportunity to go outside. A lot of that involves finding places that are remote, or places where you can look at birds, or do mountain biking or paddle boarding or walking.
We go up to the high places not to see what is up there but to see how the lower places look from the top!
I like things that go into hidden, mysterious places, places I want to explore that are very disturbing. In that disturbing thing, there is sometimes tremendous poetry and truth.
By being an elite athlete a lot of people think that you can go away or go places and get away with things. I'm more of the laid-back person. I don't have to go and skip the line. I don't have a problem waiting.
I have plenty of invitations to go places, lots to do. If I'm not working, I go to have my hair taken care of and work at needlepoint — © Ethel Merman
I have plenty of invitations to go places, lots to do. If I'm not working, I go to have my hair taken care of and work at needlepoint
I get so tickled when that pilot happens to be an African American because I rarely see that. The same is true when I go to find restaurants. I mean, most places I go, I kind of have some idea who the chef is, which is why I want to go.
As you go along, you literally collect places. I'm fed up with going to places; I shan't go to anymore.
I balance things better and don't kill myself so much, but conflict makes me a more interesting actress to watch. The places I go to pull emotions from, I think if you have a perfect, happy life, you just don't have those places. And I want those places. I'm proud of those places.
Our party has failed in going in to those places because we`ve said, well, we don`t get instant gratification back. So therefore, why go there. And we need to go there, show up and campaign in places where we`re uncomfortable.
Circumstances in life often take us places that we never intended to go. We visit some places of beauty, others of pain and desolation.
It's just this: that there are places we all come from-deep-rooty-common places- that makes us who we are. And we disdain them or treat them lightly at our peril. We turn our backs on them at the risk of self-contempt. There is a sense in which we need to go home again-and can go home again. Not to recover home, no. But to sanctify memory.
Good actors go to emotional places where nobody else wants to go.
People who have gone, are still here, in us. Places we came from, are carried to the places we go.
I won't go to places where you're going to find more attention. I go to the opposite.
Some days you wake up and don't realize where you're at and you go, 'What the hell am I doing here?' That happened in a couple of cities, places. Reno, some places overseas.
I found it difficult when I first started to travel around the world as a footballer. Hotels go from places you are excited to stay in to places you get tired of pretty quickly.
There are places that I've always wanted to go. First I went to Africa, and when I was there I realized there were places in Africa I really to wanted to visit: The Congo, West Africa, Mombassa. I wanted to see the deep, dark, outlandish places.
I choose the places I go to carefully and wisely. I'll rarely go to a shopping mall anymore. — © Fran Drescher
I choose the places I go to carefully and wisely. I'll rarely go to a shopping mall anymore.
Turks and Caicos is one of my favorite places to go. I've been to some really cool places and it started out when I was young by wanting to go to different places.
I walk the streets, take the train, it's real simple. Some actors create their own mythology: 'Oh, I'm so famous I can't go places, because I created this mythology that I'm so famous I can't go places.'
The job of the artist is to go to the places where most other people are embarrassed to go to. And show it.
I try and go to as many places as possible. It's really cool that I even get to see different places.
People have to look to the right places for guidance. Looking at a certain type of entertainment shouldn't be where you go for guidance. To zone out, have a laugh, sure - but it's not a great example on how to navigate on a journey. There are other places to look.
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