Top 1200 Police Power Quotes & Sayings - Page 2

Explore popular Police Power quotes.
Last updated on October 5, 2024.
The nice thing about your police procedural as opposed to your classic murder mystery is that in a murder mystery you don't know who did it. Whereas in a police procedural you know, you know everything often and you're watching the police home in.
Are they really gods?" "I never worry about theological questions," said Nightingale. "They exist, they have power and they can breach the Queen's peace - that makes them a police matter.
We think one of the priorities in Mississippi is not to do what some would suggest, which is to defund the police. Rather, we want to have an initiative to actually fund the police.
The police who did our training said 'Happy Valley' is one of the only police programmes they can watch and not burst out laughing, saying, 'As if you'd do that.' They think it's really authentic.
Serial killers kill for the power and control they experience during the murders and for the added ego boost they get in the aftermath from community fears, media coverage, and the police investigations.
We just were saying no more police brutality. And we had enough of police harassment in the Village and other places. — © Marsha P. Johnson
We just were saying no more police brutality. And we had enough of police harassment in the Village and other places.
The most credible police shows I've ever seen were 'Barney Miller' on TV and 'The French Connection' movie. They showed the tedious side of police work.
In 1953, the idea of a single female police recruit to the New York City Police Department, let alone a handful, was big news.
During the Umbrella Movement, the police force wasn't in control, and the police ignored the law and tried to use extreme force to hurt people.
If they tell the police, the police will find out she was driving, and her career will be put into hell.
Police do not work at the immediate direction of the communities they serve, but through their institutional connections. Police departments may develop structures, modi operandi, and cultures that are ethically problematic.
I know what it's like to be afraid of the police. When you see a police officer, you don't immediately feel safe. You wonder what you've done wrong and what could happen to you.
Love is power, the purest power and the greatest power: Love is God. Nothing can be higher than that. But this power is not a desire to enslave others, this power is not a destructive force. This power is the very source of creation. This power is creativity. And this power will transform you totally into a new being. It has no concern with anybody. Its whole concern is to bring your seeds to their ultimate flowering.
I don't want to play police games. When you start playing police games, I take myself out of the equation.
Why is it that the same people who have the least confidence in the police and the military are the most willing to allow only the police and the military to have guns?
He possessed the power. He held it in his hand. A power stronger than the power of money or the power of terror or the power of death: the invincible power to command the love of mankind. There was only one thing that power could not do: it could not make him able to smell himself.
No matter what the situation, I try to have fun. I get pulled over by the police, I'm like, 'Oh, this going to be the best arrest ever.' And I end up making friends with these police officers.
Remember, government is not an enlightened organization designed to promote public welfare. It is barbaric, uncivilized force…military and police power put to the service of the insiders who control it. Yes, there are constraints on the way the insiders use their power. There are ‘checks and balances,’ built into the constitution, for example. And there are cultural norms and traditional prohibitions. But eventually, the norms and traditions wear off, like painkillers. And then, the pain of raw government begins again.
I went back to the States and started at a small newspaper in Riverside County, California, covering the police; I was making $280 a week covering the police. — © John Pomfret
I went back to the States and started at a small newspaper in Riverside County, California, covering the police; I was making $280 a week covering the police.
I was 11 years old when I was initially brutalized by the police, just for horse-playing with my friends and not responding to the police in the way they wanted me to.
Effective policing relies on the police having the confidence of the communities they serve, and this consultation gives the public an opportunity to contribute to the values and standards they expect of police officers.
I don't see white police officers slamming the heads of little white boys into police cars.
As for civil liberties, any one who is not vigilant may one day find himself living, if not in a police state, at least in a police city.
If legislators come to believe that police power is an ever-present constitutional trump card they can play whenever it suits them, overreaching is inexorable.
There are 40,000 Iraqi police on duty around the country. If they detect an attack about to happen, the police are the ones who are supposed to stop it.
If you ask a young man from my team, 'Would you rather deal with police or with White?' they'll tell you 'police' every time.
Asking questions is an essential part of police investigation. In the ordinary sense a police officer is free to ask a person for identification without implicating the Fourth Amendment.
A functioning police state needs no police.
Instead of speaking about defunding the police, we should be advocating ways to create partnerships and promoting connectivity between communities and police officers.
I have a former Baltimore City police officer's uniform and his robe and hood. He was the grand dragon, which means state leader. His day job, what paid his bills, he was a Baltimore City police officer, not an undercover officer in the Klan gathering intelligence, but a bona fide Klansmen on the Baltimore City police force.
Crime in the city streets is more than a political issue. It's a too rampant fact.... In Indianapolis they have come up with a most sensible, affordable approach to the problem. Policemen are assigned their police patrol cars for personal use after hours. They are encouraged to use the police car while taking the family shopping, to the movies, and everywhere one takes one's family. As a result, says the Police Chief's assistant, we may have as many as 400 cars on the street instead of 100 or so per shift. [And] the presence of the police car obviously indicates the proximity of policemen.
So, he reasoned, if you can identify the sources of a government's power - people working in civil service, police and judges, even the army - then you know what a dictatorship depends on for its existence.
If you ever watch police chases on, like, helicopter cams, they very quickly become nightmarish when you start to see the police coming in from the edge of the frame. I always find that terrifying.
I no longer believe that we can 'fix' the police, as though the police are anything other than a mirror reflecting back to us the true nature of our democracy.
What we have to ask is this: what can we morally expect of and allow to people whom we deploy to fulfill this or that social role :police officer, school teacher, physician? This may sometimes lead to difficult social decisions - e.g. should police be permitted to illegally import drugs as part of a sting operation? In the end, I think "common - that is, critical - morality" should determine the limits of the police role.
When you have police officers who abuse citizens, you erode public confidence in law enforcement. That makes the job of good police officers unsafe.
I have a letter from a police inspector, retired after some 30 years in rural Derbyshire, alerting me to the potential impact of a total ban on hunting on relationships between the police and the community in rural areas - a particularly significant consideration in current circumstances. Is it, I ask myself, sensible to divert valuable police time to enforce a ban on hunting when they are under so much pressure from violent crime?
I want our police officers to have the resources and training they need to investigate hate crime fully, and to ensure we have neighborhood police teams that understand and reflect the communities they serve.
You see there are people who believe the function of the police is to fight crime, and that's not true, the function of the police is social control and protection of property.
I just got the endorsement of the Fraternal Order of Police.We have endorsements from, I think, almost every police group, very - I mean, a large percentage of them in the United States.
Just because I was at an anti-police brutality protest, doesn't mean I'm anti-police. We want justice, but stop shooting unarmed people. — © Quentin Tarantino
Just because I was at an anti-police brutality protest, doesn't mean I'm anti-police. We want justice, but stop shooting unarmed people.
One of the interesting things about being a female police officer in the '60s is they really didn't have opportunities to do any serious police work - they filed, and they made coffee, and they were treated like secretaries.
I think you have to be extremely strong to be in the police and I couldn't do that at all. I get nervous when a police car is driving past me when I'm in the car, pondering what they're doing or going to.
This is not just an agreement for the police department, this is an agreement that gets the police department working with the community and the community understanding its role as it continues to work with the police department.
I know there are those in the community who, rather than have us invest more in policing, even for community policing, instead want us to disinvest in the police department. We need a police department. We are going to have a police department.
I think a lot of police procedurals are very conventional. With the stuff I'm doing, I'm trying to approach the institution of the police in a different way.
There has to be a readjustment of resources that is being diverted to police and policing as opposed to community health services, and there certainly has to be control over the police by the communities that they are supposed to protect and serve.
The whole drug war is nothing but a pretext to increase police power and personnel, and that, of course, is dead wrong. So many created imagined drug offenses.
Just as the police review their operational tactics, so we in the Home Office will review the powers available to the police.
What the media does to Trump is what they did the cops - say the police are really harmful, then later ask why people are so scared of the police.
If the saying "the Temple Mount in our hands," is portrayed as incitement to the police, there's no need to change the saying, but the police.
The four BIAs in the area support it. Operational benefits include accessibility and a place for police officers to come and go when they're working. Everyone's clamoring for more police presence.
We're now going to develop the standards on transparency, data collection for police, but the whole goal is to fully integrate the police into the community because everybody has the same goals.
In Baltimore they can't do police work to save their lives. Now because of Freddie Gray they're not even getting out of the car and policing corners - they're on a job slowdown, basically. Right now if the police stopped being brutal, if we got police shooting under control, and the use of excessive force, if we have a meaningful societal response to all that stuff, and the racism that underlies it, the question still remains: what are they policing, and why?
I am for police function that protects citizens of this great Nation, not a police function that is used to terrorize them. — © Dennis Kucinich
I am for police function that protects citizens of this great Nation, not a police function that is used to terrorize them.
The murder clearance rate now in my city Baltimore is almost non-existent. Nobody can solve a murder, nobody can do any actual police work, because they've learned how to do bad police work, chase drugs. Fighting vice, while being unable to respond to sin. Generations of cops have learned how not to police work by policing the drug war. Not only are they police brutal, they're ineffective. Baltimore is more violent than it has ever been in modern history.
My accident happened in what should have been one of the safest places to be: in a police station, at the hands of trained police officers. So more guns are not the answer.
There is a legitimate role for the police to keep the peace, but there should be a difference between a police response and a military response.
In some townships, political parties are run by thugs financed from Cape Town. If we don't have support of the police, we can not have the ability to organize and to gain even a slight semblance of power.
I was still a recruit in the Boston Police Academy when I attended my first police funeral. It was September 28, 1970. I remember it still.
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