It was fine for my Polish Ashkenazi forebears to live on dumplings and potatoes, because they laboured in the fields. But that diet is unsuitable for an urban lifestyle.
Anyone who expresses anti-Semitic ideas in Poland is like a person who steps on a grave - a despicable act in Polish culture.
You have to have short fingernails or they'd just break off, and you can't wear red polish - it looks like your fingers are bleeding.
Polish your wisdom: learn public justice, distinguish between good and evil, study the ways of different arts one by one.
Do not place hope in finding a secret technique. Polish the mind through ceaseless training; that is the key to effective techniques.
The uniform of Polish Uhlan makes even the youngest, inexperienced boy looks like he's made from steel.
The Taj, the Blue Mosque in Istanbul, Cracao Basilica and Polish church are some monuments that hold a special place in my memory.
Most of my friends wonder why I get these roles that are so masculine and tough. I think it's my Polish temperament that comes up.
Levo is Latin for 'to polish' and 'elevate,' and the name is essentially connoting the fact that we are coming together as a community to mutually enhance each other's lives.
When I use a polish, I end up changing my nail color 2.5 times a week. The '.5' is when I get them done and notice it's not perfect - I'll fix it myself.
My mum is my biggest critic. She said I was good for the first film, but I can still be better, and I need to polish my acting skills.
I cant live without Eucerin cream, lip gloss, gum, nail polish, and sparkly things.
Toward the later days of Sabbath, instead of going in and knocking out what songs we did in rehearsal, we would polish them to death.
When you're given a brilliant child you polish her and let her shine. Pigs in Heaven
My all-time favorite skin cream is from Poland. Its called Eva Natura with Polish herbs, including rosemary. It smells wonderful and is soothing and comforting.
I played a bee! It was a Polish fairy tale we performed at school when I was seven or eight. I had wings fixed to me.
I believed it would succeed. It was Polish Solidarity and its victory that put an end to the old era when what mattered were borders and rival blocs.
I am standing like shoe polish on an overstocked shelf hoping that one day someone will pick me to make things better.
I don't think God cares if I wear nail polish or not. I don't think that's a deal breaker for him.
My family history, like that of many Polish, German and Jewish families from Central Europe in the 20th century, is complex.
I'm a mom - I'm lucky if I get to shower in the morning. Luckily, nail polish stays on my toes. I've been so bad on the upkeep, though.
One has to work on the Polish economy, so that we start getting closer to real prosperity and not prosperity on paper.
I do not have the right to vote in Germany. From a Polish perspective, I say: it would be good if Ms. Merkel were reelected.
Just send the emails and talk to people. Spend all your money on nail polish and opera tickets.
I have been placed under surveillance, and I can't take a step without it being known to the Polish minister of internal affairs.
Hoping to fashion a mirror, the lover doth polish the face of his beloved until he produces a skull.
I have dermatologists, Atlas bone adjusters, a doctor that does a Polish technique to make your blood circulate. It heals everything.
Your children....are like diamonds...they may need polish.. and education of the right kind will impart this lustre.
Foster and polish the warrior spirit while serving in the world; illuminate the path according to your inner light.
Yeah, I think that's sort of the American way. And it's also the Polish way, it turns out.
Apostolic preaching is not marked by its beautiful diction, or literary polish, or Cleverness of expression, but Operates “in demonstration of the Spirit and of power.
The American is said to become full-flavored, and in time a most all-round man, through the polish which Europe can impart.
Even if you throw your hair up in a quick topknot or ponytail, you can add instant polish by wearing a headband or bejeweled barrette.
A Polish man had his vasectomy done at Sears. Now when he makes love, the garage door goes up.
An acquaintance with the muses, in the education of youth, contributes not a little to soften manners. It gives a delicate turn to the imagination and a polish to the mind.
If you cannot see the bright side of life, polish the dull side.
Stan Musial, who said, Why didn't they make me the first Polish pope? I was such a good Cardinal. Never got a dinner!
I hate to debunk the myth - kids don't wanna hear it - but as songwriters, you have to polish your craft a little bit and hone it as much as possible.
Once I knock Szpilka out, I want all the Polish fans to come on the 'Bronze Bomber' train as I bring the heavyweight division back to the top.
Voters are looking for credibility and are wary of polish. At the end of the day, it doesn't really matter which candidate can more deftly read a teleprompter.
A Polish man bought a zebra for a pet. What does he call the zebra? Spot!
I like the thought of playing for money instead of silverware. I never did like to polish.
On my mother's side I'm Polish-Jewish, and on my father's side I'm Scottish puffin.
My films are doing well in Polish cinemas, so I don't really have problems financing them, and my international accolades are helpful.
I had to fight like hell to convince people I was beautiful in my own Polish half-breed way.
I'm capable of doing what no one else has done before because I am Jan Blachowicz and have the legendary Polish power.
Taking the time to polish a pun or fine-tune a practical joke is a way of saying, 'I'm thinking about you and I want to please you.'
As my name might suggest, I'm Jewish. My grandparents were Polish and Russian Jews who came to Australia in the late 1920s, and had they not, we wouldn't be talking now.
I'm against solutions that are worse than the problem. Like old women who want their hair dyed the color of shoe polish to hide the gray.
I'd describe my look as girly-edgy. I like black nail polish and eyeliner, but I'll wear them with pink shoes.
Courage is like the diamond,--very brilliant; not changed by fire, capable of high polish, but except for the purpose of cutting hard bodies useless.
I'm appalled by the tendency of some rock records to perfect everything to the point where it sounds like Botox and polish it so heavily that there's no humanity left in it.
Christmases with Polish and Romanian troops, including religious ceremonies in crude bunkers and huts, were deeply spiritual experiences.
Polish the heart, free the six senses and let them function without obstruction, and your entire body will glow.
Dreck is dreck and no amount of fancy polish is going to make it anything else.
You'd need to polish your skills as you only get one chance. In cinema, retakes are possible but in theatre, there are none.
My mom is Jamaican and Chinese, and my dad is Polish and African-American, so I had a pretty diverse culinary background to work with.
I'm half-Italian and half-Polish. So I'm always putting a hit out on myself.
What's so exciting is to be able to just take something and polish it so much that hopefully in the future people will start borrowing things from it.
In a blackout, a Polish man was stuck on an escalator for two hours. I asked him, "Why didn't you walk down?" He said, "because I was going up!"
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