Top 1200 Political History Quotes & Sayings - Page 16

Explore popular Political History quotes.
Last updated on December 19, 2024.
Drag racing has played a big role in In-N-Out's history, and it is also an important part of my family history.
History is made and preserved by and for particular classes of people. A camera in some hands can preserve an alternate history.
There are two histories : official history, lying, and then secret history, where you find the real causes of events. — © Honore de Balzac
There are two histories : official history, lying, and then secret history, where you find the real causes of events.
The history of our era is the nauseating and repulsive history of the crucifixion of the procreative body for the glorification ofthe spirit.
Religion has for too long been placed on the back burner of history, when it may be one of the driving forces in history.
I think up until the point when we started in the business, which was in the early '70s, most of the humor was political. The smart humor was political satire.
I think history has less of an impact on current times than the stories that we tell ourselves about that history [do].
History isn't like that. History unravels gently, like an old sweater. It has been patched and darned many times, reknitted to suit different people, shoved in a box under the sink of censorship to be cut up for the dusters of propaganda, yet it always - eventually - manages to spring back into its old familar shape. History has a habit of changing the people who think they are changing it. History always has a few tricks up its frayed sleeve. It's been around a long time.
I rely on Taegan Goddard's Political Wire for straight, fair political news, he gets right to the point. It's an eagerly anticipated part of my news reading.
It is illegal for foreign entities to buy political ads in the United States. But that didn't stop the purchase of thousands of political ads on Facebook, paid for - in rubles - by foreigners.
History can't be left to fend for itself. For when it comes to history and beliefs and values, we turn our future on the lathe of the past.
Europe was initially supposed to be primarily a political project! The EU never would have come about had it been up to experts or diplomats. It was created by people who had learned from the drama of our collective history. I am proposing a new beginning, not one in which it is first deliberated ad infinitum what instruments one needs, but one that follows from the goals we want to achieve.
We all observe political leaders and scams. People are affected because of political apathy. We all get frustrated because of what we witness. 'NOTA' was a platform to vent my frustration.
The autobiographer looks at life through the lens of his or her own life and really uses herself or himself as the jumping-off place to examine the social mores and the economic and political climates. In a way, the autobiography becomes history as well as the story of one person, for it becomes the story of a family or the story of the state or nation.
I don't like the whole 'slander, slander' conversation that most political debates are these days. So I tend to keep my political standpoint not to myself, but just relatively private.
Black history is a series of missing chapters from British history. I'm trying to put those bits back in. — © David Olusoga
Black history is a series of missing chapters from British history. I'm trying to put those bits back in.
I'm very much a believer that it's action that matters much more so than, you know, the flurry of political promises and statements and slogans that are used during political campaigns.
Political correctness gets in the way of all too many things in this country of ours, I am not a subscriber of political correctness by any means, shape or form.
Our political system seems to be proving itself almost incapable of dealing with what's been put before it. The decisions it is making, or fluffing, are so vital and yet are inevitably so compromised by the endless political calculations of all involved.
Art history is less explosive than the rest of history, so it sinks faster into the pulverized regions of time.
I think any period in history can be adapted into interesting fiction, as long as you approach the actual history with respect.
Whether a woman's running for office or she's supporting her husband who's running for office and she gets criticised for wearing open-toed shoes or for the colour of her coat, there's just a lot of history that you bear if you are a woman who puts herself out in the political arena.
He [Hugo Chavez] put poverty at the heart of political debate. Rightly so, given the country's immense inequality and poverty. He invested heavily in social programs such as literacy, health clinics, and education. He promoted Venezuela's indigenous culture and urged compatriots to take pride in its pre-Columbian history. He called time on the US treating Latin America as its backyard.
Everything is political. I will never be a politician or even think political. Me just deal with life and nature. That is the greatest thing to me.
Human history has become too much a matter of dogma taught by 'professionals' in ivory towers as though it's all fact. Actually, much of human history is up for grabs. The further back you go, the more that the history that's taught in the schools and universities begins to look like some kind of faerie story.
I think tolerance is something everybody needs to be reminded of, especially in a reactionary political world. Well, actually, I should say, a reactionary political climate.
All history has been a history of class struggles between dominated classes at various stages of social development.
I can remember picking up weighty tomes on the history of science and the history of philosophy and reading those when I was small.
American history and the history of baseball are bound up together: our racial politics can be described and traced through it.
Yet, Puerto Ricos economic convergence and political integration with the rest of the nation is in a state of arrest - even though the island has been within the national borders, political system and customs territory of the U.S. for a century.
So many people of color who made major contributions to American history have been trapped in the purgatory of history.
The history of missions is the history of answered prayer. It is the key to the whole mission problem. All human means are secondary.
I have a political philosophy by which I judge political events. It's called socialism, which at its core is about achieving equality, justice and peace through democracy.
A good history covers not only what was done, but the thought that went into the action. You can read the history of a country through its actions.
History happens as soon as I pick up my coffee cup - it happened 30 seconds ago. It's history.
For decades, the Left has occupied a special place in the minds of educated Indians - outside of the two states (Bengal and Kerala) where it has a political presence and is therefore treated like any other political party.
She had always been fond of history, and here [in Rome] was history in the stones of the street and the atoms of the sunshine.
American time has stretched around the world. It has become the dominant tempo of modern history, especially of the history of Europe. — © Harold Rosenberg
American time has stretched around the world. It has become the dominant tempo of modern history, especially of the history of Europe.
I've always been a fan of the Overton Window. It's not a piece of glass but a political theory named after the conservative American political analyst, Joseph P Overton.
Love frees us to embrace all of our history, the history in which all things are being made new.
It's a shameful piece of history and I think - I don't mean to be political or sobering or anything - but I think America, the United States, we still have to deal with the issue of our original sin, which was slavery. And I think we're seeing the ramifications, the consequences, of not really facing the truth as to what we as a nation struggled towards. You know, struggled with and are still struggling and rectifying.
Yet, Puerto Rico's economic convergence and political integration with the rest of the nation is in a state of arrest - even though the island has been within the national borders, political system and customs territory of the U.S. for a century.
I kept thinking, I'm not going to do political journalism, because there's no way to keep my principles and be a political journalist, so I'll edit a popular science magazine. This will be my salvation, and I'll emerge with my integrity intact. That didn't even happen.
We must challenge to fight at every level, including Congress and to make that challenge political and to organize as a political party is how we get traction.
You can't trust politicians. It doesn't matter who makes a political speech. It's all lies - and it applies to any rock star who wants to make a political speech as well.
Throughout American history, the political leaders have always exhorted the American people to be nice and quiet and leave things to them. But when very serious evils confronted the American people, they had to go beyond the Congressmen and Senators, and they had to commit civil disobedience and they had even to break the law.
If the only significant history of human thought were to be written, it would have to be the history of its successive regrets and its impotences.
Now the sole remedy for the abuse of political power is to limit it; but when politics corrupt business, modern reformers invariably demand the enlargement of the political power.
I don't think I'm a political songwriter as much as I am just a political person. I think it's in my fabric.
Every civilization sees itself as the center of the world and writes its history as the central drama of human history.
Tyranny is the political corollary of socialism, as representative government is the political corollary of the market economy. — © Ludwig von Mises
Tyranny is the political corollary of socialism, as representative government is the political corollary of the market economy.
Well, I'm a history buff, anyway. I love learning about different periods, especially in American history. I'm a fan.
I was very interested in history, but I also thought, you know, history is not that interesting sometimes, and it can feel a bit medicinal.
I really feel sorry for kids who aren't interested in history - recent history, either, because it is this that made us what we are.
I don't think that what's going on in Bosnia is political activity. It's partly political, but it's partly atavistic as well.
By the very nature of government schooling, the matter of what goes into school textbooks must necessarily be a political matter, to be decided by those I political power.
Poets often are dealing with history and are thinking about the way history moves across us, and we move in it.
Before any final solution to American history can occur, a reconciliation must be effected between the spiritual owner of the land - American Indians - and the political owner of the land - American Whites. Guilt and accusations cannot continue to revolve in a vacuum without some effort at reaching a solution.
We can't let extremists on any side hijack or rewrite history because those who don't study history are doomed to repeat it.
I've always been very interested in political violence. When I finished high school, I did a small dissertation about political violence and fascism in Italy.
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