Top 1200 Popular Quotes & Sayings

Explore popular Popular quotes.
Last updated on September 17, 2024.
I was made fun of a lot in middle school. When I was in seventh grade, the popular kids paid the most popular guy to ask me out.
A popular government without popular information or the means of acquiring it, is but a prologue to a farce, or a tragedy, or perhaps both.
Tough decisions are never popular to make and even less popular to force upon the U.N. — © Richard Grenell
Tough decisions are never popular to make and even less popular to force upon the U.N.
The success of our popular government rests wholly upon the correct interpretation of the deliberate, intelligent, dependable popular will of America.
It's true that John Bolton would not win the most popular ambassador award at the U.N., but being popular shouldn't be the priority.
Popular, You're gonna be Popular! I'll teach you the proper ploys when you talk to boys! Little ways to flirt and flounce! I'll show you what shoes to wear, how to fix your hair, everything that really counts, to be POPULAR!!
In sum, the purpose is to contest the popular view, because popular opinions are so frequently found to be untimely, misled (by propaganda), or plainly wrong.
I really look up to Louis C.K. I think he's great. And obviously he's very popular, more popular than me. Years ago, I was thinking, naively, it would be great to be that popular. And then I thought about it and then I realized that, with his money and his level of notoriety, he has all of the same emotions that I do.
One of the objects of a newspaper is to understand popular feeling and to give expression to it; another is to arouse among the people certain desirable sentiments; and the third is fearlessly to expose popular defects.
I would rather be a person who struggled there than someone who had a great, easy time and then got out in the world and was like, "Wait a minute, I didn't get voted class president? What's going on?" You know, "popular" doesn't necessarily correlate to anything. "Popular" still has to get up at 7:00 in the morning and go to work and do something worthy too. There's no edge, really, that you get from being whatever was popular in school.
Soccer is popular because stupidity is popular.
Whether or not punk is the flavor of the month is not important for us. Bad Religion has been popular through many different climates. When heavy metal was popular, when new wave was popular, Bad Religion was still there underneath the mainstream selling more and more records.
I'm a great believer in compromise. I know it's not popular among young idealists. Compromise is not popular. It's not at all popular among young people who these days call themselves "activists." They think compromises are dishonest, opportunistic, humiliating. Not in my vocabulary. In my vocabulary, the word "compromise" is synonymous to the word "life".
I think, what I want to say is that yes, my ideas have travelled into popular culture they also emerged from popular culture in a way, or from the general public as you put it. But not as a program.
I think country music is popular - has been popular and will always be popular because I think a lot of real people singing about a lot of real stuff about real people. And it's simple enough for people to understand it. And we kind of roll with the punches.
I know the WWE is popular, but it is extremely popular here in the Middle East and the U.A.E. — © Cesaro
I know the WWE is popular, but it is extremely popular here in the Middle East and the U.A.E.
One of the many things I hate about Donald Trump is that he embodies a kind of very popular popular culture that, as near as I'm able to perceive and stomach, is of no quality whatsoever.
Obama's ability to use his personality to push folks, whether on Capitol Hill or in Europe, means that he has to stay popular. What happens if he loses that popular mandate?
The thing I most love and hate about fashion is that it changes all the time. But I don't think I or anyone else can singlehandedly get rid of hooker style. Popular taste isn't great by definition. It's just popular.
The phrase ‘popular science’ has in itself a touch of absurdity. That knowledge which is popular is not scientific.
You can tell how popular a church is by who comes on Sunday morning. You can tell how popular the pastor or evangelist is by who comes on Sunday night. But you can tell how popular Jesus is by who comes to the prayer meeting.
Myspace alone has just over 80 million users and ranks as the sixth most popular English language website and the eighth most popular site in the world.
Public opinion should not be confused with popular sentiment. Popular sentiment is what people say to one another around their dinner tables. Popular opinion is what they say to callers from polling organizations.
I'm popular in the United States and I'm popular in England. England is just more concentrated. The people are closer together. Venues are closer together. Many albums of mine have been popular in England, but, no hit singles. All the hit singles I had were before I went to England. So, I'm not necessarily more popular in England, I'm just popular in England, and more so for my performances than hit records. But, I enjoy doing concert halls all over America, England, Scotland and Australia.
Richard Donner made great movies. Seminal movies. The Academy, though, and we have to be careful here, should recognize popular films. Popular films are what make it all work. There was a time when popular movies were commercial movies, and they were good movies, and they had to be good movies. There was no segregation between good independent films and popular movies.
My background is that I've spent a lot of time marketing entertainment. One of the old saws in package goods is you can take something that is popular and you can make it more popular. But if you take something less popular, you can't automatically market it into the same success as something that's already popular.
The left sees nothing but bigotry and superstition in the popular defense of the family or in popular attitudes regarding abortion, crime, busing, and the school curriculum.
Popular music is popular because a lot of people like it.
I don't hear any of the popular stuff unless it's good 'cause I pay no attention to popular culture, at all.
I'll be, like, grocery shopping or doing something totally mundane, and once a day, you'll hear a Cyndi Lauper song on the radio. It is astounding what an icon she is, not just in popular music but in popular culture.
The Sunday morning service shows how popular your church is. The evening services show how popular your pastor is. Your private prayer time shows you how popular God is!
Why are fish unsustainable? Because they're popular. What makes restaurants work? Popular dishes that people come back for.
Why is the N.F.L. so popular? The N.F.L. grew in the comfort zone after World War II. People had money and time. A popular American sport got bigger.
I feel like battle rap is as popular as it's ever been, today. With Total Slaughter it's getting real popular.
In rap, as in most popular lyrics, a very low standard is set for rhyme; but this was not always the case with popular music.
Basketball isn't as popular in Canada as it is in the US. Hockey is by far the most popular sport in Canada.
Compromise is not popular. It's not at all popular among young people who these days call themselves "activists." They think compromises are dishonest, opportunistic, humiliating. Not in my vocabulary.
There was a time when being loaded and loved and popular really mattered a lot to me. I'd say that when I was less popular, I learned to be happy without those things. — © Mike Posner
There was a time when being loaded and loved and popular really mattered a lot to me. I'd say that when I was less popular, I learned to be happy without those things.
Men may be popular without being ambitious, but there is hardly an ambitious man who does not try to be popular.
I was a minister in the Frente Popular (Popular Front) government, one of the three in Chile during the Pedro Aguirre Cerda years, and I was as much a Socialist then as I am today.
Reason can never be popular. Passions and feelings may become popular, but reason will always remain the sole property of a few eminent individuals.
Barack Obama, you know has a lot of supporters here in America, but he's very popular internationally. It's quite interesting. This is a true story. It was in the paper. Barack Obama is so popular in the African town where his father was born, they've named a beer after him. That's true. Yeah. So next time you're in Africa, sit back, relax, and enjoy a tall, cold Barackelob Light. Good enough. Clearly not as popular a beer as it used to be.
I am already so popular that anyone who vilifies me becomes more popular than I am.
Popular congresses are the only means to achieve popular democracy. Any system of government other than popular congresses is undemocratic.
Popular culture as a whole is popular, but in today's fragmented market it's a jostle of competing unpopular popular cultures. As the critic Stanley Crouch likes to say, if you make a movie and 10 million people go see it, you'll gross $100 million - and 96 per cent of the population won't have to be involved. That alone should caution anyone about reading too much into individual examples of popular culture.
The presidential campaign was oriented toward the way we elect the presidency, Electoral College, not the popular vote. The popular vote doesn't matter. This is not a direct democracy. We have a representative republic, and the popular vote doesn't matter and it never has, by design.
I was popular. I wasn't the most popular. But I definitely held my own.
With what's happened in the world the last three years, it's easier to see why it's become popular again to diminish and revile Arabs and Muslims in American popular culture.
Since Hillary Clinton won the popular vote, why are they complaining about the Russians hacking the election? I mean, Hillary wins the popular vote, what more can a hacker do than get you the majority of the popular vote? But yet they're running around complaining about the hackers and they're blaming the Russians for stealing the election.
What I like about popular culture is its accessibility, and I've covered popular songs because they are amazing things.
Journalism is popular, but it is popular mainly as fiction. Life is one world, and life seen in the newspapers is another. — © Gilbert K. Chesterton
Journalism is popular, but it is popular mainly as fiction. Life is one world, and life seen in the newspapers is another.
I was surprised that the TV series was popular itself, but after that it went on to become more popular over the years and thus it seemed eventually that they would turn it into a movie.
I didn't grow up the popular girl or the popular cheerleader. I've never been to a prom, I didn't have a lot of boyfriends, so I'm used to being on this side of life.
I used to get bullied by the popular girls at school. Today, I am the popular girl, and the bullies come to my shows.
Pop just means popular - it can be any genre, and if it becomes popular, then it's pop music.
I wanted to unite the popular and the serious, and to make a popular symphony, a popular oratorio.
We had an erector set, and I was an avid fan of Popular Mechanics and Popular Science magazines.
I know I'm not very popular on Long Island. I don't know who's less popular, me or Joey Buttafuoco.
If your only objective is to be popular, you're going to be popular but you will be known as the Prime Minister who achieved nothing.
My working hypothesis is that stupidity in popular culture is a constant. Popular culture cannot get more stupid.
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