Top 74 Porridge Quotes & Sayings

Explore popular Porridge quotes.
Last updated on September 19, 2024.
I grew up watching 'Porridge' and it's so loved, it was a daunting prospect to take on. Fortunately, it was written by the original writers, Dick Clement and Ian La Frenais, who are comedy gods.
I'm strict about taking nuts and dried fruit with me and, if I have access to milk, small packets of porridge to eat in a break.
Breakfast is just a bit of porridge, nothing that will upset the stomach. — © Daniel Dubois
Breakfast is just a bit of porridge, nothing that will upset the stomach.
The poor are discussed as this homogeneous mash, like porridge. The idea that they might be individuals, and be where they are for very different, diverse reasons, again seems to escape some people.
I never thrust my nose into other men's porridge. It is no bread and butter of mine; every man for himself, and God for us all.
Who spit in your porridge?
I'll have an omelette, porridge, and fruit for breakfast at the training ground, then chicken, pasta and soup for lunch; then I can relax in the evening.
Worried about a skin condition? Leap smartly into a bath of porridge.
I start the day with porridge, blueberries and maple syrup, or I'll puree some mango and throw in some banana slices, then sprinkle some granola and flaxseed on top.
On weekdays, I have whole oats mixed with almond milk, yogurt and berries. At times, I also opt for a bowl of almond milk and porridge.
It used to be standard practice that the pre-match meal consisted of egg, steak and chicken. But I talked them into changing to complex carbohydrates. So now they will sup on porridge, pasta or rice.
One of the difficulties in understanding the brain is that it is like nothing so much as a lump of porridge.
My breakfast is usually a wholegrain cereal or porridge, with walnuts sprinkled in it, berries, a tablespoon of honey, and chia seeds. I have coffee and a little cherry juice with seltzer. I have a seat by the window, and I look out at the view.
After swimming, I have breakfast. I start with a big bowl of porridge - say, 100 grams of oats - then some cereal, five or so pieces of fruit, an oat bar, a litre of fruit juice, and a big bag of beef jerky.
The early bird catches the worm. But I have never been one for worms. I am not sure what the late bird catches, but I will feast with him today. Probably porridge.
Date syrup is a natural sweetener that has wonderful richness and treacly depth; I drizzle it over semolina porridge.
I don't understand people who travel purely gastronomically, who book a Michelin-starred restaurant three months in advance and suddenly find themselves in Copenhagen or Barcelona with a zeitgeist plate of snail porridge.
As for cooking, I like making lasagne and spaghetti Bolognese, I have perfected my porridge, and I like making Sunday roasts.
I get up with the kids, get them ready for school and make everyone breakfast. Breakfast during the week consists of some sort of cooked grain with dried fruit, nuts and almond milk; I'm a fanatic about the kids eating their porridge!
I feel good when I stir something with a spurtle, but I don't make porridge very much in London. — © Fergus Henderson
I feel good when I stir something with a spurtle, but I don't make porridge very much in London.
I've been hyper-conscious about staying away from rubbish. I don't eat white bread, white rice or cereal unless it's porridge.
If I'm playing in the morning, I'll get some carbs early: porridge with chopped banana. If I'm playing in the afternoon, I'll start with less carbs and have some eggs and fruit for breakfast, then a light lunch about 90 minutes before I play, so I don't feel sluggish or full.
We are not interested in the fact that the brain has the consistency of cold porridge.
He receives comfort like cold porridge.
Nothing in this world is at it seems. Except, possibly, porridge.
The food that's never let me down in life is porridge, especially with milk and maple syrup, which is delicious. Paris isn't a porridge place, but I can buy it in London when I'm there and bring it back with me.
On fight day, I usually have peanut butter and porridge in the morning; bananas and a nice fruit salad. Then, as the day goes on, I'll have some carbs.
...the true spirit of gastronomic joylessness. Porridge fills the Englishman up, and prunes clear him out.
Skimmed milk was what they used to give to prisoners and workhouse inmates to go with their porridge and gruel. It's a punishment, not a drink.
Before training, I eat slow-release energy food, such as porridge or muesli, especially in the morning. Afterwards, I eat protein so my muscles are able to recover, such as a protein bar followed by a meal of chicken and vegetables. I always stay hydrated during workouts by drinking plenty of water throughout.
The Goldilocks Enigma is the idea that everything in the universe is just right for life, like the porridge in the fairy tale.
Literary tradition is full of lies about poverty-the jolly beggar, the poor but happy milkmaid, the wholesome diet of porridge, etc.
I am Amaxon Corazon Junia Principia Delgado the Third, and I bent over my meal and wept luxurious tears into my green banana porridge. It was a perfect decoction, and it now would not satisfy me.
I vividly remember throwing a bowl of porridge at my husband Rayne once when he defended the children instead of me - the patch on the ceiling stayed for years.
If I feel like I need comfort food, I'll have a bowl of porridge with honey, and instead of a sweet sugar fix, I'll eat a probiotic yogurt.
I've been eating a porridge of millet for breakfast, something that my doula recommended I eat. It doesn't taste that great, but it's supposed to be really nourishing for the baby, and you're not supposed to eat any gluten when you're pregnant. I've been making pancakes out of it and add berries.
I had one nanny who made me sit in front of a bowl of porridge for three or four days running when I refused to eat it. I remember being very unhappy about that.
On a weekday, I'll go for a big bowl of creamy porridge with almond butter and berries if I'm at home, or a super quick chia seed breakfast if I'm running out the door first thing.
I just want to be entertained. The stories that have aged the best are the ones where the wolf eats grandma, or the woman is going to bake children in an oven, or the bear is going to eat the girl for eating the porridge. There are lessons in there, but they're deeply engrained and hidden.
I like teff, an Ethiopian grain. It's not so popular in the States yet, but it's really good, almost like a porridge. And I love sushi, but it's not always that healthy, so I don't keep it at home.
All kids are fussy eaters - they go through phases where they'll only eat red food or they just want to eat porridge. With fussy kids, the best thing to do is use what they do like and work around it.
Interesting, he later reflected, was perhaps not the correct word.By the time he and Henry arrived back at the house for their midday meal-a scrumptious bowl of hot, sticky porridge-he had mucked out the stable stalls, milked a cow, been pecked by three separate hens, weeded a vegetable garden, and fallen into a trough.
At one time, the treatment for a certain kind of psychosis had been to push an ice pick up through the orbit of the eye, into the frontal lobe; the ice pick was then stirred around until it reduced the problematic brain tissue to non-functioning porridge.
I always have coffee and porridge for breakfast. — © Hans-Ulrich Obrist
I always have coffee and porridge for breakfast.
Porridge and the urban lifestyle don't mix well.
Faith is like porridge. Better with milk and honey.
Spare your breath to cool your porridge.
Breakfast is the most important meal for me. I love porridge, which I have with water, and some fruit, usually raspberries or melon. And I drink hot water with lemon and green tea.
By the time she had interpreted Harry's dreams at the top of her voice (all of which, even the ones that involved eating porridge, apparently foretold a gruesome and early death), he was feeling much less sympathetic toward her.
My perfect morning is spent drinking coffee, eating porridge and reading the paper at a local cafe.
The most used piece of kit in my kitchen is my saucepan. I use it every morning to cook my porridge in. The least used piece of equipment? I'd say a food mixer. I've never used it, I don't really know what they're for.
Oh madam, when you put bread and cheese, instead of burnt porridge, into these children's mouths, you may indeed feed their vile bodies, but you little think how you starve their immortal souls!
I'm bad with breakfast as I find it unlocks the eating door for the rest of the day, but sometimes I love a bowl of porridge with flaked coconut, crushed pistachios and a drizzle of honey.
I eat porridge all week, but Sundays are for something more exciting. I make a mean fry-up - to be honest that's pretty much all I can cook.
No one had told us that in L.A. we would get only American food. I had no choice but to eat rice porridge without any nutrition supplement, and that definitely affected my performance in the last 35 meters of my event since I couldn't sustain the energy level.
I would experiment with porridge - make porridge pancakes, fry porridge - and so friends started calling me 'Porridge.' But I got to feel that I was becoming a character, a work of fiction, in a sense.
Oh, youth is a wicked, cruel thing - eating miracles with its breakfast and not knowing they are not porridge. — © Elizabeth Bibesco
Oh, youth is a wicked, cruel thing - eating miracles with its breakfast and not knowing they are not porridge.
As a rule I start the day with a delicious health cocktail which includes soya protein powder, porridge oats, water, vitamin C, sunflower seeds and honey, plus Dr Udo's Ultimate Oil Blend for all the essential fatty acids your body needs.
Breakfast is a battle. I never feel like eating, but I have now found my way to porridge. I have it with full-fat milk and banana.
Your date is better in your pie and your porridge than in your cheek.
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