Top 164 Posting Quotes & Sayings

Explore popular Posting quotes.
Last updated on September 19, 2024.
It is an open secret that customs officers pay millions in bribes to secure the lucrative posting in the airport, cargo terminals or ports.
Twitter goes straight over my head, but I like the idea of posting pictures because they can say so much.
I get a lot of hate posting vegan, environment and pollution stuff. — © Aidan Gallagher
I get a lot of hate posting vegan, environment and pollution stuff.
You have to track every single thing you eat if you want to keep posting big numbers on the scale each week.
For me posting videos on YouTube and interacting with people on Twitter is a great release from the stresses of football.
My big pet peeve with people posting food - and I love it when people post food - but my number one thing is when you're posting at a restaurant, and it's dark, like a date night, food never looks good. Flash looks horrible, no flash looks horrible. It's important to only do food photos during daylight - and it's all about color with Instagram.
I am not the kind of person who narrates every aspect of my life on social media; it's about posting things that are important to me.
It's never your successful friends posting the inspirational quotes
The man who says his evening prayer is a captain posting his sentinels. He can sleep.
And remember don't high post when you're far from home, and high posting when you're all alone.
Hey ladies, I'm willing to do my part to end domestic violence by posting a selfie online. Some might call me a hero
I know pretty much all my analytics and I take that into consideration when I'm posting.
Through my Instagram, I'm always posting pictures of kitten fosters and if it inspires one person to go to his or her local shelter and adopt, it's worth it. — © Beth Ostrosky Stern
Through my Instagram, I'm always posting pictures of kitten fosters and if it inspires one person to go to his or her local shelter and adopt, it's worth it.
That's what I love about the Internet. Even if it's small-scale and you're just posting on a forum, that's an uncensored expression. That's what I love.
You are your main news platform, so no publication has as much power as you do about posting about yourself.
I really grew my own fan base. I started posting videos on YouTube with the help of my parents.
Twitter is just like posting old-fashioned press releases, and it can be very effective in promoting your business interests and charity work.
I'm not a high jumper, but you don't see guys intimidating me or posting me up.
People so often forget that their Instagram is more than just their latest post. Before posting, step back and look at the bigger picture, a.k.a. your 'flow.'
We're all posting and clicking and sharing, but we're not devoting enough attention to get anything meaningful from it all.
I wouldn't be posting videos of me in drag or doing a remake of Zoolander's orange mocha frappuccino scene if I didn't still like attention.
In my eyes, Twitter is not just about posting pictures of the clothes you wear. It's about connection with people who reach out to you, too.
I respect my privacy and don't believe in posting everything that goes in my life.
I have not flouted any rules on transfers or posting.
Posting information is like pornography, a slick, impersonal exhibition.
In the beginning [of my social media life], I started posting and someone I'm close to said, "you're only posting pictures of yourself in your grungy pajamas. You're an actress be aspirational." Then I was like, "I'm not living an aspirational life on a day-to-day basis." For a while after that I was only taking pictures of, like, objects.
I don't convey that I can be moody or a perfectionist or that I'm a nervous person, but I am all those things. It's just not going to shine through when you're posting a picture.
I am tired, Beloved, of chafing my heart against the want of you; of squeezing it into little inkdrops, And posting it.
I originally wrote 'The Martian' as a free serial novel, posting one chapter at a time to my website.
Environmental damage such as graffiti, fly-posting and general littering is a menace that is becoming all too prevalent, not just in inner cities but in many communities - urban and rural.
If you are posting your music on YouTube, maybe start with a popular cover done in a unique way.
With the release of the Dragon sensor... I have finished my mission. I am done posting. I will no longer be the face of Red.
Well yet, this life such as it is, yet we love it, and loath we are to end it; and if it be in hazard by the law, what running, riding, posting, suing, bribing, and if all will not serve, what breaking prison is there for it!
Paris is a Roach Motel for top American journalists: They check in, having won the plum foreign posting, but never leave.
In a recent Valentine's Day posting on her fan website, Britney Spears says that - oh, who cares?
Back in the '80s and '90s, when GM was consistently posting giant profits, they were simultaneously firing tens of thousands of workers in my hometown of Flint and across Michigan.
I started posting a few covers on SoundCloud in 2017, and that got me into contact with my producer who I still work with, Josh Fountain.
There are so many people I would love to meet and say thank you for posting their videos, because hearing their stories and everything comforted me. — © Troye Sivan
There are so many people I would love to meet and say thank you for posting their videos, because hearing their stories and everything comforted me.
Whenever I see a camera, I just want to perform for some reason. If I was getting paid for it or not, I would still be posting random videos of me on the Internet.
Experience teaches us that it is much easier to prevent an enemy from posting themselves than it is to dislodge them after they have got possession.
Twitter's more fast-paced. Instagram, it's more, like, lifestyle and posting very specific, cool pictures.
At 13, I loved how so many of my peers sang and played acoustic guitar, so I started recording videos with covers of famous songs and posting them online.
Now everyone leaking and tweeting and posting on everyone else is the acknowledged way to get ahead in the 21st century.
I can'?t live without posting pictures.
Honestly, I was posting videos just to have something to do.
I'm terrible at posting regularly; I don't deserve the blog success!
Krushna never has a problem with me posting sexy pictures on social media or doing bold photo shoots.
Posting a brag, humble or otherwise, and then waiting for people to respond is the equivalent of having a conversation in which all you do is wait for your turn to speak.
Everyone should know who is Varun's girlfriend and who is my boyfriend. We love to tease other by posting hot pictures of ourselves when we are apart. It keeps the spark alive.
As a legislator, I saw how effective I could be by being transparent, posting and explaining all of my votes. — © Justin Amash
As a legislator, I saw how effective I could be by being transparent, posting and explaining all of my votes.
When I used to put videos on MySpace, there'd always be someone posting something nasty. To those people, I'd send friend requests, and invariably, they accepted them.
I'm very active on Twitter and Instagram. I'm always posting pictures from set, and little clues and teasing people with fun things. It's awesome!
I wanted to highlight the destruction in Gaza by posting photos on my website - but on the internet, people only look at pictures of kittens.
Within half an hour of posting a piece on 'Slate,' I get a direct, often hostile and personal, response from readers.
I am tired, beloved, of chafing my heart against the want of you; of squeezing it into little ink drops, and posting it. And I scald alone, here, under the fire of the great moon.
I started posting on my social media super-young. I didn't really understand what it was. When I was about 15, I started posting behind-the-scenes of shoots, little things of me holding up the color corrector, cute things, me in a bikini. It was just all innocent and fun, and I saw people really starting to respond to it.
I don't like posting my opinion on social media and responding to controversies that might follow.
You are hugely responsible for people following you. You need to work out why you are posting, what the message is, and what you are doing to these people.
Virality, at its core, is asking someone to spend their social capital recommending or linking or posting about you for free.
After some time, my reputation preceded me each time I was given a new posting.
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