Top 164 Posting Quotes & Sayings - Page 2

Explore popular Posting quotes.
Last updated on September 19, 2024.
Mark, how the ready hands of Death prepare: His bow is bent, and he hath notch'd his dart; He aims, he levels at thy slumb'ring heart: The wound is posting, O be wise, beware.
Posting a letter and getting married [sic] are among the few things left that are entirely romantic; for to be entirely romantic, a thing must be irrevocable
When I was 13, I started posting songs every week that I'd written. They weren't fantastic, but people connected to them in some way. And that's the only way that I grow my audience as a writer.
We are entering into an age in which visual language is defined by a dialogue between photographers and audiences. This means not just the democratic posting of images but the democratic interpretation of images.
YouTube is the vlogs and my life, then Instagram is comedy skits and pictures that I take. Twitter's text, and Instagram Stories is even more behind-the-scenes vlog stuff. I'm always posting.
Everybody's got their phone up and everybody's taking recordings and posting it on YouTube and whatever and sending it to you, and it gets shown around the world. — © Franklin Graham
Everybody's got their phone up and everybody's taking recordings and posting it on YouTube and whatever and sending it to you, and it gets shown around the world.
Taxpayers have put more than $24 trillion on the line to resuscitate Wall Street after the economic meltdown of last year. With the help of this massive taxpayer support, the nation's largest banks are posting record profits.
I'm going to continue posting on my YouTube, which is So I mean, if I get signed and come out with an album, it would be just another... that is a goal of mine.
Facebook may not only propagate cyber-loneliness but exacerbate the pain of loss that estranged family members feel when they hear only indirectly, through a third-party posting, news of a child or parent with whom they have not spoken in years.
If you ever plan to run for office, if you're a teenager, remember everything you do, every tweet, every Facebook posting, every picture you put on Instagram will be there forever for journalists and politicians - for your competition to dig up.
I'm friends with Taylor Swift, and I am tired of people asking me questions about our friendship. When I post a picture of us on Instagram, I'm posting a picture of me and my friend.
Now, for pure bloggers, for individual people who are just posting their own thoughts, they would still run the same risk of saying something wrong or embarrassing, but they wouldn't harm their institutions by doing so.
I've been writing a lot more, I believe, because of the Internet. I've been posting stuff that I've written and I've just been writing.
Even though I am sympathetic to newspapers, I am not entirely convinced by the newspapers' claim that Google News violates fair use standards in posting snippets from news articles on its site.
I started posting covers online and having this crazy determination about what I wanted to do and just went for it. I was like, 'Okay, no one else can create my future for me, and no one can get what I want for me, so I have to go out and get it myself.'
It's not a lack of competence that is preventing the [Barack] Obama administration from stopping these attacks. It is political correctness. We didn't monitor the Facebook posting of the female San Bernardino terrorist. She made a public call to jihad, and they didn't target it.
I decided to start a YouTube channel a while ago and it kind of failed because I stopped posting and forgot about it. So a few years later I decided I wanted to make one for real with a team behind me. So that's what I did and I love it!
Online one day, you log in, and you realise, 'This is not me.' Everything you're posting, you're doing it in the context of everything you've posted before. Let's delete everything, save the stuff that's important, and then you only have to organise the one per cent that's worth keeping.
I feel like I'm part of a generation of people who are stuck in the past and are really self-absorbed. I mean, we're actually taking pictures of ourselves and posting them on Facebook, and keeping in touch with people that should have been out of our lives 15 years ago.
You're on set for 15 hours, and then you go home and make sure you're posting the right stuff on social media, and then you answer your e-mails. It never stops. — © Gigi Hadid
You're on set for 15 hours, and then you go home and make sure you're posting the right stuff on social media, and then you answer your e-mails. It never stops.
Like with MySpace and everything, my dad didn't even know what that was. And then all of a sudden, Twitter came around and he was taking pictures of my new tattoos and posting them and I was like, what's going on? I've never seen this happen before!
I have done a pretty good job of partitioning my life digitally, posting utterances and stories that I'm happy to share with anyone on Twitter, leaving a few sparse comments and 'Likes' on Facebook (I'm not a huge user of the service, I'll be honest), and sending any number of photos to thousands of 'followers' on Instagram and Tumblr.
I can get a script and go, "Well, I'd rather do stand-up." I don't hold movies in higher regard. I love making videos and posting. I love TV.
I wasn't trying to write a book; it wasn't even in my vision. I was posting stuff online just because it made me feel relieved - as a way of getting things off my chest.
When I don't have anything to say, I don't publish. Rather than posting something that's not very interesting, it's best to wait until you have something that really inspires you and makes you laugh.
I've cried multiple times after posting a video. So much work goes into each video that I don't know how I'm still alive.
With stagnant hourly wages, the only way for working families to get ahead is by working more hours, ... certainly not the path to improving living standards that we'd expect in an economy posting strong productivity gains.
Instagram is my favorite! It's interactive and a fun way to stay connected to my friends, family and fans. I love posting photos from family trips, property visits, previews of my collections, everything!
Two Klansmen were working for NORAD monitoring U.S. air space for missile attacks. I contacted the Pentagon, and the next day, they were reassigned to a posting near the North Pole.
With social media, people share mostly their best moments. Don't feel like you're not doing enough when you see a mom posting about making applesauce after you bought it. Ha ha! It's fine! Just for raising a little human being, you should be commended.
Standing up for national anthem doesn't make you an Indian. Posting flags on social networks doesn't make you an Indian.
We live in a country where posting 'Let's riot or something bruv!' on Facebook will get you a couple of years in prison, while writing a column saying we should bomb Syria is practically an entrance exam for public intellectuals.
I had the lyric 'Chip Don't Go' and a few words, and my wife came in and said that it sounded like a good song. I thought I'd finish writing it up and posting it to YouTube. I didn't realize it was going to take off like it did.
I know some of my memories are made up and they are far more powerful than the things that actually happened. For example, I always remember my brother posting me a copy of 'Dubliners' from Africa, but he says he never did.
In at least one way we are atypical bloggers. That’s because we just keep on posting. The typical blogger, like most people who go on diets and budgets, quits after a few months, weeks, or in many cases, days.
Young people who were relaxed about posting every detail of their life on Facebook become a lot less relaxed when they realise just how transparent their life has become to future employers.
Mitt Romney speaking to a $50,000-a-plate Republican fundraiser says he doesn't have to worry about the 47 per cent of Americans who don't pay tax. He was not counting on the smart phone recording his speech and then posting it on YouTube.
The Internet is far more engaging as an interactive medium than broadcast. Barriers to creating content are going away; they're almost gone. People are taking control of their entertainment. People are Tweeting, posting on Facebook and YouTube.
Copyright and Trademark are completely different things. Copyright prevents anyone from copying this article and posting it somewhere else. Copyright happens instantaneously the moment I write something down that is unique and from my brain. Trademarks are far more restrictive.
If it suits [God] to be a deity that we must seek without being forced to, would it not have been sensible for him to use the mechanism of evolution without posting obvious road signs to reveal his role in creation?
Instagram is not an option for me. I have an Instagram - like relationship with a few people, some of whom I've only met once. We e-mail each other a picture every week. But I cannot deal with posting it. It's a very personal message for me.
People were buying milk, or filling their cars with petrol, or even posting letters. And what no one else knew was the appalling weight of the thing they were carrying inside. The superhuman effort it took sometimes to be normal, and a part of things that appeared both easy and everyday. The loneliness of that.
When 8chan came back online, it was extremely unstable. I was trying to post on it to see if it worked. And it was not working at all for me, but somehow, Q' was posting. And that was kind of the moment for me that sealed the deal If they had not already been controlling it before, they were controlling it now.
Guys like Andre Miller and Kevin Garnett - they're posting up hoping a second guy will run at them so they can pass. You're better just playing one-on-one in the post if you can.
I barely ever reread the chapter before posting, because I overthink things, and I feel like overediting or trying to use too many words can ruin the story. — © Anna Todd
I barely ever reread the chapter before posting, because I overthink things, and I feel like overediting or trying to use too many words can ruin the story.
Today, you can gain a bunch of followers doing a dance in a cute bikini, and suddenly, you're a superstar. Or you could just be a beautiful girl posting pictures of yourself and get discovered that way.
There is a reasonable concern that posting raw data can be misleading for those who are not trained in its use and who do not have the broader perspective within which to place a particular piece of data that is raw.
I think an online presence is super important. I find new artists and songs I like on socials or Spotify. It's really how people find you. I don't take posting on socials very seriously though.
Being depressed is not a beautiful tragedy - it's hell and it's agony. Posting photos of someone that you don't have the consent for is illegal, and that's a huge, huge issue. We need to be teaching consent, and that's not just for photos.
I've played music since I was six, and I always wrote songs just for myself. I did it for fun, posting songs on Tumblr, Bandcamp, and Soundcloud. I didn't think anyone would notice.
I think, for a lot of people, the point is to get high engagement and likes on their photos, so I think it's just good marketing. But at the same time, if you're posting pictures and you look nothing like your pictures, then it's false advertising.
The most important part of any CrossFit workout is posting about it endlessly on social media. How about you just brag about all the kettlebell burpees you did to the other whackos in your cult?
What is our capability when someone posts a public social media posting that says that they're going to conduct attacks on the United States on behalf of the Islamic State. Why can't we pick up that information and then stop that act of terror?
Social media is a huge struggle for my generation in general - it's a lot of pressure! Even having an Instagram is stressful. You have to make it look cool, posting it at the right time, and it's become its own job and not something where you connect with people.
Social media has changed everything. Since we're talking about what we do when we wake up and posting it, we're talking about where we go on Sundays. It's not just about where you work anymore. It's about your life.
I try to be the most versatile player on the court. If that means being a four and posting up, I'll do that. If it means playing on the wing, I can do that too. — © Zion Williamson
I try to be the most versatile player on the court. If that means being a four and posting up, I'll do that. If it means playing on the wing, I can do that too.
Not long after I started posting the first 'Nimona' pages online, a literary agent reached out to me, and I ended up signing with him before I returned to school for my senior year.
All coffee shops now have WiFi. Why bring a book when you could be wittily attacking some idiot columnist on Twitter, or responding to your date requests, or posting a picture of your foot? All of that is more gripping and immediate and social than books.
The Internet is manic. It's very strange. I don't think it's healthy. They should outlaw posting comments! It's a bummer to go somewhere to get information or buy tickets and you encounter profanity everywhere you go.
It's important to do anything you can to support the causes that you care about. I think something as small as posting articles on social media or having important conversations with your friends are ways of getting your voice out there!
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