Top 1200 Power Of Speech Quotes & Sayings - Page 2

Explore popular Power Of Speech quotes.
Last updated on September 30, 2024.
Free speech is meaningless unless it tolerates the speech that we hate.
Pleasant speech yields joy to all, and observing this, is there any need for unpleasant speech?
I am not content to entrust our free-speech rights to the good graces and whims of Congress and hope that politicians don't abuse their power. — © Ted Cruz
I am not content to entrust our free-speech rights to the good graces and whims of Congress and hope that politicians don't abuse their power.
Together, we must all remember that one of the most effective responses to hate speech is more speech.
Where there is a great deal of free speech there is always a certain amount of foolish speech.
Free speech has been used by the Supreme Court to give immense power to the wealthiest members of our society.
In liberal society we claim that freedom of speech is sacred and therefore has an absolute character. But we know (or should know) that "free speech" inhabits a structured space: not only is "hate speech" legally forbidden in liberal societies, but there are also laws protecting the circulation of copyrighted material, and the reproduction of trademarks and patents without explicit permission.
To me, freedom of speech and debate are necessary inputs in solving any of our nation's problems, from homelessness and economic inequality to banking, the environment, and national security. Freedom of speech is what Larry Lessig would call a 'root' issue; working on free speech is striking at a root issue.
Each part of speech a spark awaiting redemption, each a virtue, a power in abeyance.
Products are a form of speech, and free speech must be fiercely protected, even if we disagree with some of the voices.
Advertising is speech. It's regulated because it's often effective speech.
Very often in free speech cases you find yourself defending material that you personally detest, because of course it's no trick to defend the free speech of people you either agree with or who don't particularly upset you. It's when people really upset you that you discover if you believe in free speech or not.
Free speech should never mean hate speech. — © Luciana Berger
Free speech should never mean hate speech.
Silence has sometimes a remarkable power of showing itself as the disembodied soul of feeling wandering without its carcase, and it is then more impressive than speech.
I generally feel that the solution to speech that people find offensive is more speech. You should talk about it, discuss it.
He gave man speech, and speech created thought, Which is the measure of the universe.
I have long suspected that the power of speech is not a power at all, but a mere form of hysteria from which the living that really know the truth never suffer because they do not fear life or death as we do and can afford to be calm and silent. The frailest flower that blooms knows that it will rise from the dead in the next season's sun, breathe, feel again the dew and rain. Therefore these little ones make no such tragedy as we do of death.
Music has been called the speech of the angels; I will go farther and call it the speech of God Himself.
Liberals love to screech about 'free speech,' but it's pretty clear to most of us that they don't really tolerate any speech but theirs.
Antonin Scalia knows that freedom of speech has consequences. And the consequences of freedom of speech are speech you don't like, that you don't want to hear, that you don't want to listen to.
I'm defending free speech pretty much all over the place because you still have freedom of speech.
While even pornography is protected as free speech, the courts have consciously undermined religious speech and freedom of religion for years.
The mark of solitude is silence, as speech is the mark of community. Silence and speech have the same inner correspondence and difference as do solitude and community. One does not exist without the other. Right speech comes out of silence, and right silence comes out of speech.
Speech and prose are not the same thing. They have different wave-lengths, for speech moves at the speed of light, where prose moves at the speed of the alphabet, and must be consecutive and grammatical and word-perfect. Prose cannot gesticulate. Speech can sometimes do nothing more.
Our job isn't to defend freedom of speech, but without freedom of speech we are dead. We can't live in a country without freedom of speech. I prefer to die than live like a rat.
Freedom of speech doesn't protect speech you like; it protects speech you don't like.
Flag-burning is plain wrong, and I'll stand up for free speech - even speech I don't like.
Private religious speech can't be discriminated against. It has to be treated equally with secular speech.
I indeed had only one scene, one speech, one little speech, but it was with Robin Williams.
Language is neither reactionary nor progressive; it is quite simply fascist; for fascism does not prevent speech, it compels speech.
We have ways to protect the public when free speech crosses over in hate speech.
If someone offends you by speech, you must learn to defend yourself by speech.
He possessed the power. He held it in his hand. A power stronger than the power of money or the power of terror or the power of death: the invincible power to command the love of mankind. There was only one thing that power could not do: it could not make him able to smell himself.
The court has said you are entitled to robust speech on public sidewalks, even insulting speech.
The right to free speech is more important than the content of the speech.
Political speech is indispensable to decision-making in a democracy, and this is no less true because the speech comes from a corporation rather than an individual.
Dr. King gave the "I have a dream" speech, not the "I have a plan" speech.
Hate speech and freedom of speech are two different things. — © Leslie Jones
Hate speech and freedom of speech are two different things.
The solution to voters potentially being misled by a judicial candidate's political speech is more speech - not government censorship.
Much speech is one thing, well-timed speech is another.
Half the sorrows of women would be averted if they could repress the speech they know to be useless-nay, the speech they have resolved not to utter.
It is poverty's speech that seeks us out the most. It is older than the oldest speech of Rome. This is the tragic accent of the scene.
Speak only the speech that neither torments self nor does harm to others. That speech is truly well spoken.
The spoken discourse may roll on strongly as the great tidal wave; but, like the wave, it dies at last feebly on the sands. It is heard by few, remembered by still fewer, and fades away, like an echo in the mountains, leaving no token of power. It is the written human speech, that gave power and permanence to human thought.
Free speech is against governments, not against the NBA. So the players and coaches and indeed owners have been fined for their speech, which is costly rather than free. I sort of acknowledge that there is not free speech when you agree to work in the NBA.
The centralization of power in Washington, which nearly all members of Congress deplore in their speech and then support by their votes, steadily increases.
A law imposing criminal penalties on protected speech is a stark example of speech suppression.
The solution when you don't like someone's speech is not to silence that person, or that corporation. It's more and louder speech of your own. — © Michael Kinsley
The solution when you don't like someone's speech is not to silence that person, or that corporation. It's more and louder speech of your own.
The best answer to bad speech is good speech
Just at the age 'twixt boy and youth, When thought is speech, and speech is truth.
The remedy for the abuse of free speech is more speech.
The most effective way to combat speech you don’t like is with speech.
Greek is the embodiment of the fluent speech that runs or soars, the speech of a people which could not help giving winged feet toits god of art. Latin is the embodiment of the weighty and concentrated speech which is hammered and pressed and polished into the shape of its perfection, as the ethically minded Romans believed that the soul also should be wrought.
True and False are attributes of speech, not of things. And where speech is not, there is neither Truth nor Falsehood.
Do you remember what Darwin says about music? He claims that the power of producing and appreciating it existed among the human race long before the power of speech was arrived at. Perhaps that is why we are so subtly influenced by it. There are vague memories in our souls of those misty centuries when the world was in its childhood.' That's a rather broad idea,' I remarked. One's ideas must be as broad as Nature if they are to interpret Nature,' he answered.
Because of the free speech clause in the First Amendment, which is very clear, "The government shall make no law abridging freedom of speech," and it literally is about political speech. You can say anything you want about politics, a candidate, and the government cannot stop you. And the Democrats hate that.
How any human being ever has had the impudence to speak against the right to speak, is beyond the power of my imagination. Here is a man who speaks-who exercises a right that he, by his speech, denies. Can liberty go further than that? Is there any toleration possible beyond the liberty to speak against liberty-the real believer in free speech allowing others to speak against the right to speak?
Active liberty is particularly at risk when law restricts speech directly related to the shaping of public opinion, for example, speech that takes place in areas related to politics and policy-making by elected officials. That special risk justifies especially strong pro-speech judicial presumptions. It also justifies careful review whenever the speech in question seeks to shape public opinion, particularly if that opinion in turn will affect the political process and the kind of society in which we live.
'Free speech' isn't speech at all if it's being used without listening, attention, or care.
Whoever thinks that he alone has speech, or possesses speech or mind above others, when unfolded such men are seen to be empty.
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