Top 281 Pragmatic Quotes & Sayings

Explore popular Pragmatic quotes.
Last updated on September 19, 2024.
My mother is deeply pragmatic by nature. Perhaps you had to be, as an immigrant. You made do.
I have no Napoleonic dream. I'm just hard-working and pragmatic.
I'm really pragmatic. That's my reality. — © Kate Brown
I'm really pragmatic. That's my reality.
But principles defended at the expense of pragmatic application is the business of priests.
I think ultimately is, Donald Trump is pragmatic.
People say you must be pragmatic, more clinical. More pragmatic than me? I'm sorry.
People ask me if I'm liberal or conservative. I say neither - I'm pragmatic.
Dream in a pragmatic way.
Irish people are pragmatic. They understand that nobody is going to fix our problems but ourselves.
Flowers would be wasted on me. I don't like valentines. I don't need gifts. I'm a pragmatic romantic.
I want to support John Boehner in any way that I can, but we need to be pragmatic.
I try to be pragmatic.
Eleanor Marx was a pragmatic person of actions and deeds and she was an organizer. — © Rachel Holmes
Eleanor Marx was a pragmatic person of actions and deeds and she was an organizer.
The Korean economic miracle was the result of a clever and pragmatic mixture of market incentives and state direction.
Progress must not become progressivism, where success is measured only by achieving pragmatic results.
I've learned to be pragmatic, but I don't sacrifice my principles, my values.
I'm pragmatic. I like efficiency. I want to read what's in front of me and not have my hands tied.
We act in a pragmatic and careful manner. We reduce spending on budget items that do not constitute a priority.
I am a passionate, pragmatic, and positive believer in Brexit, and with my three-step plan, we can decisively leave the E.U.
We are not socialists, we are Peronists. We are pragmatic.
Bill Clinton is a classic, old-school Southern pragmatic Democrat.
American politics are normally a result of pragmatic and not philosophical reasoning. No one in Washington has said we now prefer multilateralism.
I'm very pragmatic.
I think it's a good thing that we can have relatively non-partisan political conversations because I don't think that my premier necessarily should agree with everything the federal NDP says. I don't think she should disagree with everything the federal Conservatives say. I think that Albertans and Canadians as a whole, as I always say, are looking for pragmatic politicians with pragmatic solutions to their problems, and they want the best ideas to move forward, regardless of who has that idea.
I think I'm pragmatic.
For me taking a pragmatic decision when it comes to art is almost an oxymoron. The reason I first picked up a pen and wrote a story had nothing pragmatic in it.
We need a government that is what we are at our best. Smart, efficient, pragmatic and compassionate.
For me, dreaming is simply being pragmatic.
I don't think the U.S. military is conservative. It's pragmatic.
The purpose of this study is to offer a logical, practical, pragmatic proof of the existence of God from a purely scientific perspective.
I've got to confess I'm a pragmatic optimist myself.
An overly pragmatic attitude is not productive on the long run.
I am Brexit tooth and claw, but we need to be pragmatic and sensible and leave with a deal.
Well, I mean, I'm very much a pragmatic person.
I think Mr. Trump is a pragmatic man; he is a businessman.
My dad, when he was young, did Shakespeare in school, and my mom was a little bit of an artist, but everybody was pragmatic.
I am far more pragmatic than the stereotype of the sex permits.
Americans are pragmatic, relatively uncomplicated, hearty and given to broad humor. — © Herb Caen
Americans are pragmatic, relatively uncomplicated, hearty and given to broad humor.
My father has a pragmatic mind. He marched with Dr King in the 60s, and he's very much for women's rights.
America needs a bipartisan foreign policy that is predictable, pragmatic, and understandable.
My father has a pragmatic mind. He marched with Dr. King in the '60s, and he's very much for women's rights.
My mum is a bit unconventional; she's outdoorsy and has more of an emotional intelligence, whereas my dad is pragmatic; he's a businessman.
My mother was pragmatic, focused and extremely, exceedingly practical, and she was the ultimate self-determining person.
For strictly scientific or technological purposes all this is irrelevant. On a pragmatic view, as on a religious view, theory and concepts are held in faith. On the pragmatic view the only thing that matters is that the theory is efficacious, that it 'works' and that the necessary preliminaries and side issues do not cost too much in time and effort. Beyond that, theory and concepts go to constitute a language in which the scientistic matters at issue can be formulated and discussed.
The three branches of somaesthetics: the analytic study of the body's role in perception, experience, and action and thus in our mental, moral, and social life; the pragmatic study of methodologies to improve our body-mind functioning and thus expand our capacities of self-fashioning; and the practical branch that investigates such pragmatic methods by testing them on our own flesh in concrete experience and practice.
I'm pragmatic.
I feel like I'm a relentless, pragmatic, determined optimist.
I'm interested in light. It's a very direct, pragmatic, American, rather naive approach. — © James Turrell
I'm interested in light. It's a very direct, pragmatic, American, rather naive approach.
I have a fairly pragmatic view on all those bullies that came before, because everybody makes you who you are now.
I am a very pragmatic person.
The worst crimes are not committed by evil degenerates, but by decent and intelligent people taking 'pragmatic' decisions.
Protecting free speech is not only a matter of principle, it is also pragmatic.
However pragmatic you are, it is very demanding being a new parent.
I don't believe in that kind of pragmatic career ladder stuff.
Patrick sort of had a very pragmatic, practical, Ed-like approach and went down to see.
I am not against being pragmatic, because it is pragmatic to make a good pass, not a bad one. If I have the ball, what do I do with it? Could anybody argue that a bad solution like just kicking it away is pragmatic just because, sometimes, it works by accident?
To score runs you have to be pragmatic.
I have a sort of long-term plan to direct. I'm pragmatic about it. I realize I don't need to rush it or force it.
I would consider myself conservative but sensible and pragmatic.
Even the most pragmatic person fell victim at times to a longing for something other.
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